Chapter 13: A Matter of Tact
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Of golden eye

And a certain awe

The Bright Lord soon takes the throne…

In an ocean of sand

The Child of the Maw

Makes himself and intention known…


As Delphius emerges from his slumber, the mellifluous sound of Maelaezel's singing reverberates through the grand marble halls of the castle. He rises from his bed, clad in a simple cloth tabard, determined to locate his mistress within the labyrinthine corridors of polished marble and towering columns.

Drawn by the enchanting melody, Delphius makes his way toward the Library, the source of the resounding song. Stepping into the vast repository of knowledge, his eyes ascend to find Maelaezel suspended high above him, her porcelain form in pursuit of a particular tome. He gazes up at her, captivated by her presence.

"And just what do you think you're staring at, Delphius?" Maelaezel's voice resounds, laced with a hint of playful reproach.

"Do you need any assistance, My Lady?"

The demigoddess, displaying a touch of bemusement, admonishes him. "Don't you know better than to answer a question with another question, Delphius?"

Pausing for a moment, Delphius attempts to clarify. "But didn't you just-"

Maelaezel interjects, dismissing his words with a wave of her hand. "In any case, no, I am just fine. And I'd appreciate it if you stopped staring up my gown like some backwoods heathen."

Realizing his inadvertent faux pas, Delphius averts his gaze immediately. "My apologies!"

Descending gracefully with a book in hand, Maelaezel approaches Delphius, reaching out her hand towards him. Tension courses through his body as he braces himself for an attack. However, instead of striking him, she looks into his eyes and gently strokes his face.

"So modest, you are. Here, hold this," she says, offering him the book.

Accepting it cautiously, Delphius is caught off guard as Maelaezel suddenly delivers a powerful punch to his stomach. The force propels him backward, crashing against a pillar in the hallway.

"Come now! We have much to discuss," Maelaezel declares, motioning for him to rejoin her in the library. Delphius dusts himself off, rising to his feet, and obediently returns to the room.

Seated together at a table adorned with scrolls and books, Maelaezel initiates their conversation. "In the space between my death and rebirth, many prominent families have risen to power within the world. You will need to make allies, Delphius. You cannot win a war on your strength alone."

"What would you have me do, Maelaezel?"

With a decisive gesture, Maelaezel pushes the scrolls toward him. "Eight houses. You will memorize their names, their territories, their strengths, and their weaknesses."

Delphius recalls their training, reciting a tenet. "Tenet Five: Know thy foe."

Maelaezel acknowledges his understanding. "Precisely. You will master this knowledge. You will become them. And, in time, they will swear fealty to you."

Reciting another tenet, Delphius affirms, "Tenet One: All as One."

Maelaezel commends him. "Very good. Now, begin."

Opening the book before him, Delphius diligently begins copying the information from the scrolls. His voice echoes through the library as he recites the names of each house and their respective territories. The words flow from his lips, engraving the knowledge into his mind.

"Dundanyr, House Aykerwilde, Alterra; 

Valthyria, House Hominae, Alterra; 

Kaelee, House Kaanteroth, Königesnd; 

Gethrum, House Aelthun, Eltias; 

Tephlos, House Techos, Kainesith; 

Simlia, House Sonorah, Zaikarte; 

Laela, House Pisthille, Verdatia; 

Avalund, House Sastrugi, Icarus."

Satisfied with his progress, Maelaezel commands, "Good. Now, get yourself dressed. We leave for Sonorah Village momentarily."

"Sonorah? So soon? Don't I have combat drills today?"

"I appreciate your yearning to find yourself yet again at the end of my blade. For today, however, let us see how you perform in matters of tact rather than tactics."

“Very well, my Lady.” 


Stepping out of Maelaezel’s portal into the heart of Sonorah Village, Maelaezel and Delphius are confronted with a sight of utter devastation. The village square lies in ruins, consumed by billowing wisps of black and red smoke that coil skyward from a colossal crater at its center. The surrounding landscape bears the scars of destruction, painting a grim tableau.

Amidst the chaos, village guardsmen meticulously inspect the crater, their vigilant gazes scanning the aftermath, covering their faces with their scarves to protect themselves from the all too prominent stench of decay while valiantly attempting to keep the civilian populace at a safe distance from the harrowing scene.

"My goodness, what happened here?" Maelaezel wonders.

A guard, dressed in a linen-like tunic and vest, extends his hand to halt her progress. Delphius reacts swiftly, intercepting the guard's hand with a fierce glare that speaks volumes of his lethal capabilities. He gives the guard a once over, taking note of his loosely fit cloth pants and the curved blade securely fastened to his waist. Adorning his chest is a multicolored string of beads, each carefully engraved with Zaikarten characters denoting various elements. 

"Step aside, cur," Maelaezel asserts with an air of authority. "I am more than capable of handling myself."

A voice resonates from a distance, cutting through the tension-laden air. "Daelis! Stand down. Maelaezel is a friend and is certainly more competent than you lot."

“Yes, of course, my Lady Simlia!” the guard barks instinctually. 

