Lingering (200w)
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Patrol the streets. Nothing more, nothing less. 

The warning rang clear in Toy's head when he patrolled the streets. Well, he says patrol, in reality he was walking alone, barely connected to other people through walkie-talkies. These were weird times. He still was not sure if the mafia were enforcing lockdown to fight the virus or to spread their power. A bit of both, his both had acknowledged, but his boss was not the boss boss.

He walked past the closed second hand store, past barricaded restaurants, past malls, looking more deranged than ever before. The crowd before must have hidden away all the imperfections in the building. Now its shaky foundation was clear, and the stress was not helping. 

He met a delivery guy on the street. They were clearly visible through a yellow armband. The strange thing though? There was no delivery here at 3pm. 

"Hey! Who are you?"

The delivery guy looked shocked at him. Toy twitched, and reached for his gun, when the other person stumbled and fell on her knees. He pointed the nuzzle to her side. She stared wide-eyed at him, didn't move. Don't point your thing at where you don't want to shoot. Do your job. Figure out the situation. 

"Why you here?"

She steeled her expression. Her voice was rough, her English broken. "No delivery."

"Yes, it has been cut down. So you went out?"

"No delivery yesterday."

"... That one should have been there. Contact the distributor?"

"We did."

It was nice to hear English again. Oh, he would have switched to Spanish if she didn't understand. Rarely the mafia spoke English to citizens after all, and he would eventually have to learn. Before the times, he wouldn't have bat an eye. If he wanted to hear English, he could just return to the US. 

"Okay. Go back, I'll handle it." Do your job, man. Nothing more. Stop getting involved. 


"Tonight." He'd have to call in a few favours, probably. Or he could just report to the distributor's boss. Based on her reaction, he could gauge why the mafia was locking the whole country down.

"No food." She stared at him. 

"Go back." 

"No food." 

A shot, next to her. A warning. She stared blankly, stood up, and walked back from where she came from. He stared after her, until she walked away, and stared some more. When he continued his patrol, he was back focused on the job. 

Patrol the street. Nothing more, nothing less.