Chapter 6
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The grand dining hall was a symphony of activity as the Bloodfallen family gathered around the long table for their dinner. The head of the clan, a formidable figure, sat at the head of the table, his presence commanding attention like a conductor directing an orchestra. The rest of the family members took their seats around the table, their conversations and laughter filling the room like a chorus, as they indulged in their dinner.

The table was surrounded by countless servants, their hands holding exquisite dishes waiting to be served like a visual feast. The room was brightened by a chandelier, its light adding to the opulence of the scene like a finishing touch on a masterpiece.

Veronica and her father sat side by side, her father's presence a constant source of comfort, while her younger brother Raymond sat across from her, his disdainful gaze directed towards her like a sour note in the otherwise harmonious scene. Also present was Veronica's younger sister Natasha Bloodfallen, her innocent laughter adding a touch of levity to the gathering, and Veronica's mother Jezebel Bloodfallen, her background and personality shrouded in mystery like a hidden melody, known only to her and the game provided no further information about her, other than her role as the mother of the Villainess. The table was also graced by the presence of other notable nobles, their regal bearing and opulent attire adding to the grandeur of the feast. They conversed and laughed with the Bloodfallen family, their voices blending together like a symphony of high society. The clinking of glasses and the clattering of cutlery added to the lively atmosphere, as the feast reached its climax and the dessert course was served. The grand dining hall was a spectacle of wealth, power, and prestige, a true representation of the upper echelons of society.

I stood behind Veronica, shoulder to shoulder with Luvric, heads bowed as she conversed with her father, a gentle smile playing on her lips.

As Daniel sipped his red wine and gazed at his daughter affectionately, he asked, "How is the work going on in the capital, my dear Veronica?"

But before she could answer, her younger brother Raymond chimed in with a taunt, "What can she be doing other than causing trouble, just like this morning?"

Veronica cast her gaze away from the succulent steak upon her plate, her attention turning towards her brother. Her tone was measured, neither frigid nor saccharine as she offered a sharp retort.

"Firstly, I must implore you to cease your incessant whining, dear brother, for it is unbecoming of a man of your station. And let us not forget that the death of your loyal supporter was not without reason."

"That does not excuse your actions, Veronica," came his indignant reply.

Their father, a man of great authority and bearing, interjected with a stern command. "Silence, the both of you. I will not tolerate any discord between our families. Raymond, your sister does not visit us often, and thus, you must conduct yourself in a manner befitting of a gentleman. And as for the unfortunate incident this morning, I must remind you that it was the fault of your servant, and thus, any argument with your elder sister is unwarranted."

Raymond, cowed by his father's words, nodded meekly in agreement. "As you say, father," he murmured.

"Father, I must implore you to address this matter with the utmost haste," Veronica said, her tone sharp and urgent. "The Kingdom of Lasvan is pressing us to begin negotiations regarding the land of Zahrab. If we do not respond promptly, it will be too late to secure their support. I, along with the other nobles and the empress, fear that they may seek aid from other kingdoms. Should this come to pass, we would lose one of our greatest allies. It is a matter of the utmost importance that we begin preparations at once."

The vast Kingdom of Lasvan, bordered by the grand Aragon Empire, is celebrated for its sophisticated technology and powerful anti-magical armaments. To draw a comparison, one might liken it to the China of our own world, yet without any claims of possession over a Taiwan-like territory.

Lol was that funny?

The land of Zayrab, nestled within the sprawling Nagmu Forest, is a veritable treasure trove of resources. Comparable to a nation in its own right, the forest's eastern reaches are home to the rich and abundant land of Zayrab, teeming with Asteria stone and other natural resources that can be used to construct formidable weaponry, infrastructure, and magical armaments. Think of it as mediterranean Islands of sorts, a land so rich in resources that every nation desires a share. While the friendship between the Aragon Empire and the Lasvan Kingdom had been cordial, the recent discovery of this land has caused a rift between them, as both nations now lay claim to its vast riches. After several meetings and conferences, these two nations have been unable to come to a resolution, and as a result, their relationship has slowly begun to deteriorate. In the worst-case scenario, a war could break out between these two nations. The Aragon Empire is confident that it would emerge victorious, but at what cost? A huge number of lives would be sacrificed, and an incalculable amount of time and money would be spent. The reason the Aragon Empire wants to avoid war and at the same time assert its claim on the land is because the Asteria stone is a valuable asset for magical advancement, and the Empire is well-known for its magical prowess. If they were to annex the Kingdom of Lasvan, they would lose a valuable ally capable of producing anti-magical weapons. Additionally, if they were to go to war, it could cause other kingdoms to re-evaluate their opinion of the Empire, which the Empire wants to avoid at all costs..

