Chapter 16 – Our World
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While we now have a better understanding about 'Magic' by knowing what the laws governing it were, that didn't mean I could suddenly perform wonders and miracles with the snap of my fingers or a mere thought, that would be ridiculous yet fascinating at the same time.

But it's a relief to finally get some theoretical information about Magic and not a 'the power of will' or something like that, which while not wrong, is not a very explanatory description.

I was beginning to think that the people of this world had neglected their research on Magic after reaching a certain point of discovery, as usually tends to happen with different fields of research, it is a relief to see that I was wrong.

I was currently in the middle of a Geography and History class with Professor Emilia, or Emi as they prefer to call her. She was a short and slightly chubby woman, with short brown hair that reached a little past her shoulders, brown eyes which had a kind but knowing look in them.

The class was about the Continents and their Kingdoms.

While the class was interesting, it was a bit rather boring for us as I knew quite a bit about the subject, I may have learned practically nothing about Magic at Home due to my condition and my great magical reserve but it's not as if I sat still watching the infinite darkness all day long.

As a consequence of our study plan being altered by the delay in Magical training, Mother decided to teach me about various other subjects, among them Geography and History were my favorites without a doubt. Hearing the history about the legends of the past and imagining them was fun, plus learning about the various Kingdoms, Races and Cultures was revealing of how deep the world around me was.

The world we were on was called Terra and had a total of two continents.

Revia and Soec, located in the East and West respectively.

We were on the Revia Continent, which is made up of three nations.

-The Kitsuwa Triumvirate-

As its name says it is a Triumvirate, a form of government where three people have absolute power over the whole Nation, or well, part of the power over the nation.

It is somewhat similar to the Hierarchy in the Student Council of the Academy, where the members do not have 'absolute power' since being divided into three parts they are obliged to share the power equally.

In ancient times there were only three small Kingdoms that due to the ancient aggressiveness of the Empire at the beginning of the Alchemical Age were forced to unite for their survival, resulting in Kitsuwa and its diverse cultures mixed through the centuries.

-The Eiger Kingdom-

It is a Monarchical state ruled by Royalty, the King being the highest authority within the Kingdom, but that didn't mean he was the only one with important power within the Kingdom, there was something called 'The White Table', basically it was a meeting where the most influential and powerful Nobles of the Kingdom participated, organized by the Royalty itself the 'White Table' is the wet dream of every Noble who aspires to greatness.

I'm not quite sure what the participants of the 'White Table' do but it must be very important if the King himself brings together the various Nobles knowing the frequent tensions between the various Houses.

-The Great Nox Empire-

It was governed solely and exclusively by an Emperor, being the Nobles only minor assistants and without relevance in matters related to the Nation, the closest thing to a position of political power within the Empire were the Ministers, which were personally selected by the Emperor.

Because of this there were various factions among Nobles which usually caused "accidents" and "misunderstandings" within the Empire which were intended to weaken the other faction or to place themselves in a better light in the sight of the Emperor.

The Empire is possibly the most important Nation in the World being a power in absolute military power. A true monster that thank heavens is still recovering from the Alchemical Age.

It is the first Empire and also the oldest of all mankind, existing for over a millennium in the year 327 when it was founded by the legendary Sorcerer Merlin Nox and later inherited by Arthur Nox Pendragon, better known as the Dragon King. And later inherited by Mordred Nox Pendragon, or better known as the Red Baron or the Saint of the Sword.

I know, that's quite a few big names, uh?

Oh, it's currently the year 1754, I guess the Empire has been around... 1427 years, give or take, a bit old if you ask me. I'm surprised it hasn't yet collapsed in on itself like other empires throughout history, although come to think of it it almost collapsed on itself more than once....

Back to class, actually no the teacher didn't tell even 30% of all this but that's to be expected we are only in the first class and that my House has a library with most of the Academy subjects doesn't help the classes to be less tedious.

Just a few more hours and I'll go back to my Magic practice in my room...



