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It was year five of my life. The beginning did not look good. Father was drafted for war, for they had declared war on us, France. They called themselves Francia in this world, but I didn’t care, I had booby trapped the forest land that was right outside or home. It was just my mother sister and me against the world. Father was sent to the backlines near the coast.

My life had become much harder than before the draft as father wasn’t here. It saddens me that dad wasn’t here as he was the glue that held the family together. Mother was full of jitters, I wasn’t though. I knew dad could take care of himself.

There was a knock at the door,

“ma’am, tax is dew, would mind opening the door,” came the voice of the local tax collector.

This one was nice as far as I could tell, but he did act embarrassed around my mother so I thought he maybe had a crush on her. Instead of mother who was out buying groceries, I opened the door.

“Hello Dave,” I said, “mom’s out right now”

“ok should I come back later like in an hour?”

“no, you can come in she went out like an hour ago so she should be back in like 15 minutes,” I responded.


“so how has your day been,” I said as I opened the door and took his coat.

“its been going well your household is the last I have to collect from this week so I’m happy,” he responded