Chapter 10: Reflection
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"I see..." Archer hesitated.

His understanding deepened as he pieced together the grand vision she was conveying through her words. At that moment, he realized that this decision held an immense significance, probably carrying a major impact on his life's future trajectory. 'According to her, my mere existence disrupts any prevailing political and power dynamics. If I accept her offer I'll only be further upsetting that balance. I also assuredly attract a lot of attention, I have no basis for whether that's good, or bad. Though if I decline, can I really expect shit not to come my way anyway? Something will happen eventually, I'll just have no idea when or what it will be. I don't want to sit under a rock every time it does either. Though they may be a pleasant on the surface, these two should have powers greater than nuclear weaponry. Having them as a backer, or shield at worst, should make my time catching my balance in life here far easier.' He took another deep breath.

"Fuck it, let's do it. Where do I sign that divine NDA, and what do you need me to do for that Soul Channel?"

Erenelle's eyes widened, and she smiled brightly as she walked towards Archer. With a few graceful hand gestures, a magnificent crimson formation, spanning approximately five hundred meters in diameter, materialized around them. A closed ethereal rose bud appeared between them, holding the promise of a magnificent bloom. Gradually, it unfurled, unveiling a radiant white orb that glowed with a certain brilliance.

With her palm facing outward, she extended her hand towards the orbs of radiant white light. "If you please," she gently suggested, directing her gaze towards her hand. As Archer mimicked her actions, a tidal wave of understanding overwhelmed his thoughts, inundating him with the exact details of the agreement and the terms governing its conclusion and fulfillment. The restrictions and limits mainly applied to Erenelle, not to himself.

With a decisive motion, she extended her hand and firmly touched the surface of the orb. Reacting to the direct contact, the orb let out a turbulent surge of energy wrapping around her palm binding her hand in place.

He reached out stuttering a few times and then slowly placed his whole palm against the orb. As he experienced the ethereal current coursing through his arm into the orb, a mesmerizing fusion ensued. The radiant hues of his iridescent marbled white and black Core Aspect intermingled with the captivating crimson swirl of her Core Aspect.

The bright orb span rapidly then collapsing in on itself, pulling the entire formation in with it as it blinked out of existence. Two small pearls formed in the air after a moment, with a slight hum of light. The pearls were a swirl of rose-red and a marbled iridescent black and white. One landed in each of their hands.

"That was the hard part, the soul channel is rather simple. Since we will be rapidly experiencing every moment of your life at a day per second, we must prioritize minimizing any disruptions to the channel. Fortunately, this can easily be achieved by simply touching our foreheads together. Let's make sure we sit down as well." She waved her hand and a love seat appeared beside them.

As they sat down, Erenelle gave Dean Harcacia and Lakara a run down of what to expect, including when and at what signs should they intervene. "Alright now, Archer, when we begin you'll feel a sensation encompassing your mind tightening around it slowly. Do not succumb to the powerful urge that will push you to instinctively resist. Allow my Soul Energy to intertwine a thread, binding to the entrance of your Divine Core. You then will feel the channel progressively widen, and with it your consciousness will slowly fade out respectively. If you experience nausea or discomfort, hold onto that feeling like a guardrail. It will assist you in regaining your sense of self."

She slid closer to him slowly wrapping her arms around his head, gently bringing her forehead against his. Breathing in, a profound sense of tranquility washed over his mind. The scent of an entire flower garden in full bloom filled his sense of smell; the scent of roses was particularly prominent.

Archer at first felt as if a blanket was being draped directly around his mind, and he felt an urge to itch his own brain. As the sensation heightened, he could sense a delicate thread forming between his Divine Core and hers. Shallow waves of her emotions began to flow through into his Divine Core, enveloping his mind with a disorienting duel set of feelings. Archer could differentiate between his own emotions and hers easily enough; the harder part was the overstimulation from still feeling and processing them. Although, keeping her words in mind, he worked to refocus his mind on the experience rather than get washed away in single detail, he felt more like he was spectating that way.