After two years of negotiations, the Aragon Empire and the Lasvan kingdom have reached a mutually beneficial agreement. In order to finalize this agreement, two prominent figures from each party will have to attend the meeting and put an end to the long-standing conflict that has plagued both sides for years.This agreement will bring about a positive change for all involved and bring peace to the region.

It is clear that the Bloodfallens are a key factor in the success of this meeting. Their power and influence over the empire and the vampire race is undeniable. But, it is their word that truly solidifies the agreement between the Lasvan kingdom and the Aragon Empire. The Lasvan kingdom trusts that the empire will abide by the agreement, based on the word of the Bloodfallens. This is a testament to the immense value and authority held by the Bloodfallens in these matters.

However, for some unknown reason, Daniel, the current head of the Bloodfallen family, has been postponing the meeting multiple times, causing great frustration and anger among both the mage association and the empress. It is now clear that Veronica's trip was not just to celebrate her father's birthday, but also to persuade him to attend the crucial meeting.She is the only one who can convince him to attend, as the meeting holds great importance for both parties and the future of the region.

Daniel, with a soft smile curling his lips, reached out to ruffle his daughter's hair. The sight of her brought a warmth to his heart as he scooped a spoonful of pudding from his plate and placed it into her waiting mouth. "Worry not, my dear," he said, "I have already begun preparations for the meeting. You may assure the Empress that I shall attend without any further delays. Is that to your satisfaction?"

Veronica's eyes lit up as she swallowed the sweet pudding, a rare expression of contentment spreading across her face. "Of course, Father," she replied, her tone infused with gratitude.

As I observed the father-daughter duo, I couldn't help but note the stark contrast between this Veronica and the one known to society. The normally cold and composed young woman seemed to melt in her father's presence. The nobles around us also seemed to take note of this charming scene, each with their own reactions. Raymond, in particular, seemed to wear a mask of unreadable emotions, his eyes clouded with some unknown thoughts.

As Daniel and Veronica engaged in their discourse, his eyes alighted upon me, causing my frame to stiffen in response. "Veronica, my dear," he intoned, a playful smirk playing upon his lips, "who is this striking young man beside you? You have not yet made an introduction." All eyes at the table turned towards me, my heart pounding within my chest..

"Indeed, sister," Natasha chimed in, her scarlet gaze fixed upon me, "I was curious as to the identity of this gentleman. It is the first time I have seen anyone other than Luvric in your company. Is he of particular significance to you?" she queried, her expression one of sweetness and her lips curling in a suggestive manner as she licked them, sending a sly wink in my direction.

"Oh, he is -" Veronica began. My mind raced, would she introduce me as her slave?

"Asher, one of my loyal followers and my assistant butler who manages my affairs under the guidance of Luvric," she finished.

"How intriguing," Jezebel interjected, her gaze upon me as she addressed Daniel, "It is the first time I have seen you take a human as a butler, is it not, my love?"

"Indeed" Daniel rose from his seat as the others in attendance also began to stand, but he gestured for them to remain seated and enjoy their sweets as he slowly made his way towards me.

As he reached me and Luvric, we both bowed our heads further in respect.

"Raise your heads, you both," Daniel said as we both raised our heads.

"Asher is your name, correct?" Daniel asked with a tone of sweetness that was quite befitting of a powerful person like him. It was clear that not all powerful individuals were cold and filled with attitude.

I replied without looking at his face, "Yes, my lord. My name is Asher, though it is not my full name. For some unfortunate reason, I have forgotten my past, and so I cannot tell you my full name."

"Oh, that is sad to hear," Daniel said, "but tell me, is working under Veronica difficult? I mean, my daughter only keeps the most loyal of persons by her side, so there must be something unique about you that she saw."

I frantically searched for a response, as I could not tell him that she had kept me as a slave, unsure if I was a spy or not. Should I tell him the truth? Or simply express gratitude? I decided to go with the latter, as I did not want to risk offending her loving father. After all, who would dare to speak ill of her and risk calling their own death?

"My lord, working under the esteemed Veronica has been a great honor and privilege," I replied, choosing my words carefully. "She is a formidable leader, and I am grateful for the opportunity to serve her and her vision. I can only hope that my loyalty and dedication to her causes have been what earned me a place by her side."

As Lord Daniel's cold hands settled on my shoulders, I could feel the weight of his approval. His face lit up even more upon hearing my answer, and he beamed with pride. "A very good reply, Asher," he said, his voice filled with warmth. "In our clan, we treat those who respect and are loyal to us like family members, and you have earned that honor today with your words."

