Chapter 20 Duell
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We were lead outside by the receptionist out onto the training fields surrounding the building. The majority of the mercenaries followed us interested in the fight and happily making bets, speculating and collecting money. The moment we stepped outside we were immediately greeted by other mercenaries, who already got wind of the duel and were eager to watch and place their bets. What I heard from the happy conversations around us, was that there was a lot of debate on who would be stronger. Its seems that our challengers can back up their claim of being the strongest of Ironwall, so much so that it seems that there is a roughly fifty fifty split on who is bet on.

We reached our spot for the duel, a big field a bit smaller than the size of the playfield off some odd games like soccer. The field is a big square with dusty brown earth for ground, no obstacles or hiding spots. Only for intricate copper and metal constructs mark the corners of the square. Erin I and the Dusk Paladins enter the square while the rest of the onlookers make themselves comfortable around the square.

A small group of guild staff has also come and started to work on the small pillars, who are clearly some form of magical construct. We used the time to jog a few rounds around the square and do some stretches to warm up and get ready. After having done that we unsheathed our weapons and put on the rest of our armor and did some test swings with our weapons. The Dusk Paladins now with their helmets on and weapons drawn looked like grim elite knights, straight out of a novel. The bad ass side characters that sweep in and clear the day, leaving the reader with a graving to know more. Erin and I looked much more colorful and less threatening. Erin in her usual red Yukata did some test swings, with her weapons, her fists, looked nothing like a hero or mercenary. I in my light leather and plate armor with my casual blue shirt peeking from beneath the armor looked more like a happy protagonist, who only had their armor for recognizably and not utility. Of course I had no helmet. The only thing I did was move my hair out of the way with a hairband, which I got from Erin.

After some time I could her some shouting come from the guild staff and shortly after they started to count down. The moment they reached zero the artifacts sprung to life. Splitting horizontally into two, with the upper half ascending upwards revealing a big flaring crystal. The crystal each shot out a blue beam of light hitting each other. An invisible wall erected itself slowly, separating the inside and the outside of the square and breaking the light in the same manner, creating a beautiful display of rainbows. After the wall had finished its construction it became completely invisible and the magnificent display of rainbows ceased to be. Following this the crystals started to emit a light blue mist quickly filling up the inside of the square and creating an inscrutable fog before dissipating as quickly as it came.

The illusory dome has been set and is ready. Place your final bets and grab your snacks. The battle between our own Champions, The Dusk Paladins, and the Warprincess Bara and her companion Erin the Oni is about to start. As long as the dome stands you can use your real weapons and won’t need to worry about cut limbs and dead bodies. Healers are also near by. So go wild, fight the way you want!”

On of the staff members, from outside the barrier, began to shout setting the mood and explaining that there were no rules besides leaving the pillars intact, so we won’t hurt ourselves. The crowd erupted in cheers when he mentioned the Paladins and us. The Paladins got the louder and longer cheers, they were fighting in their home turf after all.

Get ready!…”

We took or ready stances. Swords, shields, fist, staff and trident rising. The mage of the paladins let a red sigil flare up on the tip of her crystal, shortly followed by Erin letting a brown and blue-green sigil light up in front of her fists. A murmur went through the crowd, casting without a focus was a pretty high achievement and being able to dual cast two different spells without even more so and doing it with two different elements immediately qualified Erin as a hero and in this battle as a wildcard. I am sure there are some that now regret their choice of bet. Erin smiled, she found joy in the others misery after realizing they had bet on the wrong team.


_________________________________Third POV______________________________________

Of they stormed. Erin released her first spell, a torrent swept across the battlefield stopping the Paladins in their tracks and giving Bara back wind. “Rook!” Erin shouted releasing the second sigil, the ground moved upwards in straight line, catapulting Bara in the air and out of the way of the fireball flung at her. She was an easy target in the air. Immediately another fireball was blasted towards her accompanied by large knives. Before they could hit her, Bara was swept sideways by another torrent of wind, conjured by Erin.

The moment Bara landed on the ground she was met with a sword. Sparks flying in a thunderous clang as she intercepted it with her own. “Bishop!” Earthen walls jolt out from the ground separating them in a cross of walls. Giving Bara some more time fighting alone before the other came. The Paladins didn’t flinch, carrying on with their assault, not allowing Bara and Erin a moment of rest.