"We have arrived" Informed the coachman as he stopped the luxurious carriage.

Nodding and giving him a small thank you I waited for the servant to open the carriage door to carefully get out of the carriage.

After exiting the carriage I raised my head to look carefully at the beautiful structure in front of me.

In front of me stretched an imposing, beautifully built castle that emitted a feeling of grandeur and beauty.

Its large grayish walls were beautifully decorated with different statues, in the middle of the huge wall a large arched gate opened to reveal a beautiful garden with blue flowers reminiscent of roses and not to mention the beautiful roof of the castle built with bright blue tiles that gave a mystical touch to the sight.

Even now, in the dark of night, the castle shone as if it were its own star and everything else were mere planets.

As beautiful as ever. Zoe thought with a smile adorning her face. No wonder so many painters would kill for a chance to paint this beautiful sight.

"Lady Flumin" A voice snapped her out of her daze brought on by the beautiful view, turning her head she saw a young servant kneeling in front of her. "It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Great Eiger Castle, if I may I would like to lead you to the 'White Table'"

Zoe looked at the servant for a moment before smiling politely. "It would be my pleasure."

Nodding respectfully, the young servant slowly stood up before turning and walking ahead of Zoe towards the door of the massive castle, which was being guarded by a dozen Knights, all of whom wore a light blue blanket over their shoulders with the symbol of a diamond surrounded by four angelic wings around it.

When they saw Zoe approaching behind the servant, they stood at attention as they made a formal salute. """It's an honor!"""

Some gentlemen couldn't help but stare at the beautiful woman of who walked beside them with grace worthy of a queen.

She was a tall woman with snow white hair, blue eyes that emitted a mysterious feeling in them, she was dressed in a black skirt that reached her knees, an elegant white shirt decorated with jewels and a white tunic with intricate blue decorations that focused the symbol of her House.

Zoe simply walked ignoring the stares of the knights as she entered the castle with natural elegance leaving several knights spellbound who stared at her until the door closed with a loud sound, snapping them out of their daze.

Zoe smiled wryly as she shook her head slightly as she watched the Knights' reaction.

They both walked down a hallway decorated with a dark blue carpet and walls made of white marble decorated with some paintings, statues or armor, they finally reached their destination.

A white door, decorated with the figure of a sword with wings, from which various voices could be heard behind it.

"We have arrived" Informed the servant before bowing to Zoe. "Her Majesty is not yet in the room, please be patient and wait until Her Majesty starts the meeting. Also, on behalf of His Majesty let me apologize for the sudden call."

"No problem, thank you for your service you may retire" Zoe spoke politely as she thanked the servant, the latter nodded as he quickly walked away.

After the servant left, Zoe looked at the door in front of her in annoyance as she let out a sigh.

Taking a step forward, Zoe opened the door.



I hope you haven't forgotten about me, although I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case, it was about 2 months or so?

I finally finished freaking college, or well, this semester, let me tell you it was stressful, like, really stressful.

Oh by the way, my translator upgraded, so I don't know how well it's translating now, anything weird, please let me know in the comments.

Good news and bad news.

Good first, I'll be back to updating chapters in due time, I'm not going to follow an update pattern as I want to polish the chapters as best I can (Now they will only be 1.5k words long instead of the 2k to give you more consistency and ease of posting).

Somehow I managed to pass mathematics by retaking the semester in a moment of desperation. (The damn teacher was taking points unfairly so that the students would pay her 80 fucking dollars if I wanted to get more than 10 in a fucking exam, not even the maximum grade which is 20, plus it was only for 1 exam and there are 8 fucking exams, I didn't pay a fucking dollar suck that teacher motherfucker).

I feel much better mentally now, getting my PS4 repaired manually has really lifted my spirits.

I will update my other novel again, plus in my free time when I wasn't dying in mathematics I wrote some chapters of other novels I have in reserve.

Bad news, I failed physics, I'm going to blame the fucking bitch math teacher.

Among other things! Thanks for reading!