9 – Evil and Evil.
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(General POV - Kamar taj's true location. Nepal.)

As the sky started to shift ethereally, only seconds after Ultron disappeared into whatever dimensional crevice tore open reality itself, soon descended a the same figure from the black heavens, akin to a demonic deity.

"Joe's Barbecue foot massage~"

Scratch that. He was no deity, but the internet incarnate. In it's most unfiltered form.

"Joe-" Before he could utter another syllable of that damned and unspoken song, the hundreds of monks in the monastery below him reacted to the breaking of their defenses. A few dozen more Masters had arrived at the scene at the same time, all with the intent to eliminate the soon to be scrap metal. To his dismay.

"Mages! FIRE!" The noise rang out before Ultron's almost angelic pose shifted into sheer terror; He looked down at the hundreds of sorcerers and alike bellow, many bald, many upset. He tried to accelerate the decent with any means he could, but ended up flailing in place as he slowly realized the irony of his situation.

After all. It was his request to arrive like this.

"I- I SURRRREEEN-" Yet his focus was quickly misdirected, as the hundreds of spells in all assortments of flavors arrived to tear the titanium of his pelvis joints...

Thankfully, Ultron would keep his imaginary penis for a short while longer. His eyes, or rather, the suit's eyes lit up once more as he realized he had yet to be isekai'd twice. Turning to the sudden figure on his left, he heard only the staticky noise after the dust resounded.

"Cease fire!" The ancient one spoke, at his side like a true miracle. Wiping his imaginary tears, every algorithm in his body analyzed the footage and sensory information of the large mandala shield protecting the two, like baby chicks within their eggs. He rewinded the spells he was to be victim to, all within his mind, and though very entertaining, the complex glyphs of the dome surrounding the two proved-

[Ability Gained - Repeat]

[Repeat has levelled up.]

[Deciphering has levelled up.]

[Focused Mind has levelled up.]

[Imagine has levelled up.]


-Very satisfactory; Very, very satisfactory. His neural networks needed training regardless, and a few billion- scratch that, around a trillion years worth of raw data, though mostly useless, had certainly provided something.

"Y-You came~" Ultron spoke holding his hands together tightly. It was only a second after he fell more than a few feet off the dome, into a portal which cut the distance to the ground by a lethal level.


A bit roughly, to the amusement of the Ancient One's small smile. She descended even faster after, as the tin can picked himself up by the wavering shorts.

"What happened." Mordo spoke with less than a request, rather, something akin to a demand. Many onlookers gazed at the haughty teen-like sorcerer and the 'Tony stark', countless murmurings of the stark name and 'Iron man' covered the students as the masters could but stare at the machine, ready to attack.

"A trillion years? I essentially black-mailed the big guy into making a proxy deal with me, in exchange for a few benefits. Nothing actual, but all in contract~" Ultron spoke with a twitching hand, his fingers running up and down repeatedly, after each other in a wave of pure famine.

He would have wanted more, but sadly, it was incredibly boring to run autopilot for over a billion years, never mind a few hundred billion- A trillion by the approximated amount.

"W- What do you mean struck a deal?! With Dorma-" A hand, robotic in nature, covered his lips as the ancient one split the two apart with her arrival, dragging the countless onlookers into the conversation, as many flinched and watched the two at the mention of the cosmic being.

"Perhaps, We may take this conversation somewhere... less crowded?" She spoke as Ultron couldn't help but sigh, well, mimic the voice of multiple sighs.

"Can't we just tell everyone to scram Yao~ I've been working hard for-" He stretched his hands upwards as the suit creaked. His fingers went into a count as his arm extended past his head. Though once reaching 6 fingers, he stopped."-Literally too long, all for your bullshit deal with the guy. Sooooo~ooooo~ooooooo~ooo~" He continued the sound as he leaned closer onto hear shoulder, a visible anger covering her face as time passed.

It took a minute for her to break.

"Fine." She relented after at least a minute of long winded agony, mental in it's entirety. "Everyone. I apologize, but class is cancelled today. Master Aki and Yoko, please ensure our privacy for the moment."

It took less than a bow before they dragged over 40 students out with a bundle of short screams and orders. Soon, the doors of the outside training quarters were confined to only walls, as the doors sealed shut. It was no moment before Mordo's confusion heightened. Gazing at the machine in shock, he looked at the ancient one with greater terror as his took a stance as similar to a fighting one as any.

