Chapter 18: Lili and leaving the dungeon
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My condition worsened with each passing second. I am sure that if I did not consume a potion, I would perish, or at least, I would have to rest.

However, the situation, which was also worsening, would not allow me to do so quickly.

—Should I flee?

Indeed, that was the best course of action to take if I wanted to save my ass.


I looked out of the corner of my eye. The girl lying on the ground had lost all the blood from her face. Without her, the battle probably still wouldn't be over.

I stuffed the <Soul Sphere> into my pouch, bit my lips, and, limping, shuffled my feet toward the girl's location. She looked scared of me; I guess it was the first time I had seen someone assassinate four adventurers.

"Excuse me, we must move immediately if we want to get out alive. My condition is serious, and I highly doubt I can take on another group of monsters."

I prepared to carry her petite body; however, she seemed surprised by my words.She turned her face toward the large bag and said.

"Ad-adventurer-sama, wait, Lili thinks you should take a potion first to increase our chances of survival." 

—So her name is Lili, huh? Well, it's a bit strange to see someone refer to herself in the third person.

"Alright then..."

I didn't deprive myself of quickly rummaging through the various items in the bag. Soon, my hands pulled out some vials with a green or blue liquid as contents.

I uncapped the green-colored vial and poured it directly into my mouth. A thick, sour-tasting liquid ran down my throat; instantly, I could feel the healing effects. A slight stinging covered all my wounds, making me feel uncomfortable.


"You can call me Tooru."

"Tooru-sama, we have to get out of here fast. Lili has a broken rib and can't walk since her legs suffered injuries."

Lili's voice sounded a bit anxious, plus the monsters already broke the whole shell. I put the potion vials in the bag on my back, and without a word, I put my right arm around Lili's tiny waist to lift her. Even this small movement consumed all my will.

I didn't let my attention wander anywhere but the intricate path before me. Beads of sweat rolled down my pale cheeks; I could see out of the corner of my eye that Lili was turning her face away, looking for if there were any monsters.

It was absolutely amazing, as she seemed to know all the floors and the safest routes. So, we had no trouble at all during our escape. But instead of continuing to run, I stopped my steps on the second floor.

I lowered Lili to the ground and stared at her.

"Hey, Lili, what do you plan to do now? Those adventurers said that you belonged to the same <Familia> as them; is that true?".

Lili's expression was hidden under the hood, but I could see her head nodding.

"Yes, Lili is from the <Soma Familia>, but Tooru-sama doesn't need to worry." She seemed to read the worries in my mind and continued: "Lili is mistreated by the adventurers, so she doesn't consider them family; Lili won't comment on anything that happened today to third parties; she may even say that the <War Shadows> attacked us, and they were killed."

I couldn't help but sigh in relief. Although they were only words, and naturally, she was not obligated to keep her mouth shut, still, perhaps, I could trust her.

"You need to heal too. Thank you for the potions; though they are quite expensive, I have used them."

I took the potions out of the bag and uncapped one before lifting Lili's chin. For the first time, I got a good look at her appearance.

Under her red and white hood, a compact but pretty white face peeked out, with brown hair and eyes.

"Drink it."

I popped the potion straight into her mouth, wide-eyed with surprise.


Small tears formed in the corners of her eyes as she swallowed audibly.


I laughed a little at her pitiful face, though it quickly disappeared due to the pain of the wound.

"By the way, Lili, was what you used a <Magic Item>?"

I asked curiously.

The <Magic Items> were really difficult to make, and only those competent blacksmiths could add a special effect to their creations. Therefore, these items were so expensive that not everyone could afford to buy them.

At my question, Lili's body trembled slightly.

"Yes, as Tooru-sama could see, Lili's action was attributed to a <Magic Item> she got... After the fireball shot out, Lili lost the item since it was a single-use item."

"I see, then, you used a valuable treasure to save me. I thank you very much, Lili."

I smiled slightly, stroking Lili's head, who lowered her face, hiding it.

"N-no, Lili used it because the only way to save herself was to trust Tooru-sama. If Lili didn't use it at the right time, not only Tooru-sama would lose his life."

"Good, good, don't be shy."

"Lili is not..."

"The potion will take a while to take effect, so I'll take you outside the dungeon for better treatment, okay?"


Being a little better, I hugged Lili and lifted her up in a princess bag, her letting out a small —Kyaa~— and me teasing her. Despite what I said, she was still clearly closed off to me. Perhaps it was because, as she had said, she had suffered at the hands of the adventurers.

To let such a young girl go through those turbulent actions not everyone can endure, they really are cruel, those guys.

As I was thinking, a new thought crossed my mind. I hadn't tried it yet, but if what I think turns out to be correct, then I don't necessarily have to cease my actions in the dungeon.

I waved my hand a little, and from inside the backpack came out the <Soul Sphere> I was keeping.

"Hey, Lili, can you see this?".

Lili looked at my hand; there was no surprise or fluctuation in her expression. She lifted her chin and looked into my eyes quizzically.

"Tooru-sama, if you're referring to calluses on the hands, it's natural for spear users to have them."

I pursed my lips at Lili's comment. However, since she can't see the <Soul Sphere>, that basically lifted a weight off my shoulders.

I came to this conclusion after thinking about the soul. What was the soul in the first place? Well, it was... No, it's impossible for me to really know the true meaning of something as abstract as the soul. But I do know that not everyone can see it if we except the gods; perhaps I am the only human who can see part of the soul.

And since the <Soul Spheres> are basically made of souls, it is expected that someone normal like Lili cannot see it.

I refrained from breaking the <Soul Sphere> and put it back in the backpack.

It didn't take long to get out of the dungeon. After leaving Lili in the hands of the doctors, I excused myself to them about my treatment and said goodbye to Lili.

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