Light footed the Paladin danced around Erin utilizing his speed to attack and retreat giving Bara barely enough time to react. Swords repeatedly meeting in combat, clashing against each other, letting sparks fly. A blue flame erupted from the other side of the earthen cross, the paladins mage burning through the wall.

Just like Bara Erin is locked in combat with one of the Paladins. The Paladin charged head on, shield risen, closing in faster than Erin wanted. A brown sigil lights up between her horns. “Queen!”Stone and ruble rose from the ground covering Erin in a stone armor, the moment the sword hits her chest trapping it between the cracks of stone. The paladin reacted immediately uppercutting the sword, breaking it out of the hold with a chunk of stone aswell, exposing Erin's chest, red blood flowing out of a small wound. Erin retaliates striking the shield with her stone fists repeatedly, knocking the Paladin back. The second Erin saw this chance she acted a turquoise sigil lit up on her fist. The Paladin rushed in the spell released, a jet of wind ripped the stone on Erin’s arm of shooting splintered stones. Penetrating shield and armor alike stopping the paladin dead in his track. He wasn’t defeated retreating to the other side of the wall, joining up with the mage, who burned through the wall.

Bara wasn’t as successful as Erin, the paladin was keeping her in check. Their blades meeting again and again yet neither could land a hit. The wall detonated in dust and ruble a trident zipping through the walls. With a swing Bara deflected only to by struck on her shoulder by the sword of the paladin. Blood streaming down her left arm dripping on the ground. Letting her injured arm hang down and hoisting her sword on the shoulder only holding it with one hand, she assumes a ready stance. Before the next droop of blood hit the ground both Paladins, sword and trident had positioned themselves.

The next drop hit the ground, Bara dashed of, the ground breaking where she stood moments ago. She reached the two paladins in an instant shattering the ground where they were standing with a single swing. Separating the two forcing them to retreat. Keeping up the onslaught of attacks, swinging the heavy sword like it weighted nothing. Unable to find a window to retaliate the Paladins were forced to retreat and defend. Bara twirled around clashing her sword, throwing them back. The injury was no hindrance instead she fought more ferocious and wild. The paladins lunged his trident at her mid swing, aiming at her sword. Bara reacted immediately stopping her swing, faster than the paladins could react. Only to readjust and strike the trident from above and strike it out of the paladins hands. He reacted instantaneously letting go and jumping backwards, throwing two knives. Striking the metal of Bara’s chest armor.

The Paladin mage casted a big red sigil, expanding into a big stream of fire the moment the other paladin reached her. Erin was engulfed completely in the sea of fire. Concentrating for a moment she managed to double cast a minor healing spell to alleviate some of her partners colleague. The stream of fire engulfing Erin, moved turned upwards, spiraling around itself becoming a tornado made of fire. The Mage immediately dismissed the spell, believing it to be out of control. The flames subsided, the tornado remained, revealing Erin standing in its center unhurt. The only sign of the fire spell where sweat and her red checks. Two green-blue sigils controlling the tornado. Erin released them and the tornado rapidly grew in size engulfing the whole arena, destroying the remaining walls and lifting all from the ground, throwing them around like rags, except Erin. The tornado suddenly disappeared, letting them fall down.

Erin didn’t give the Paladins a second to consolidate throwing fireballs at them, forcing them to run and evade giving Bar enough time to come to her and get healed by a minor healing spell. The Paladin mage somehow found an opening and flung another big fireball at them, swallowing some of Erin’s on its path. “Pawn!” with a scream Erin casted another spell, two earthen pillars shot out from the ground, becoming cover to hid behind. The fire spell blasted the pillars melting their edges in an instant.

Lets end this quickly! Erin distract them take the mage I take the rest!” Bara instructed to Erin before leaving the cover and dashing across the field, wielding the executioner sword in two hands again. “Move like knight!” Erin shouted casting a big brown sigil, “Chess!” The ground erupted rectangular pillars shooting out from the ground and lowering. Creating a field of pillars seemingly moving at randoms. The paladins were caught off guard, by the change of terrain and had difficulty moving from one to the other pillar.