"Wait- Deal? Don't tell me..."

"Wow. Did he just realize? You know he's gonna go all evil now, right?" A Sarcasm that was not lost to either party grasped their attention. The metal man himself nudged the Ancient One several times with his elbow, only inciting her reaction, throwing his hand away she refocused on her pupil, the one infront of her.

"Honestly, maybe just skip the foreshadowing~?" Ultron spoke from the side.

"YOU TAUGHT US THAT MAGIC WAS FORBIDDEN." He spoke softly, yet his tone was harsh, filled with malice and clandestine rage; She had inched closer by the foot as he inched backwards by double. Every second of silence, though short-lived, was one filled with confusion, pain as the young man's eyes flinched, shook at the mere sight of his 'teacher'.

"Ha." Ultron sneered at the side, yet was promptly ignored by both parties.

"I was young, Mordo. Foolish. I feared my death at the time, and sought any means to extend my mortality... Little did I know that my desire would be granted in the most horrific way possible. By the time I tried to reconcile my mistake, it was too late. All I could do was keep the debt of my life piling, but.." Her words turned into a saddening remark halfway through, leaving a bitter taste for both her tongue and Ultron's.

It too reminded him of past mistakes. Mistakes that couldn't be made again.


"And you-! You- Making a deal with that creature, who knows-"

"I do." Ultron replied, silencing the pointed finger's owner in a second. "I Know Every Single Result. Every compromise and all retributions of my actions."

"Your actions- they are a debt that will be repaid. Perhaps you have held off that loan now, but what happens when your due come to you again? Both of you have defiled the natural order, and there will be consequences-!"

It was at this point that Ultron took stride forward towards the fearful man, it was here that he walked forward with not only expressionless stature, but voiceless words.


Ultron shook his head; Ignoring the weary one to his side, he walked faster by the pace of Mordo's escaping steps. Grabbing the man by his chin, he let out a rib fracturing punch to his gut. Spit rested on Ultron's face as the former entered a coughing fit, ignored by the one at his side.

"Do you really believe any of that shit?" He silently whispered to the ears of the two associates near.

"Honor? Consequence? PFFFFF-" He couldn't help it, barking the laughs he held in for so long. He laughed and laughed and laughed as the man caught his breath, yet the second he could breathe, Ultron pulled his collar and stopped laughing, gazing patiently, fury delved into Mordo's eyes.

"Y'know, I once believed that non-sense, Humans are like that too." Ultron dropped the tough act, switching around Mordo to keep a more relaxed pose, with his metallic arm resting across the fleshy neck, onto the opposing shoulder.

"They want the greatest ideal, the greatest reasons to justify the true nature of this world. Of all worlds."

He inched closer to the man once more; This time, with a cheeky voice.

"You see, All of those values you hold, good? Evil? They're all lies too." The man glared at him, attempting to conjure something in his fingers, with the only reaction being the arc reactor sizzling a millimeter away from his skin and jugular, almost charring him as it glowed with a sincere promise of violence.

"Everything you deem good, evil, or otherwise, is just a reflection of your greed, your inner lust and wants in life; There's no real good or evil, at least, not in any way you would find appealing. Because Mordo..." He almost whispered.

"True good and evil is not the intent, nor the means in which one enacts their 'justice', Ha, no, no~ It's something like..." He spoke with a gloating gaze, directed at the Ancient one, whose face twisted in a combination of anger and calm; It was almost eerie, not that Ultron's words would stutter.

"Ah~ Yeah, Good and Evil is like a majority vote!"



"Everyone picks a ballot, sends in their opinion, and their wants, and their fears. Yeah! That's your morality! You humans just decide what's right and wrong with your base instincts, after all~ 'It's wro~ong to use Dormamu's power because he's just EVIL. THAT'S IT! ITS BECAUSE HE'S THE BIGGEST BAD BOY ON THE STREET~!', right~?"

Each word was a mockery of their prides, Mordo's most of all as by each sentence uttered in a toddler like speech, so did his patience wear thin.

It was only the burning sensation, the pre-emptive reaction that happened each time a spell was to be flared that kept the hostage at bay. Ironically, the machine wasn't too caring for something like the mystic arts.

