Chapter 13: Training Day [Part 2]
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"Dear Elie, I'm sorry that I haven't been able to hang out and stuff lately. You see, I've been going through some intense training lately, so my free time's been reduced to just sleeping when I get the chance! I hope you can forgive me. We'll meet up soon, I prom-," Cindy was sending a text message to her friend Elie, before being interrupted.

"Break time's over, Madam Cindy! Back to training we go!" Theodore yelled.

"B-but, please just let me finish sending this text!" Cindy pleaded, clasping her hands together.

"Hmmmm, phones shouldn't even be allowed during training! I'll be confiscating this for now!"

"Uhhh, but I... yes, sir," Cindy said begrudgingly.

The intense training continued on for the new assassins, Cindy and Kai. It was their fifteenth day, to be precise. Halfway through their rigorous regimen, the young duo was somewhat getting used to the intense methods. However, each day left them so drained, they felt like quitting. They pushed through each day, becoming stronger and more resilient in the process. Their speed and strength increased astoundingly over a short period of time.

"You know, I'm actually surprised we're not dead yet. Like, how are we even standing right now after getting our asses kicked every day?" asked Kai, as the duo made their way to the fifth floor.

"Yeah, that is kinda strange. I'm actually feeling kind of better with each passing day! I-It's like I'm suddenly rejuvenated come morning, but feel sooo awful at the end of the day," Cindy said. "And the end of our days are pretty damn short!" She said, folding her arms together.

"Hmm, something fishy is going on here, I think. It feels weird, and I don't like it!" Kai said.

"Yeah. I-I guess we'll just have to beat the truth outta that Theo guy," Cindy said sarcastically.

"Yeah, like that'll ever happen. That guy... I've never seen anyone as strong as him! Are the Directors and this Father guy really much stronger than him?!" Kai asked.

"That would be insane!" Cindy said.

-ding ding ding

The elevator rang as Cindy and Kai arrived at the sparring grounds of the fifth floor. It was a large, empty arena with concrete floors. It provided an abundance of space for an array of different training methods. The one they were stuck on, however, was trying to get the volleyball from Theodore. That damn ball! If they could just get that volleyball from that spry old man, their training would be over, and they could have a good night's sleep for once. It was their fifteenth day of training, however, and the duo still couldn't even get close to the man before getting knocked out. That's how all of their days usually ended for the past half-month.

"Are you young'uns ready to go?!" Theodore asked.

"Oh yeah! Today's the day we get that ball from you and end this stupid training, old man!" Kai said, boldly.

"W-what he said!" Cindy replied, reluctantly.

"Oh ho! The fire still hasn't burned out with you, I see! Perhaps my nieces and nephew were right about you after all! Very well, let's continue!"

The night went on as usual for squad five, using every tactic they could think of to grab the volleyball from Theodore. They tried hand-to-hand combat; that didn't work. They tried sneaking up on the old man when it looked as if he was dozing off; that just met them with a clean fist to the face every time. Furthermore, they tried shooting at him. Even Cindy reluctantly started firing shots at the old man, but he would dodge each and every one of them, as if he could see the bullets in slow motion. All their failed attempts had left them with little to show for, becoming ever more frustrated, wondering if they could ever defeat the lively old man.

T-this isn't fair! He's just too fast.... and strong. There's no way me or Kai could ever reach his level, no matter how hard we train. This guy... this guy's just not normal, so how, how can we beat him? My body's starting to break down again... I'll probably pass out soon here. Kai's probably on the ropes himself. But... I don't wanna let another day go by without at least getting a bit closer!

"Dammit!" the half-elf screamed. "Kai! We have to work together on this one! Get real in sync with each other...or something!"

"In sync?" Kai said, giving the half-elf a puzzled look.

"Yeah, in sync! We gotta combine our strengths together and fight as a team. That's the only way we'll stand a chance against this guy! At least, that's how it works in manga, anyways!" Cindy said, giving a thumbs up to the confused Kai.

"'re either an idiot or a genius. Fuck it, let's give it a go. So, what's your plan?!"

"Ok, come closer, so he won't hear us," Cindy said as she whispered in Kai's ear.

"What are those two planning over there?" wondered Theodore.

"C-cindy! That's bold of you, but isn't that a bit dangerous? I mean, you really trust me not to mess this up?"

"Of course! We're a team now, right?"

"Cindy.... argh, ok, let's do it!" Kai said as he covered his eyes, holding back tears.

"Ok, go!" Cindy screamed as she charged towards Theodore in a mad dash, hurling a flurry of punches at the elderly man.

"I love it! Your energy is electrifying, Madam Cindy!" Theodore said, as he effortlessly blocked all the half-elf's punches with just one hand. "But, I thought I told you... It's not enough!!!" He said, kneeing the girl directly in her stomach.

"Arrrgh!" Cindy screamed, trying her best to remain conscious.

I-I can still fight! I have one more burst in me. Kai... you better get him good.

"One more round!" The half-elf screamed, sending another barrage of punches toward Theodore.

"Amazing, simply amazing! I couldn't have asked for better pupils than this! You young ones just don't quit!" Theodore said, grabbing both of the half-elf's arms. "Having trouble moving there, Madam Cindy?" he asked, wearing a proud grin on his face.

"No, I'm actually just fine!" Cindy said, wrapping her legs around Theodore's waist. "Kai, do it now!" she screamed.

"Got it!" Kai said, aiming his pistol at the half-elf, firing a single shot toward her and Theodore's way.

"Wait, what?! You can't be serious, surely!" Theodore screamed.


The sound of the gun made a deafening sound, as the bullet left its wielder.