Chapter 8 Show Of Strength+Interrogation
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I was Immediately Escorted out of the training halls, where I was taken to an interrogation room, it looked exactly like the ones police use in movies

'There Must Be Something Wrong With The Timeline' I thought as I looked around the room, when A  foreign Woman In A Suit And Tie Walked In, She Had A Name Plate On Her Chest

"Professor Of Psychology, Venus Hawks" I read aloud

"Yes, That Would Be My Name, And You...Mr?" Venus Struggled

"Nero Is Fine" I Replied

"Yes, Nero, Would You Mind Explaining What Happened Up There?" She Said

"Yeah, Sure, So Put My Hand On The Yellow Ball Thing And A Voice Rang Out, Talking About My Innate Ability" I Explained

"And What Would That Be?" She Replied

"{Siren God's Innate Magic}" Without An Ounce Of Hesitation In My Voice

"Yes, And do You Know What You Can Do With It?" She Said

"No, But I Have An Idea" I Stated, She Seemed A Bit Surprised, But She Didn't Even Show It

"And What Would That Be?" She Questioned

"Can You Just Get Me A Bunch Of Paper?" I Asked

"Sure" And One Of The People Next To Her, Went To Get Stuff, a few minutes late and the guy came back with a pile of papers

And then I Started To Sing

the paper was starting to fly everywhere, increasing in speed, getting faster and faster, with an exponential increase, eventually the papers started to rip apart, into small chunks about a cm tall eventually turning into a hurricane of white, causing small cuts to appear all over my body, due to lack of control

the white and blurry tornado of paper starts turning blood red and at the final lyric they stop and fall to the ground, seemingly without inertia

'I Feel So Light Headed' I Think to myself before falling to the ground unconscious...