First Blood
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What a wonderful feeling! I wonder who that was? May be their leader? He Had had a fancy getup. I did not have to ponder that long because another person walked through the door in the side of the cave. He looked at the dead man, then to me, then to the prisoners.

“You killed my brother!” the man shouted, “I’ll skull fuck you!”

Ok, I know I killed his brother but… skull fuck, really? That’s the phrase he’s going with, alright. The man tries to grab me but like with his brother I lash out and lacerate his hand then when he’s reelin back I attack his barefoot. With his Achilles tendon gone he falls on the ground but catches himself. Then yet another man walks in and sees the commotion. Based on what he see he seems to think for a moment and looks at me as I cut out the man’s throat.

“I knew we shouldn’t have kidnapped the girl that was protected by spirits,” he said with a shake of his head.

He then just pulls out a sling shot from his back pocket and fires a rock towards me. Though because of my short height and the fact that there was body I could grab I ducted behind the corpse.

“Damn it,” said the man.

I rushed the man, taking out his knees. Then after that I stabbed the blade through his eye. And then I realized something; these are the guys that grabbed me during the festival. It seems that they kidnapped multiple people. And now they are dead.

I looked the way the kidnappers had come and saw a wooden door. When I went through the door while cleaning the blade off my new sickle. Judging from the light in the sky it was around noon. I looked around the area and it seemed that there was no one outside, but there was shouting coming from the direction of a group of trees.

“They ran this way!” came a voice that sounded like my father’s.

It seemed that I broke out at the right time to meet up with my father. He and a group of other adult men came running out of the woods. When he saw me the look on his face could only be described as confuzzled, then it changed to overwhelmingly happy. He dropped the spear he was holding and ran to my side picking me up and giving me a bear hug.

“I’m sorry, they just sneaked into the house last night and I couldn’t stop them from running away with you,” explained father.

From how my father described it, it sounded like they heard about me and that I was a spirit beastkin and had planned to kidnap and sell me to a noble from the imperial state of Francia.

Yes, this world was pretty like my own. Except that Britannia wasn’t an island and the roman Empire collapsed quicker. In this world Rome had not cemented itself as deep into Britain, so when the Anglos from Germany had invaded Britannia, it took longer for Britain to grow as strong as it was now. Which meant that France had grown stronger and Germany and France were the bitter rivals of this world.

(i'm going to bed for the night)