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"You're a monster!" "Now you think you're ten years old?"

 Rumors had been told by this day. The story of the boy who traveled from place to place and left behind heroic deeds whenever he appeared on the battlefield was always the center of conversation in social circles.

 A prowess so overwhelming that some even questioned it. If this were true, how strong could he be?

 The answer was now before their eyes.

“How do you do, ladies and gentlemen of the royal castle? I have been looking forward to the day when I can offer my sword to Her Royal Highness.

 Norwin bends his knees in the most respectful posture.

 There is no hostility. He is not carrying a weapon, but the mere presence of a ten-year-old boy is enough to intimidate those around him.

"This is a very high level of intimidation."

 Gerdias looked at the matured Norwin as if he were trying to gauge his growth.

 The atmosphere emanating from him has already surpassed that of the divisional commanders gathered here. The scale of the group was outstanding even by world standards, not to mention that of children.

 If they are this strong in normal times, imagine how strong they will be when they show their true colors.

(That's great strength. (In addition to that, ......)

 The atmosphere that Norwin gives off, the sense of familiarity that resides in it, makes Gardias and those of the older generation look nostalgic.

'This feeling ......"

'What, I feel like I've felt it before in the past ......'

'Well, you guys were just the generation that replaced me, so you don't know."

“You know about it, Commander?”

I know, I can't forget him. He was the top of the heap in our generation."

"That guy?"

O'Brien. Until the rise of General Gardeas, was the general considered a sure thing?"

 A conversation between a middle-aged soldier and an old soldier. As the content suggests, the aura that Norwin wears is somewhat similar to O'Brien's.

 An atmosphere of temperature zero. Instead of exceeding the limit as if on fire, he is cold and unwavering, sharpening himself to the limit to any extent.

 That would be one of the attainable points. It is just that the mountain range he climbs is different from that of Galdias and others.

(“Same as O'Brien's?”). What is the same about this? It has the same presence as our hero, but it also possesses the strength that O'Brien spent his life discovering. It is a strength that our time will never measure up to.)

 Through Norwin, Galdias senses the arrival of a “new era". Right now, they are only winning because of the difference in experience. It's not up to debate who will win in the future: those of us who are at our peak now or the new era that will grow in the future.

It is needless to argue which will win in the future, their current peak or the new era that will develop in the future.

 That is how outstanding Norwin is now.

 Behind him, many of his subordinates stood in line to protect him.

 Frankel, whom Hyann lent him as a sign of friendship, old soldiers who were formerly of O'Brien's party, and new faces who have increased in the past two years.

 Not a single one of them was a small soldier. The atmosphere that the subordinates have is already more than first-rate.

 Strength as an individual, strength as a herd, strength as a herd boss. Norwin already had all the necessary factors for a general at the age of 10.

 There is only one reason he has worked so hard. Today is the day his dream will be fulfilled.


 Norwin, who had been calm until then, suddenly became greatly distraught. His eyes, which were still bowing respectfully, were looking at a girl who had just come down the back staircase. Nothing else was in his vision.

 Her long golden hair swayed as she went down the stairs. Her beauty dazzled like the sun. Even the finest dress she wears does not match her beauty. There is nothing in the world that can match her beauty, which even God could not have created.

“Cress, Tan!”

 Finally, the time had come.