Complying with Simlia's command, the guard wrenches his hand from Delphius's grip, his face contorted with pain.

Simlia, a majestic Ascendant woman draped in resplendent silks, adorned with intricately woven scarves and glistening jewelry, gracefully approaches Maelaezel and bows before her.

"My Lady," Simlia addresses Maelaezel respectfully.

"Simlia, How good it is to see you," Maelaezel acknowledges warmly. "I take it you've been busy?"

"Busy indeed, my dear friend,” Simlia sighs. “I'll provide you with a summary, but first, you must introduce me to your alluring new companion."

"Ah, yes. Where are my manners? This is-"

Delphius steps forward with a deep bow, "Delphius, at your service, my Lady Simlia."

Simlia's eyes twinkle as she appraises Delphius. "Quite the gentleman. You've trained this one well, Maelaezel."

"Alright, Simlia, Enough of your gawking. Tell me what happened here?"

Simlia's voice carries a mixture of bewilderment and concern. "I'm afraid my guards and I are still trying to unravel the mystery. A few nights ago, a cacophony of shrill screams shattered the night, followed by a thunderous boom. When we arrived, this desolation was all that remained."

"How curious..."

Simlia's gaze shifts onward to the crater as she offers a disconcerting revelation. "Indeed. Thus far, all we've gathered is that this was undoubtedly the work of magic. A type we have never encountered before."

"Do you mind if we investigate the crater up close?"

"By all means. However, exercise great care. Several of my inspectors have fallen gravely ill merely by venturing near the epicenter."

Maelaezel dismisses the warning with confidence. "Oh, I'm sure I'll be just fine."

Turning to Delphius, Maelaezel commands, "Delphius, jump down there and assess the situation."

Delphius scoffs at the task, but heeding Maelaezel's request, he slides down the crater's edge. As he reaches the heart of the crater, he scans the surroundings for any significant clues and stumbles upon a bloodstained, rusted dagger hidden amidst the rubble. Carefully, he retrieves the dagger, his eyes fixated on the swirling aura of darkness emanating from the worn blade. His eyes narrow in anger, a fire ignited within the Sethirian.


Satisfied with his find, he carefully stows the blade and ascends the crater, emerging back into the world above.


Maelaezel's eyes lock onto Delphius, anticipation in her voice. "So, what did you find?"

Delphius hands Maelaezel the dagger. The moment it touches her fingers, she involuntarily releases it, her visage contorting with anger and loathing. The ground quivers beneath them, and nearby stones levitate, eliciting fear and trepidation from the guards and citizens nearby.

Simlia reaches out to comfort Maelaezel, her voice filled with concern. "My Lady, are you alright?"

Delphius instinctively swats away Simlia's hand, shielding her from Maelaezel's surging power, his body positioned as a protective barrier.

Liquid light cascades down Maelaezel's face, streaming from her eyes, but as Delphius places a steadying hand on her shoulder, she regains control of herself. The surroundings stabilize, the earth ceasing its tremors.

"Maelaezel," Delphius speaks softly, his voice a soothing balm.

She composes herself and clears her throat before addressing Simlia. "Forgive me, Simlia, but my progeny and I must depart. Best of luck with your investigation."

Simlia's surprise is evident, but she respects Maelaezel's decision. "Oh, um. Very well then. Good day to you, Maelaezel. Delphius."

"And to you as well, my Lady." Delphius offers.

With mutual bows, Maelaezel and Delphius vanish in a flash of blinding light. Simlia bends down and picks up the now dormant dagger, looking at it quizzically before handing it off to one of her guardsmen. 

Stepping back into the confines of the castle courtyard, an air of tension permeates the garden. Delphius, his expression etched with concern, breaks the silence.

"So, are you planning to divulge what happened to you back there?" he inquires, his voice laced with urgency.

Maelaezel's eyes blaze with a mixture of anger and fear as she meets Delphius's gaze. "Don't play coy with me, Delphius. I know you felt it too. That tainted energy. The creature yet lives on..."

Confusion clouds Delphius's features as he tries to comprehend her words. "Creature? What creature?"

Maelaezel's voice quivers with apprehension as she reveals her harrowing knowledge. "I dare not speak his name! The situation, however, has changed. You must complete your training immediately before he consumes everything!"

"Consume? Maelaezel, what are you talking about?"

Frustration ripples through Maelaezel's being. "Don't question me, boy! At the ready, now!" she commands.

Without warning, Maelaezel lunges forward, her swordspear poised for attack. Delphius brushes off her assault, the swordspear striking his gauntlet with a resounding clash. Unable to continue maintaining her composure, Maelaezel loses her footing and stumbles, but Delphius catches her, cradling her form within his strong arms.

"Maelaezel..." Delphius's voice trembles with a mixture of concern and affection.

As Maelaezel looks up at him, cracks of cerulean blue form on her face, a radiant light pouring from her tear-filled eyes. Overwhelmed by emotion, she weeps in Delphius's embrace. He holds her tighter, deepening his resolve at Maelaezel’s revelation.