The sensation of mixing thoughts was rather disorienting once the channel was formed the line between her mind and his blurred together. He felt an acute sense of claustrophobia transform into a void drawing his mind beyond reality. Archer remembering Erenelle's words focused on that void and repressed the reflex that wanted to pull away with every inch of his mind and body. The void continued drawing him further away as he was submerged in the ocean that was Erenelle's own consciousness.

His senses, hearing, touch, balance, every one of them faded away into absolute silence; there was no way to differentiate time from any singular moment. He had no sense of self, no sense of being, no sense of time. Everything around him became one, the experiences he had felt rather meaningless.

Though it was purely the tranquility preceding the tempest, within but a singular moment, all the moments of his life came crashing upon him like he slammed the brakes on life itself. Everything he saw, spoke, felt heard from his first moments to now came forward one highly concentrated flashbang of his own existence.

Archer felt as if he was drowning in this dark void pouring into him through every office. When it felt almost suffocating, suddenly a light flashed before him, giving the sense of Erenelle's mind mixing around within his own. It did not provide much relief, but it was enough. The stray thought and emotion that bled through to his own mind from hers was far better than being left alone to his senses. It was unclear where his mind started and hers ended.

"We will now begin reviewing your life; it should take no more than five minutes in reality. Although, for us, it will be the same as watching your entire life second by second but at a warp speed, it can't be explained with words more simply than that. You will feel, and remember every singular moment with an absolute clarity exceeding the moment you lived it. You will assuredly experience great mental fatigue as we reach the end, you are likely to fall unconscious even before in order to process this vast load of information. You possess an exceptionally strong soul, so much so, I may not have been able to enter without destroying your mind first, and this would just be pointless. I digress, but my point is having a strong soul does your mind no good here, it will only make the experience that much more difficult for your physical mind to withstand the information, but slowing the process down would equally present high risks for complete depersonalization; I personally, prefer a little recovery coma to not knowing whether it's the past or the present." Erenelle's voice rang inside his mind like an echo, though it was impossible for her to have actually spoken.

The bright light he was experiencing faded into a rapid slide show, every experience of his life washed over him like he was watching a movie in the second person. Each memory and emotion of his life played out as he experienced it again, all the good, the bad, and the ugly. With each moment he could feel Erenelle's mind spin at the endless fundamental differences between their two worlds. He noticed that she was very interested in his research; he felt her respect for him grow in real time. He duly felt her cringe at the myriad of 'poor decisions' on his part, some things as simple as his continual neglect for his health and social life. Her realization that he saw in her the same markings due to the uncensored mind link quickly extinguished that thought; thinking about it she had to admit any ridicule on her part here would be fairly hypocritical, she too made these same mistakes but often gave them no mind being made to rewitness it.

Seeing her reaction to his life was actually rather humbling, it only further helped him reaffirm his choice to change was a right one; with each moment he gained a sense of closure he never knew he needed. He remained silent, observing the unfolding events around him day after day. In the past, he had perceived every moment of his previous life as a meaningless existence. However, now he was starting to think that wasn't the case, he made near thirty-years of mistakes. Everything he ever 'accomplished' was built on a mountain of mistakes; it was what he was willing to learn from them that counted the most.

While being forced to watch his paste self fall further and further into denial, he took mental notes to do the exact opposite, he refused to zone out and forced himself to pay attention to ever minute detail. People's faces tensing at his blunt words with no required for them, the look in the eyes of his close ones as he blows them off to work. It pained him deeply to witness, yet he staunchly refused to let the repercussions of his past deeds slip from his memory.

His death brought an abrupt end to everything, plunging him back into the empty abyss. There was neither a true beginning nor a definitive end. Alone with his thoughts, he found himself abandoned in a vast darkness, devoid of any form of sensory stimulation. Once again, time became an abstract notion, a timeless void. Continuing to float within his consciousness, he embraced solitude as an opportunity for a deeper introspection. Before long, however, he caught sight of a tiny speck of light. Gradually, it expanded in size, seemingly hurtling toward him with great speed.

