Prologue – The Garden
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"♪~" An ethereal voice joyfully intoned a beautiful song, the small garden was happy to hear the melody, you could feel in the air, on the ground and in the trees each one moving in perfect synchrony with the beautiful song. The cause of this beautiful spectacle of fantasy was none other than a beautiful woman with white hair with reddish tips, her beautiful eyes that shone like gems were a crimson red color reminiscent to ruby, she was wearing nothing more than a white robe with strange designs.

The woman walked along a dirt path in bare feet as she sang merrily, the entire forest rejoicing at the woman's mere presence.

When the woman stopped sing she came to a large clearing where in the center stood a large, strangely shaped tree. The tree started with a large trunk which then split in two different directions, one separate from the other. The left side seemed to have far fewer branches than the right side, but instead had strong and large branches. On the other hand, the right side had a countless amount of branches but they were all very small compared to the left side.

The huge tree's bark was crimson in color, and from the small cracks one could see that inside it was a light blue color, while its leaves were pure white in color.

Smiling slightly towards the tree the woman approached walking slowly towards the ancient tree.

But she stopped and frowned as she saw flowers slowly starting to grow at the base of the tree. The flowers were a purple color with black tips, they looked very much like Oleanders but were not as beautiful....

If the tree emitted a mystical and divine aura, the flowers emitted a completely opposite aura, it was an aura of corruption and vicious.

The woman simply looked at the flowers with annoyance, but she could not do anything directly, unfortunately she did not have the authority to do anything.

Sighing slightly she turned around and walked back the way she had come, this time not in such a good mood.

In the middle of her walk she could feel the wind blowing and calling her to head in a certain direction.

Curious, the woman followed the call of the wind, deviating from the dirt road she and walked among the undergrowth and trees of different colors. It was rare for the wind to call to her, usually it was the trees, the earth or the sun's rays.

The woman walked for a few minutes before she came to another small clearing, but this one instead of having a tree, had a small lake. Looking around and comparing the size of the clearing to that of the Tree, this place was certainly much smaller.

Peering into the small lake, her eyes snapped open at the sight of what lay deep in the lake. Stretching out her hand farther than a normal person could stretch, she quickly picked up what appeared to be a badly cracked light blue stone.

Suddenly the woman's hands glowed a golden color and as a result the small stone returned to its original state without a crack, which made the woman smile happily.

"ΨÐ" Said the woman looking at the stone she held in her hands, or well, rather the big soul she held in her hands.

The rotten soul had stagnated in the lake instead of following the path of the other souls to the River of Incarnation, and as a result her soul was abandoned for who knows how long.

The woman was in awe of the soul, it's a pity that the only thing left of her was her magical power accumulated over the millions of years by being trapped in the lake in her large garden.

The woman wished she could do more for the old soul, even though she is not the one who manages the souls, she still feels responsible for this soul being accidentally trapped in her garden.

Determined to give this soul a new life, she decided to have the forgotten soul incarnated in the Plane she ruled.

With a thought a small portal opened showing each and every Plane of Creation, focusing slightly on her own Plane she began to search for a suitable place for the old soul.

As she searched the infinity of the billions of universes found within her Plane, the rays of the sun reminded her of one of the requests of one of her most faithful subordinates. Nodding to herself the wondrous view of the millions of universes disappeared to show a specific planet, deciding to send the ancient soul to this planet.

Looking at the soul he held in her hands he could not help but smile at it with warmth and sadness.

She wanted to do more for the poor soul, but she was in no position to do anything, the Defense of the Planes was taking up almost the entirety of her mind and body. And if she stopped the creation of the Planes, it was possible that HE would punish her and lock her up for all eternity of the multiverse together with Gargantua for neglecting her "duties" as "rulers"

Wishing the old soul good luck, the woman blinks and suddenly the soul was nowhere to be seen anymore.

"ΨŒÐ∂ßΦ, þΨÆ"
