Chapter 4 – Ranting
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Yesterday was an unbelievable roller coaster. It went from your usually dull upward drag of pretending to fit into society to a loop de loop of meeting a super cute girl who also wants to wear clown makeup with you to see the Joker movie. You fainted when she said yes. You woke up a few moments later with you near the checkout displays and Milla standing over you, making sure you are okay.

You tried to get up but she stopped you. "Hey, careful. You hit your head pretty hard."

You mumble out, "You said yes."

"What was that?" Milla asks.

You get your bearings before repeating yourself. Your head really does hurt. How badly did you hit it? You sputter out this time, "You said yes."

Milla replied, "Hey, you're hurt right now. Take a moment."

Oh my god, you think, she's so caring too. She really is 10/10.

After a few moments and an ice pack, you get on your feet, still feeling a little dizzy and dazed. You center yourself before getting your bag. You're actually really embarrassed right now. You've never gotten so anxious that you've fainted. You turn towards Milla.

She smiles as she hands you a piece of paper. "It's my number," She tells you, "Please send me a text later to let me know you're okay."

Your face begins to get hot again. You seriously did it. You got a girls number, even after fainting in front of her and looking like a fool.

That was what happened after you fainted. Back at home you started to tell your friends what happened.

You are back at home. As you grabbed an ice pack, you ignored your dad asking if you got into a fight and whether or not you won. He would laugh if he knew the truth. You got to your room and get excited to let the forum and discord know about your encounter today. You post a forum thread first and then copy that message to the discord. Discord is a bit more personal and you're able to talk to people almost immediately compared to a forum. You're so full of energy. You tell them about how you met a girl and she saw the clown makeup.

You talk about how she wants to wear it with you and that you're both going to see the Joker movie in a couple days. You just talk endlessly how you are excited to finally be able to get to be with a girl after all this time. You were afraid you might have been gay or something.

You post your feelings and you wait as people read it. You see that someone is typing. With bated breath you await their response.

He says... "Get the fuck out normie Chad." Others react to that post with emojis in agreement. Wait, what? What's going on? More users join in on the hate.

"Fake incel."

"She's probably a he."

"Chad faggot."

"Get out faker."

"It's a trap dude you're gay."

Just disbelief and insults are thrown your way on Discord. The forum thread actually gets locked by a mod saying the forum isn't for normies. This doesn't make a modicum of sense. You would think that these people who you've known for the past few years would be supportive of you. You thought these people, or at least some of them, were your friends. This doesn't make any sense. You respond by asking why they're mad. Wrong move. They are even more incensed.

One poster goes on a rant, "You idiot, being an incel is a status. Women are never gonna fuck us anyway, stop getting your hopes up. This girl is gonna make you pay for the movie and food then watch the movie and leave you afterwards saying thanks. You're not getting laid.

"No woman will ever fuck us and if we want it we have to take it from them. But that no longer makes us an incel, so we instead have to have our revenge. If I were in your position, I'd bring some concoctions I've prepared. I'd ruin her stupid little face.

"That's all women have. Their looks. If you ruin that, no Chad will ever want to fuck them again. Then they'll come crawling back to me begging for sex. That's when I can deny them, tell them they shouldn't have been such a femoid in the first place.

"It's what she deserves for using men like me while fucking Chads because she doesn't value me at all. Women are despicable and must be punished according to a true view of society. You're not even an incel, just a beta male normie. You don't understand the fight."

Holy shit, this guy is worse than clownpilled. He's not even blackpilled. This guy is like, acidpilled or something. Wanting to ruin women and think they'll come back to you so you can deny them sex? What's the point of being an incel? You thought it was a support group. You thought you had something in common with these guys that you just needed help getting girls so you could move forward with your life because you really just want to be with a girl. The reactions you got have completely demotivated you. You get off the computer and lay down.

Completely saddened and put down by these people, you begin to wonder if what they said is true. Will Millah use you for the movie and food? She probably doesn't like you anyway, does she? You fainted right in front of her. Girls don't like that. Only girls faint. Maybe...

No, that's a silly thought. Just because your Dad bullies you for it, you're not transgender. Fainting isn't girly. It doesn't make you a girl. You really just want to be happy. Your thoughts circle around your head about Millah, your life, and the discord as you fall asleep.

You spent the whole day sleeping. You didn't have to work so you didn't know what else to do. You didn't want to talk on the discord or check the forum. Those guys are real assholes. The bag of clown makeup sits on the desk. Phone in hand, you wonder if you should text Milla.

You decide against it, out of a lack of willpower. You're afraid. What if those guys are right? What if she doesn't want to really learn what kind of guy you are? What if she just wants to use you for a movie and food? Maybe she's fucking other guys right now. What do you do?

You drag yourself out of bed and splash some water on your face. You need food. ... After you eat, you sit on your computer and decide to play a video game. It's been a while since you've played anything. You start up a game you always enjoy on a bad day. Stardew Valley.