Transitioning from complete sensory deprivation in the void to suddenly returning to reality was an overwhelmingly intense encounter. He instinctively gasped for air, trying to adjust to the abrupt change. His mind felt hazy, as if he had been sleep-deprived for days, and he abruptly rose to his feet.

As the archer's ears filled with a gentle buzzing, Erenelle's voice faded into the background, her lips moving silently as he strained to catch her words to no avail. Experiencing bouts of double vision, Archer felt a sickeningly exhausted dizziness overtake him. As stars flashed before his eyes, he could no longer maintain enough balance to remain seated. Collapsing onto the love seat, his head hit the cushion and he promptly lost consciousness.

"He is absolutely remarkable. In just two minutes, he managed to process almost thirty years' worth of information without losing consciousness, which is truly extraordinary for one who is practically mortal." Erenelle set his wrist down and the toroid arcane formation, which she had utilized to examine his vitals, disappeared.

"Lakara, escort him back to his quarters. He will be unconscious for a minimum of 24 hours, and even that would be impressive. Here are his course recommendations from Dean Harcacia: Please tell him to come and see me directly when he's made his decisions. She also took the time to explain in the documents how our academic system functions." Erenelle provided clear instructions to Lakara, she retrieved the documents and delicately lifted Archer onto her back. She respectfully said her goodbyes to the couple and then proceeded towards the exit not wishing to remain longer than she needed; she rather felt cold in their presence.

Deep in thought, Erenelle observed the unconscious Archer upon Lakara's back as they left. Her nor Harcacia spoke until the grand golden gates closed behind Lakara and the pair were finally out of sight.

"Did you manage to catch a glimpse of his Divine Core? Is that rune contained within a Divine Spark?" Harcacia asked referring to the unusual Infinity Symbol and the swirling patterns of Dao Law Runes contained therein. She hadn't been able to make them out when she assessed Archer; every time she tried to use a different divine sense to peer inside she felt a strong backlash within her mind. What she did know was that the backlash made the hair on her back stand on end as though seeing alone was crime.

She had fought to catch simply a glimpse of it taking the backlash head on, however the moment after she couldn't even remember what she had seen. Even though she could still remember her reaction and what she believed it to be, no other details could be found within her mind.

"I was. He seems to have a merger between a mortal's Divine Core, and a spirit god's Divine Spark. Usually a god needs a divine spark to function as a conduit to materialize in physical form. The presence of both may be simpler than expected to explain. First, would a god choose a mere mortal to be their disciple? If his theorems hold true, and I for one, certainly can't refute his them. Then the True Infinity Aspect is the balancing energy to all existence. That means all the Aspects we perceive are in fact a five dimensional shadow or reflection of the qualities not present within it; similar to how the colors of a surface are the perceived light not absorbed by the surface." Erenelle stopped gazing into the distance and turned to face Harcacia.

"Now tell me this Harcacia. If a person is a reflection of their Core Aspect, then what happens when a Succubus Goddess reincarnates a person's soul possessing the True Infinity Aspect as a Succubus? An Aspect that is a mirror reflection, or summation, of all that both is, and is not?"

Harcacia's eyes shook, "That...that... You'd get the impossible with ease: an Incubus would be born. Not only that, what's not a mortal, yet not a god? A combination of both. The perfect merger of a spirit god and a mortal... Th—this is going to cause social and political drama far, far grander than a little unrest in the power balance. A being capable of reaching an absolute communion with any and all Aspects at once is truly a terrifying thought if he can control it. If he grew to the first order I certainly wouldn't want to face him on the battlefield unless I reached the third order." Harcacia brought her hand to her forehead, looking to the ground while shacking her head lightly. 

Her face froze, her brow tensed. She realized a major headache the two were in for due another long term, rather important project to her and Erenelle. 

"Eren we're fucked."