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It took three days to find the device keeping our systems down. Had our ship had an entire crew, we might have found it sooner, but I searched alone. During that time, Riker seemed different. I thought once our ship was back to normal, he'd snap out of it, but that wasn't the case.

I had just returned to the ship and went to my room to change out of my spacesuit back into my usual clothes. I really needed to go shopping without Riker someday. His style consisted of a variety of jumpsuits, boots, and weapons. And unfortunately, so did mine. I was in the middle of getting changed when suddenly my door slid open. Instinctively I held my gun, ready to shoot whoever was on the other side. But it was Riker.

I lowered my weapon, and he came inside to sit on the edge of my bed in the corner of the room. I waited for him to say something, but he didn't. It wasn't until I turned to face him directly that he spoke.

"Orion, there comes a time in every low life's life when you gotta ask yourself…" he started but stopped short of finishing his thought.

My adopted father wasn't afraid of many things, and speaking his mind was never on the list.

Looking away from me, he asked," Is this what you want? Is this the life you want to lead? I’ve asked myself that question, but never given you the opportunity. Still, you've given me your answer a million times."

I was confused, to say the least, by my father.

"I think it's time you move out," He said.

"Move out?!" My eyes went wide before I continued, "But where would I go?"

He wouldn’t even look at me. I had to speak to the side of his face.

He argued, "You're old enough to protect yourself. You're not the defenseless kid I rescued from The Zoo."

He chuckled and finally looked me in the eye.

"You’re a galactic badass like your old man," he joked.

"But you heard Lady Ink; someone will be coming for us."

"Someone will come for me," Riker corrected me.

He was serious…

I grabbed his arm, possibly to make sure he was real. I wish I hadn’t done that. Riker never cried, but his eyes were hazy at that moment. He held my shoulder.

"I won't leave you," I said.

Father stood up to hug me, and I clung to him as if we were falling through space.

"You still draw lines in the sand, Son. Lines that I'll make you cross. You've proven your loyalty, but that's not enough. You had to be a low life to live with me, but you don't have to stay with me anymore."

What threat was so dangerous Riker would be so afraid? I was afraid. I had never known Riker to be the man he was at that moment, and it terrified me.

It was unreal. I took a step back, but the air felt hostile.

I told him," I'm not leaving you right before a fight. I’m not leaving you ever!"

Riker put on a grin more hollow than sand.

"Alright, son, if that's your decision?"

"I don't even have to think about it!" I remarked without hesitation.

I started to calm down, but Riker sighed, and before I could stop him, he pushed a button on a remote I hadn't noticed he was carrying.

There was a sudden sharp sensation in my back.

"Riker?" I said, stunned.

My legs felt weak. I fell over and couldn’t move enough to tilt my head up from Riker's boots.

"Riker?" I muttered.

My vision grew blurry.

"Dad?!" I cried out while my mouth could still move.

Riker spoke softly over me, saying, "Don’t worry, son, I’ll take you somewhere safe. Somewhere far from me. Far from danger."

I couldn’t see anything, couldn’t hear anything, couldn’t feel anything. I passed out.