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Thunder rumbled across the sky and rain started to fall the wet stomps of feet on concrete echoed though the streets as people went on with there day. 

<<Sigh.... all right big coat it is>>

I muttered as I grabbed my coat to go to work.

As i walked I thought of course it had to rain today.

 we'll no point complaining about something I can't change i sighed.

<<Bye mom>>

I said as I headed out hearing a quiet bye from the other side of the house.

If only I knew that it would be the last time I would talk to her.

As I walked downtown to my workplace I thought well its not that bad at least it's not super windy today.

I always did like the rain it brought a sense of calm to my mind hearing it hit the roof of my home when i was falling asleep.

It was a bit hard to see but thats fine I thought as i squinted my eyes.

Just then I heard a car I turned to the sound then.......

 a cry rang out in a old shack.

<<Welcome to the world little one>>

 a soft voice said.