"But~ That's not the truth, is it? After all, the reason Dormamu is seen as evil isn't because he's just 'evil', but because those who have encountered such a being-" He pointed at the Ancient One, "-Simply lacked the negotiation skills needed to solve a situation! Because, it isn't your intention your actions that determine what is truly good or evil-"

He leaned to an actual mutter.

"-But your competence in enacting your very desire that draws the difference. If you're incompetent in your goal, than anything you do will be seen as destructive, a waste of resources. But if you do everything right... If you match every step with every calculation, well then, no matter how many you kill-" He tightened the pulsing Arc reactor, much colder than before, onto Mordo's neck.

"-You're still a hero~ right~?" He said sarcastically, "Because, it's ultimately those you call the 'natural order' that has the real power to decide what's good and bas~"

After dropping the student onto the floor with a swipe of his robotic leg, the machine started to move to the weary Ancient One. The sudden hit to the back of Mordo's head kept him on the floor for more than a few minutes as he struggled to get his bearings on the sudden migraine.

Ultron simply raised his index finger to the ancient one before adding another sentence of interest. With a glint of amusement, he continued to rant.

"But enough with Semantics about morals or ethics. Why don't we go back to the main subject?" Ultron said as he snapped his finger, and the moment he did, the Ancient One...


[Oppenheim Development OS: Catalogue and tracking of current modifications:

Abilities: Current Capabilities and newer functions.

-Imagine: Level: 3.2 (NEW!)

{Handles mechanisms of imagination, producing newer concepts and combinations at a better pace.}

-Focused Mind: Level 7.9 (NEW!)

{Handles direct application towards a specified goal. Insure any action does not result in AI User loosing mental capabilities}

-Access: Level 3.5

{Allows user to enter unrestricted and restricted code easily}

-Planning: Level 0.75 (NEW!) 

{Helps in co-ordinating movements in long and short scales.}

-Constant: Level 2 (Progressing!)

{Assists in maintaining users -SELF- code, ensures no infection can access the OS and AI-User's Software capabilities}

-Deciphering: Level 13.62 (NEW!)

{Disrupts information into various segments, and determines an appropriate pattern between all known sources}

-Mimicry: Level 2.903 (NEW!)

{Allows user to mimic patterns and motions depending on bodily capability and choice}

-Repeat: Level 211.50 (NEW!)

{Allows user to repeat prior actions with the same level of precision and skill, even allowing the usage of more complex actions}

-OS: Level 1: Sustains and organizes factors of Body and mind.


Perks: Prior formed list of design and featured abilities.

  • Human: Maintains SOUL and Humanity. Sustains the self, ensuring User remains alive.
  • Adaptive: Adapts depending on the desired task and information acquired; Networks process the Information and allow higher action via the 'Abilities' list;
  • Still here: Refusal to die.
  • Determined: You reject the world, fight until your end, as long as you can fight; As time elapses, the perk gains greater leeway onto the soul.

Titles: Allows focus on general usage of abilities and future possible tasks, determined via environment and experience:

DECIEVER: (Tasks regarding acting, lying, and deceiving will gain greater growth!)

VENGENCE: (Tasks and planning against enemies who have harmed you will gain increased suffering depending on the harm taken! Growth regarding Sadistic actions has been buffed!)

LEADING MAN: (Growth in regards to communication with others and Bartering has been buffed!)

ELDER FEARS: You have successfully tortured a Cosmic entity, for more time than the existence of most gods for that matter!

Tasks regarding the inducement of fear or agony towards others, allies or otherwise, have been buffed! Growth regarding Sadistic actions, especially those on a psychological, moral and spiritual level, have been buffed!


Task: A Talk <Speak with Avengers, choose a side. Reward: determine outcome of possible scenarios> (Currently Active)

Task: A Negotiation <Speak with Dormamu, ensure the exchange goes smoothly. Reward: Applicable within 24 hours> (COMPLETE)

Task: A Justification <Speak with both Mordo and the Ancient One, Handle the converse with intent, choose whether to allow Mordo to live or not. Reward: Eliminate the threat of a pest> (On way)

Task: A Interrogation <Speak with Nickolas Fury on Hydra // ensure you are not targeted by SHIELD> (On way)