The Blade
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          Months had gone by, and my birthday passed by and no one celebrated it as we were not allowed to have such things. I was currently in the young master room and singing a song written by an edgy artist who built a lemonade guillotine. I was happy right now as there was something happening outside that only the slaves could ignore.

          The island was under siege. I was so happy! I started to dance as I had finished cleaning. There was blood shed occurring outside and I was getting high off of the smell of the guards dying. They had broken through the gates and were in the manor. I could here them running up the stars and panicking. I opened the door while I was singing a song, as was the spirits.

          In didn’t know if the soldiers were English or German, but I didn’t care. The smell of blood and fear was exhilarating! The power I felt was great, so great I felt like the clamp around my had no power over me!

          I grabbed the edges of the collar and pulled, and it shattered like it was paper. The magical burst from the collar caused the floor to cave-in. the floor sunk, and I fell through the floor.

          As I fell, I felt extasy course through my body. A giddy laugh escaped my lips. When I landed, I looked up and saw that I had fell three stories to the ground floor. I had no love for this place as I had felt nothing while I was here.

          I noticed that I had fell on the invading forces. They all looked shell shocked as the should be. A little girl had fallen from the sky. They stared at me. Then I saw that they had apprehended my noble and his family.

          “Ha! ha ha ha, ahaha ha aha ha!” I laughed and screamed as I grabbed a unconscious man’s saber.

          I darted forward to the noble and cut off his head then I went on to the next man who wasn’t even one of his men. The invaders were not gonna stop this wonderful day they had started, and they were gonna die on this wonderful day! The song the spirits sang was giddy like them and I in this situation.

          “Oh bleed, bleed, bleed, bleed, you glorious captors!”

          “Oh sing, song, sing, song, the blade hums!”

          “Count the heads as they fly!”

          When I noticed that they were starting to coral around a certain individual I went after him. I liked the blood off of the finger that were slippery from the blood and other things that coated my fingers and body. The man that they had been guarding pointed his rifle at me and spoke

          “Concussive flare!”

          I was rocked back as the missile hit me. The ground began to cave in again once again it appeared that there was a cave underneath the manor, and a sinkhole had appeared. I fell through and so did a large margin of the dead soldiers. I blacked out.