Chapter 9 – Young Supervisor
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In one of the many corridors of a large Academy in the Eiger Kingdom, a young red-haired girl could be seen walking with steady elegance while humming a tune under her breath, around her passed several other students wearing the same uniform as the young girl.

Ignoring the stares of the people around her the young girl walked towards the Academy cafeteria at a brisk pace. The young girl was dressed in a white formal shirt decorated with gold embroidery, on top of it was a black colored black jacket, a long black colored skirt along with long white stockings and black shoes.

On the chest of the jacket a peculiar symbol could be seen, a feather writing on a paper with small flowers around it.

This beautiful young woman was none other than the Heiress of House Flumin, Flora Flumin.

Wahh... another boring day at this Academy... Flora thought disdainfully as she entered the elegant dining room sitting at one of the many tables waiting for a servant to come and take her order, she didn't have to wait long as a servant came to take her order.

As it was not too late she decided to eat some meat and some vegetables along with a soup. After the servant left, Flora looked at the ceiling with an indecipherable gaze as she thought about this and that....

I still don't understand why I have to watch History classes... I still don't understand what Mother meant when she said it was important... Flora thought with a slight smile as she remembered her Mother, which also led her to think about all the other people in the Flumin House.

It had been 3 years since she last saw them all, even then she still sends them letters once a week even though she knows they can't answer them because of the strict rules of the Academy.

At first she thought she would be able to see them after a few months, but she had this wrong, once you enter the Academy until you finish the full Study Cycle you cannot return to your Home unless it is for an emergency.

She was already 13, 14 in a few months. Which meant she had about two years left at the Academy before she could return home.

While she was lost in thought her food arrived in the hands of a pair of servants, thanking her for the service the servant left Flora alone to enjoy her meal.

At least the Training and Duels are fun... although it's not as if many people can fight well...

During her first duel she thought it would be somewhat close as she had heard that Nobles are much stronger than a mere Commoner, and while that is true, the reality turned out to be quite disappointing.

She defeated her opponent in 3 moves.

It was... anticlimactic.

After fighting with more Nobles, she realized one important thing.

The Nobles weren't focused on combat, they were more focused on ruling, forming relationships and manipulating the masses, deceiving each other, etc.

Flora was strangely annoyed by this, but she understood. A Noble can swat several Commoners like flies by training only the basics, for them combat was not a priority. Not to mention that almost simple Nobles are protected by Knights or their own Servants, so it has no real need to develop Magically.

Flora was a bit disappointed by this, but still continued to train hard every day as Clair had instructed her.

Finishing her meal she got up from the table, only to find a small commotion in front of her.

"You! You filthy commoner how dare you stand in the same row as me?!"

"That's right! A mere cockroach like you shouldn't be placed the same as us!"

"You should apologize to us for such disrespect towards our persons!"

A trio of Nobles were shouting barbarities at a boy behind them, they were all standing in line to order dessert in an area of the dining hall as it was ordered separately from the food. This scene was nothing out of the ordinary for the other people so they paid no attention to them, but it was quite obvious that the servants were uncomfortable about this as they had no way to intervene.

This trio of Nobles had been pestering the "Commoner" almost everywhere in the Academy for ridiculous things. Obviously this was forbidden at the Academy, but the Nobles managed to get out of the radius of the Student Council supervisors and even though they knew what they were doing they needed solid proof to take action.

Said 'Commoner' just sighed as he gave them a bored look. "Would you be so kind as to step aside...I'm just looking for my dessert."

"What? You don't even have anything to eat, you poor dirty little thing... you should ask your bitch of a mother to make lunch for you! Hahaha!"

"..." The Commoner didn't even react to the Noble's stupid insult and simply looked at the Noble as if to say 'Really?'.

Feeling her annoyance suddenly increase Flora walked towards them with a frown. Catching the sound of her footsteps the Commoner turned to look at her with a raised eyebrow as if to say 'More trouble?'.

The Commoner was tall -Flora had her Grandmother and Mother's genes to thank for making her taller than most girls her age- she had long light brown hair along with large blue-green eyes and on her cheek a small cut that seemed to have healed long ago. Flora had to admit that for a 'Commoner' he was quite handsome.

Approaching where the other three Nobles stood, Flora looked at them with an intense gaze and scowl causing all three to subtly flinch but still maintained their arrogant smiles. "If it's not too much trouble, may I know what's going on here?"

The 'Commoner' was about to speak when he was interrupted by a Noble, he had blue hair with grey tips and black eyes. "Yes! This dirty commoner was trying to overtake us! The Nobles! Can you believe it?!"

"I wasn't-"

Another Noble -One with green hair and orange eyes- stepped forward before pointing at the 'Commoner' with a smirk "Silence Commoner! We Nobles are talking!"

Repressing a sigh, Flora took a step forward to look at the trio of idiots calling themselves 'Nobles'. It was a bit funny for the servants to see a girl position herself in front of a boy in a protective manner.

