chapter 9
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The dark-claw tribe steading. A medium sized town-fort, originally a frontier village under the control of the dark-well clan. Made for the purpose to act as the first to lead the clan's expansion southward.

But after the upheaval of the rebellion of  from thirty years ago, Mattick Dark-well has taken over. Converting it into a proper town-fort, with his command and the rather far distance between it and the dark-well town. Changing it from a frontier village into a burgeoning town-fort of considerable size and influence, thanks to some “imperial assistance” from the Kai empire some ten years since.


Yelled one of the elder, his fist slamming on the round table, where a single letter of apology and a bag of demon cores lay, and a dozen people sitting around it.

“They think they could fix things with a bag of stones? Are they stupid?” spoke an elder angrily, seemingly grumbling to himself.

At the end of the long table, another man in his fifties. With a pointed nose, and long salt an pepper hair and a very tired eyes. Gazing over the people around him, leaning back at the large chair. Heaving a long sigh as he pinched his fore head in derision.

“So, how many did we lost? And who were they?” asked another elder.

“Eight people, within them were two potential iron-borne. We should never have done this, that’s what we have been telling you chieftain.” Said one of the elders, his voice becoming more severe as he speaks, “those traitorous bastard tried to kill us thirty years ago. And I am sure they won’t stop until you, me and all of our children are dead.”

“After all, as the elder brother of that traitorous chieftain. You should have been the chieftain of the Dark-well tribe by now, not his son.”

One after the other, each elder began arguing amongst themselves. Each becoming louder, attempting to shut down one another.

“Are you seriously suggesting gathering our forces to fight that flint?” or have you forgotten what happened 20 years ago? How he managed to kill over 20 iron-borne warriors by himself?”

“That was 20 years ago, we have grown much since then. Not to mention our allies in the empire.”

“Here we go again, you and those damn imperials. Why don’t you leave and join those damn bastards then?”

Amongst clamor and insults, the chieftain silently watch. His expression indifferent, his thoughts indiscernible.


He spoke with a gruff, waving his hand to subdue the noise. The elders oblige with reluctant, while one of them stared at the one who suggested to allying with the empire with a hateful glare.

“This meeting is adjourned for today. Karal, how is our “guest” from the empire fairing?”

Asked the chieftain looking at the one of the more quiet elder, his voice a deep gravelly tone.

“He is well, chieftain. But as you can all imagined, his retinue have criticized us intensively. Saying that we were deceptive, that we did not fully disclose our enmity with the dark-well tribe. That we deceived them, making up false assurance that it was not something severe.”

His words caused the others to groan and grumble slightly, as they too did not expected such a vicious action from the Dark-well either.
Leaning his head back into the large chair, his eyes fading as if in deep thought.

“This meeting is adjourned for now, everyone return to your position and await further orders.”

His words, spoken as soft as a fading wind. Causing the others to be startled, some even had their eyes as wide as a saucer.

“Chieftain, this is a serious issue, we have to deal with this as soon as…”

“I said, this meeting is adjourned for now.” With a grave tone, the chieftain spoke his eyes now sharp as a guillotine.

The temperature of the room drop with each words, the fire of the candles that lit the room began to wane as darkness spread from his shadow. Each of them struggle stay alight, lest they be consumed by the encroaching darkness.

“I…very well chieftain, but we will have to handle this eventually.”

An elder relented, and with a few murmurs, each elder stood up and began to leave the room. Leaving the chieftain alone, with nothing but the barely burning candle flames and his own thoughts.

After a few moment of silent, he reached into his chest. Plunging it deep into his own heart, as if it was made of clay. Grunting and coughing as he did, sweat pouring from him, pulling out a black pearl.

The pearl no larger then a thumb, but as black as the void it self, as if no light could reflect from it. Holding on this pearl, Mattick clenched it hard, his eyes faded as he recalls the words of his once brother turned traitorous.

A sad but sneering voice exited his mouth as he sneered, tears dropping from his tired eyes.

“Is this what you wanted? Our family torn asunder? Our people tearing at each other's throat, Is this you expected when you murdered our father, all for this thing that now lies in my hand? Our once powerful clan shattered to a bunch of murdering tribes?”

“Now you son turns his blade upon his own kin, all for a drop of that wretched worm’s blood? No, I will not let him have it, he will not fulfill your damned ambition. Not when I still draw breath.”

His eyes grows fierce as large feathers grew upon his head. Two black wings grew from his back, dark black feather flutter he strut it. leaning hi head up despondently. his voice hateful and grievous.

“If you want war, then I shall grant it…

A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye, as the world goes blind...”

The the flickering light of the candle, faded away leaving the room in utter darkness.



With a loud *TWHACK*, Kaivan was struck awake from the pain upon his head. Clutching his head as he wriggled on the floor, looking up at the cruel and indifferent eyes of lady Amberline.

This ‘witch’ (a derogatory term for mystics) is one of the few people who can strike him so cruelly, even his father is fearful of her.

“It seems our young master too busy dozing off to pay attention to his lesson today, shall we changed it to physical training instead?”

Rubbing his head as he sulked, utterly helpless the relentless attack of this vile witch. He did try to run away a multitude of times, only to always return to this place and ended up being hit even harder.

“Auntie, I already know about this part of the story. The worm came to devour our world and the gods came to our rescue and so on. Can we go the part where you teach me magic already?”

Another *THWACK* against his head, clenching his teeth Kaivan yelled out in pain. He still has no idea why it had hurt this much, not even when he was fighting Kvata in the pit.

It’s as if even his soul was struck, “OUCH YOU FU…” thankfully he managed to catch his mouth in time, lest he gets hit again.

“What was that?” asked the indifferent lady.


Staring at the grumbling boy, leaving out an amused smile

“Now, I will retell you the history of our world in full, this time I expect you to pay attention. Understand?”

“Yes, auntie,”

Said Kaivan lazily, rolling his eyes internally, doing so for real would be stupid and asking for another beating. And he have had enough beating for today.