CH 4 – Snakey Wakey
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Eh? I wake up and look around to find myself on a bed inside an old, dusty wooden hut. The hut did not have much, but it slightly resembled a minka (traditional Japanese house). At the left side of the bed there is a wooden table with two chairs at opposite ends, with a lit wax candle sitting atop a metal tray on the table. There is also a small chest on my right, labelled "necessities". Wait a minute, how'd I just read that? Its written in a language I've never seen before, but somehow I can read it.


As I get off the bed, I feel something jiggle on my chest. I look down and gasp at the two medium mounds that lay there. Subconsciously, I cup my hands around these hills.


"Nyahn!" A soft moan escapes from my lips as a zap of pleasure courses through my body, realising that these new additions are actually real, instead of silicone domes.


"If these are real, then does that mean..? Oh nyo."


I pull my black skirt apart from my groin to check for any traces of my manlihood. Leading my hand under the skirt and wandering around the nether regions, I brush over it and find nothing but a small slit in place of where my dragon used to be. My face turns pale and my body shivers, mourning the loss of my poor sausage.


I curl up in my bed, unable to accept that I had now become a full fledged female. Until... I felt something on my... butt? I turn around, and I see... A BLACK SNAKE?!


"NYAAA!" I scream as I get off the bed, but then the snake also disappears. 


Huh? Where'd it go? I look around, and there it was, slithering menacingly behind my back. How dare this snake bully me! I can't die like this! I gather my resolve and clasp my hands around its neck, gripping as hard as I could.


A bolt of pain and pleasure hits me, causing my body to heat up. This must be the snake's venom! I will not succumb to you, foolish creature! I declare in my head, as I stumble about, wrestling with the snake. A small mirror comes into view beside the 'necessities' chest, so I grab it as fast as humanly possible, ready to smash it against the snake. NOW DIE, SNA- huh? In the reflection of a mirror, I see a girl with cat ears and the 'snake', still slithering about in the air. How could this be? I've turned... into a cat girl?!