"...You! the servant girl" Flora pointed to a servant girl who was watching the scene with a pale face, she looked like she was going to faint at any moment when Flora pointed to her. "Yes you, could you go get an overseer?"

The maid only nodded in fright before bolting out the dining room door at full speed, Flora blinked twice as she saw the maid's panic but only shrugged.

"Um... may I know why you ordered to find an overseer?" the blue haired Noble asked sensing something was wrong.

"Because you three are breaking one of the most important rules of the Academy... plus it's my job now..." Flora spoke with disdain in her voice pleasing that last part quietly as she crossed her arms under her chest, which had started to grow. "I'm sorry for not introducing myself earlier, my name is Flora Flumin Heiress of Cas Flumin and new Supervisor of the Student Council, it is a pleasure to meet my fellow Nobles, unfortunately as part of the Council I cannot let this disrespect against another fellow student pass."


Flora interrupted as she shook her head towards the trio. "A true Noble should not behave with such a rude and vulgar aptitude like this, you dare to call yourself a 'Noble' but you lack the dignity of one."

With that the Trio fell silent with a bitter air around them, it wasn't long before a supervisor from the Academy arrived, Flora quickly explained the situation and took the Trio away to give them a proper punishment.

After making quite a scene, Flora apologized to her fellow Nobles who were in the dining hall for disturbing them during their meal.

Turning to look at the 'Commoner' she motioned for him to follow her to a table a little away from the others....


"You! What's your name!" Flora exclaimed pointing at him after sitting down in her seat.

The boy blinked before giving her a confused look. "E-Eh, why do you want to know?"

Flora folded her arms as she gave him a blank look. "I don't want to keep calling you 'The Commoner' in my head."

The boy just gave her a strange look before letting out a resigned sigh. "My name is Alex from Class 1A."

How did I not realize he was in my Class before? Flora buried that thought quickly as she realized Alex wasn't sharing his last name, she waited a moment but raised an eyebrow when he didn't say anything. "...No last name?"

Alex scratched his neck uncomfortably at the question. "Eh. I don't possess one since I'm of unknown origins so I don't know what my last name is, but I know I'm of Noble blood due to the fact that I can handle Outer Mana."

Well this is weird... I guess he's the castoff of some House and just doesn't want to say it... but it's weird that he doesn't use the House Name of his provider, after all you can't get in here just because you have Noble blood... Flora thought as she gave him a suspicious look, looking him up and down for a few moments ignoring the uncomfortable look he was giving her Alex. I can't see the Logo of some Sponsor either... mnnn... bah whatever it's not my problem.

Settling back in her seat Flora looked at Alex with bored but curious eyes. "Then let me introduce myself again, I'm-"

"I know who you are, Flora Flumin, Class 1A, Student Council, Heiress, Mistress in Magic, Combat Genius, in fact I doubt anyone at the Academy doesn't know your name" Alex interrupted placing a hand on her cheek and giving her a blank stare.

Flora narrowed her eyes as she tilted her head in confusion as to where she had gotten so much information from.

"Wait, you don't know?" asked Alex in astonishment, but seeing Flora's confused expression she could only sigh before speaking dramatically. "A lady as strong as a dragon, as swift as lightning itself, as beautiful as the sun and as violent as fire, The Fiery Lady - Flora Flumin, you're basically a celebrity among the Nobles."

"..." Flora simply looked at him with her mouth open and her eyes wide at the ridiculousness of what she just heard.

"Eh, well I may have exaggerated a bit but it's not that far from what they say about you, plus not to mention that you are Heiress to one of the most important families in the Kingdom... honestly it seems a bit... childish" Alex kept talking but Flora just ignored him

"That... that's great! I have to tell Sophia to earn my own Nickname before I leave the Academy!" Flora exclaimed as she threw a fist in the air with a smirk and an air of arrogance.

Alex could only blink in confusion at Flora's rapidly changing moods, but in the end he shrugged it off. "Hey, you're a pretty good Magic user, right?"

Flora puffed her chest forward with a proud smile "Not to brag, but I'm an amazing user of both Mana, but I specialize in Fire Magic."

Flora might be talking out of turn, but she was in such a good mood that she didn't care. Meanwhile Alex gave her a sly smile seeing Flora's good mood.

"How about a fight between us? The truth is, you don't look as strong as they say."

"I never say no to a fight" Flora shrugged her shoulders well aware of Alex's provocation, she just looked him in the eyes with a mischievous smile. "But what's in it for me?"

Alex clicked his tongue silently, deciding that this would be his only chance he bet all or nothing. "If you win I'll be your subordinate until we finish the Academy, and if I win you'll teach me how to control External Mana."

Flora simply looked at the boy's hand with an innocent look on her face as she immersed herself in her thoughts, before giving him a handshake by way of confirmation.

This boy might be more interesting than I thought... Flora thought as she flashed a shark smile almost identical to her Mother's and eyes burning with battle desire.

Maybe this wasn't such a good idea... Alex thought, suddenly a bad feeling sank into his stomach but he ignored it. It can't be that hard... right?
