Chapter 3. Awaken
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_present time_

In the dark of the night, they can only be sure that they've seen two red glowing eyes, looking down on them frantically. Two glinting pointed long fangs with drops of saliva dripping to the ground from its mouth. It is huge... two times bigger than the normal size of a human, though it does possess a human's form of two legs and hands but there's no flesh on the creature's body. It is just merely made of bones. Gigantic bones... The height of the creature is about 20 foot. And it smells like rotten meat. Like the smell of a dead being. It is a monster...The moment they set eyes on the creature, they just knew that it is one.

"RUN!!!" Micah screamed at his friends as he turns his head around at them. And as soon as they heard him, their legs just automatically move to a sprint. They don't ever look back.

Only one of them did look back. It was Dominic. He saw that the creature had got to Micah. "Micah!" He screamed. He turns around and runs back deep into the wood, chasing after the creature. He knew he had no chance against it. He knew the creature might get to him next but so be it. He didn't care. He wanted to save his best-friend. He wanted to save Micah.

"Dominic~" He heard a whispering voice calling out to him. The voice sounded inhuman and... evil. He feels himself tremble. He didn't hear this before when the incident took place. This is out of the memory, isn't it? No way. Is the creature calling out to him? The world suddenly goes to black. The woods had disappeared. Before him, the creature stood still, watching him hungrily. No. This must be a dream, Dominic thought. It must be a dream...


Dominic wakes up from the nightmare abruptly. He is sweating and he is gasping for his breath like he had just come back from a run. But he was actually just asleep. And now that he's fully awake, he tries to adjust his mind to his surroundings.

It's been three days that Dominic had spent on the road. He remembers how he can't help but smile when he saw the sign 'Brackish Ville' by the side of the road a few hours ago. He is now in the hospital. After the shocking phone call three days ago, he heard the news that Micah had fallen unconscious after calling out his name several times. He is now sitting on a chair next to Micah's hospital bed. He can hear the steady beeping of Micah's heart from the monitor next to the bed's post.

Shit! He nearly jumped out of his chair when he noticed a pair of eyes that had been staring at him. He immediately calms down and feels happy at the same time soon after. "Micah? You're awake?" He asked. Micah keeps on staring at him with his head flop to one side and instead of answering him, a smile curves on his lips. But the smile did not make Dominic any happier. He only feels a rush of adrenaline washes through his body. It is an evil smile. A demonic smile. The kind of smile that hints you that something really bad is going to happen to you. "Micah?" Dominic called out to his friend again. He is trembling a little in fear and is unsure of what is going on.

This time, the evil from Micah's eyes disappeared out of a sudden. The smile turns to a bright, happy one instantly. "Dome..." he called out to Dominic. He then looks at his surroundings. "Where am I?" he asked.

"You're in a hospital," Micah informed as he got up from his chair and rushes to Micah's side. A drop of tear slides down from the side of his left eye and a grateful smile conjures up on his face. "Wait, I'll call the doctor," he said. He was about to leave when Micah grabs his hand and that forces him to turn back around to look at his face.

"I had a dream," Micah said. "It was more of a recollection of my memories," he indicated. Dominic didn't understand why Micah wanted to tell him all this. He could definitely tell him later once the doctor is here. Dominic is just worried of Micah's current condition. He sure didn't want to lose his best-friend again. "It was a kiss... with you," he informed. At the sudden information, Dominic feels his cheeks flushed red.

"That was in third grade, Micah. We're both still young and stupid and we just wanted to test it out. It's nothing to be worried about," Dominic said, assuring Micah that it was nothing.

"I'm not worried about it. My heart feels warm from the memory," Micah said with a smile. Dominic opens and closes his mouth. He wanted to say something but couldn't find anything to say. Finally, he just decided to change the topic.

"I'm just glad you're okay," Dominic said and quickly heads out of the room after patting Micah's hand a few times to assure hi of his safety and went to look for the doctor.