Bara danced around, seemingly unaffected by the ever shifting ground. From one moment to the next she was by the paladins exchanging blows before jumping away to continue to dance around. The paladins were slowly taking more and more wounds, by each second.

The mage remained stationary and ignored by Bara. She used this time to wind up a big fire spell the red sigil forming before her staff. “Incinerate!” “King!”The moment she released her spell Erin releases her own. Walls of stone rose around the mage encapsulating her. Her fire spell hit the wall, detonating in a big fiery exploding flaring above the stone walls, melting them and incinerating the mage in an instance.

Her scream echoed through the arena, a paladin flinched only to be bisected by Bara the very moment. His heavy armor did not protect him. Using this momentum Bara threw her sword, hitting another paladins head on, the dull tip of her sword crushing armor and bones alike. Seeing his chance the last paladin advanced towards the unarmed Bara making sure to not let her retrieve a weapon. Before he could completely corner her he was struck be Erin’s stone fist and decapitated by Bara’s knife, ending the battle.

Blue mist enveloped the arena robbing Erin and Bara sight for a few moments before dissipating, revealing the Paladins standing unharmed on the other side of the arena. Slowly the crystals lowered and the barrier disappeared. Besides being a protective barrier it was also capable of creating a real illusion, allowing fights with real magic and weapons, but without death and life changing injuries, the pain and exhaustion however was still felt.

The crowd outside was loudly cheering and clapping having seen a beautiful fight. Some however looked crestfallen, while their coins changed pockets, other had a smug expression.

_________________________________Bara POV______________________________________

Erin and I went over to the Paladins to thank them for the duel. The Paladins met us in the middle and we gave each other hugs and handshakes.

I never thought you could use three elements, to such a degree.” (Mage)

Its four actually. I can also use the element of water.” (Erin)

Incredible! And her I thought I was good.” (Mage)

Your fire magic is nothing to be ashamed about, with a bit of training and studying I am sure that you will reach my level. Truth be told I am only good in the four elements and no master. A jack of all trades and master of none if you will.” (Erin)

The Dusk Paladins were strong. Good enough to fight without communication and able to keep up with us for a few minutes. They definitely have the makings to become heroes, given enough time. But it will take them much longer than that to surpass us. Erin and I hadn’t even gone serious, only far enough to make it a bit interesting. Erin purposefully had limited herself to only using lower spells and her chess spells. I too had limited myself to only using one weapon, fighting without my usual tricks.

Together with the Dusk Paladins we went back to the crowd of mercenaries, where we were cheered on and complimented. Many were in awe at seeing heroes fighting against each others. They were eager to know how we fought, our thoughts on the battle and how we managed to rise to such heights. They were a bit disheartened when we told them that we just became this strong through our own effort and not some adventurous story.

We slowly walked back to the main building. Many of the mercenaries used this chance to go and do continue on with their own business. In the building we dedicated ourselves to finding an interesting quest. Some mercenaries helped us in doing so even the Dusk Paladins.

What about this? A special type goblin extermination. A group of goblins that have a den out in the wilds. The request is to explore the den and kill the goblins.”

Sounds interesting. Can you hand me the request over”

One of the mercenaries found a goblin extermination request in the special column. According to the paper it was the exploration and extermination of an entire goblin den. The den was located in a secluded place far from civilization so it wouldn’t become a threat under normal circumstances. The guild however preferred it to be exterminated for safety reasons. It was moved in the special column do to being an entire den and of low priority. And because it’s recommended to enter the den well prepared and in a big group. This group size is usually only achieved, when multiple mercenaries collaborate, something that rarely happens. Thus it was designated a special request.

Thanking the mercenary who gave it to us we went to the counter to proceed with the rest of the paperwork. It was a rather easy progress they only wrote down, when and who took on the request and gave out some additional information if there were any.

This den has been unexplored until no and it is recommended to enter it in bigger groups, even if you are heroes.”

Don’t worry we will be fine.”

With that we took on the request and left the guild. We slowly made out way back to the castle walking through the streets of Ironwall. We decided to take a different rout than we took to get here.


I will be going on a hiatus for the near future, as the outside world demmands my full attention.