Chapter – 5
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We walk towards the town while I think about how I am going to get in. Is there anything I show or do so that the mortals know that I am a goddess?


(You have your goddess emblem. This is your personal seal that can be used to identify yourself to the mortals. All you have to do is think about showing it and it will appear. You can also use it to stamp anything such as a document as a sort of signature. – Nyta)

That will make things easier. Thank you Nyta.

“How do you plan on getting in? I have a pass given to me by the count that gives me priority access.”(Luna)

“Hehe you will have to wait and see.”(Iona)

“Should I be worried?”(Luna)

In response, I just smiled and kept walking. As we approach the town, I see that there are three lines. Two large gates and one smaller one. One of the larger gates and the smaller gate are open. The smaller one has a long line of people outside and the larger one has a line of carriages outside. The other large gate is closed with no line.

“What are the different lines for?”(Iona)

“The two open gates are for commoners walking or with a carriage and the closed gate is the priority gate used by people with a special pass mostly nobles but I have one as well.”(Luna)

“I assume we will be using that one then.”(Iona)

“Well I can but you don’t have a pass.”(Luna)

“I am a goddess though” (Iona)

“But how will you prove that?”(Luna)

“You will see, we have arrived anyway.”(Iona)

As we were talking, we reach the priority gate where two guards are standing on either side in full suits of armour but without their helmets. As we reach the gate one of the guards approaches us.

“Halt, present your passes.”(Guard)

Luna takes out her pass which is a piece of paper with writing and then the seal of the city lord.

“You may pass.”(Guard)

Luna walks past the guard and then he turns to me. In response, I focus on my seal appearing in front of me. After focusing on it for a few seconds a circular image appears in front of me. It consists of a red circle which within it has the symbol of a maids headdress with a feather duster diagonally across it, the entire thing is a dark purple.

When the guard sees this he freezes for a few seconds before falling to his knees.

“I apologise goddess I did not recognise you.”(Guard)

The people in the other lines who were watching who heard this are also shocked by what happened and following the guard fell to their knees.

“It is alright sir knight I do not expect you to recognise me I am a new goddess and this is the first time I have been to the mortal realm.”(Iona)

I then turn to look at everyone who was in line.

“Please you do not have to kneel when in my presence please all of you stand.”(Iona)

As if they had been practising for this moment, they all stand up together in sync.

“Now I wish to enter the city with my friend.”(Iona)

“Of course, goddess. I will inform the lord.”(Guard)

“Thank you.”(Iona)

The guard rushes off to open the gate for me and Luna to pass through. As we walk through the gates, we enter a large cobbled city street lined with Tudor-style buildings. Most of the buildings are independent businesses ranging from shops to inns to blacksmiths.

“This is where you live Luna. It's magnificent.”(Iona)

“I do live here but is it that good? It could be that I have lived here for so long that it is normal to me.”(Luna)

“Where I used to live before, I became a goddess wasn’t as amazing as this place. I want to explore everything there is in this world.”(Iona)

“I like to hear that you like this world so far. Now let’s go to the lord's mansion.”(Luna)

I wonder what the lord is like. Well, I will find out soon. As we walk through the city I look around at the surrounding buildings and people. Everyone I have seen so far looks to be happy going about their day. I can see people shopping, working and children playing seeing all this makes me happy as well.

“Everyone seems to be happy with a good life here.”(Iona)

“Most people have good lives here except those in the slums. I used to live there but I was lucky that I was able to become an adventurer and then a maid at a young age.”(Luna)

“Why did you decide to become a maid?”(Iona)

“It was partly the money and better living conditions. It’s also when I was younger, I would watch the maids shopping and wish I could be like them. Wearing such nicely made and designed clothes that always gave off a mature aura, and I wanted to be like them. Eventually, I managed to become an apprentice maid for the lord and then become one of his best combat maids.”(Luna)

“You did well Luna everyone should want to be a maid. A combat maid is even better especially considering your background.”(Iona)

Maybe I can help more people who are in a similar situation to what she was in by making them maids.