I felt a wave of relief wash over me as he pulled me into a hug, the gesture feeling both unexpected and welcome. It was clear that Lord Daniel held great respect for those who served his daughter and his clan with loyalty and dedication, and I was honored to be counted among them.

Releasing me from his embrace, Lord Daniel settled back into his stately seat and resumed his discourse with his esteemed associates.

In my previous world, on Earth, I had no family. It was just me, alone with my thoughts and my dreams. I had to live, eat, play and laugh by myself. And although it was okay for me, living a life where I worked for 8 hours a day and then spent my evenings playing games and watching movies alone, it was still a lonely existence. But now, experiencing the warmth of someone considering me as part of their family, a concept that was once foreign to me, hit me hard. It was as if I had been thrown into another dimension, where warmth and love replaced the coldness and isolation of my past life. It was a feeling that I had never experienced before and it was both overwhelming and life-changing.

As the meal came to a close, I and Luvric escorted Veronica, along with the other servants, to her chambers. As we walked, Veronica began to speak to me in hushed tones.


"Asher, be careful around my brother. As you have already seen, we do not get along well. But most importantly, you must be cautious around my younger sister, Natasha, while we are here."


Her words filled me with concern, and I found myself lost in thought. I understood the need to be cautious around Raymond, but why Natasha? Though she may act a bit peculiar, I couldn't imagine her causing me harm. After all, she seemed to hold her elder sister in high regard, and I doubted she would hurt her sister's butler. Despite this, I couldn't shake the feeling that Veronica's fear was unjustified.


"Are you listening to me, Asher?" Veronica's voice brought me back to reality, and I quickly replied, "Yes, my lady. I will be careful, as you have instructed." Pausing for a moment, I asked, "But my lady, isn't Lady Natasha and you have good ties with each other? It seems very unlikely that she would do any harm to me."


Veronica stopped in her tracks and turned to face me. "Not everything you see is true. It may all be a façade. I have learned that the hard way. So, as my servant, you must also understand this fact." She then turned to Luvric, "Luvric, didn't you train him with this mindset?"


"I'm sorry, my lady," Luvric replied, his head bowed down. "I thought you were still evaluating his loyalty, so I did not share much information with him."

With a sigh, Veronica said to Luvric, "Well, he has gained enough points to earn my trust, so you may share all information with him as well. If not, Asher will be in danger if he does not learn how things work in my world."

"Yes, my lady," Luvric said, bowing his head in obedience.

After traversing several corridors, we finally arrived at Lady Veronica's chambers. Our journey had taken many hours, as we had reached the Bloodfallen Palace in the afternoon. And after that, many events had transpired, culminating in the evening meal. Reflecting on the day, I couldn't help but think that it had been quite a hectic one.

As we bade Lady Veronica a good night, Luvric and I departed from her chambers and made our way to the servant quarters. To be honest, after spending six hours within the palace, I had yet to fully explore its many corners. The infrastructure was truly impressive, and the palace gave off a truly regal vibe. Each floor seemed to have its own unique specialty and mystery, and I couldn't wait to uncover more of its secrets.

As we reached a certain spot , where a small bridge was connected to another building which was right middle of an small swimming pool, which was supposedly the servant's quarters. But by the looks of it , It was one hundred percent was not looking like a servant quarters, it was More like a house of a royalty. Which Made me question luvric "Is this really the servant quarters?" Luvric upon Hearing my question ruffled my hair's with his hand with a smile he answered. "Of course not you idiot, It's not servant's quarters, Miss veronica has prepared this for us , the servant quarters are in another way." That figure's I mean i would really gone mad if he said this was the servants quarters.

As we traversed the bridge, a blaring siren echoed throughout the palace. Before us, I observed a large number of soldiers, heavily armed and led by Raymond, actively searching for something. Luvric's expression grew somber as he instructed me, "Asher, go to your room. There has been a reported intrusion in the palace. I will go to Lady Veronica to ensure her safety. Do not leave your room until I return." With that, he promptly vanished with his extraordinary speed.


A figure, attired in sable garb and with a small mask obscuring her countenance, could be seen sprinting down a narrow alleyway in the city of Estradel. She was being pursued by heavily armed soldiers, their shouted commands ringing in her ears.

Upon closer inspection, one would notice that her body was marred by several wounds, from which blood flowed freely.

After a prolonged and frenzied flight, she found herself at a dead end, with the soldiers closing in. She winced in pain as the gash on her belly caused her agony.

Desperately, she searched for a means of escape, but to no avail. The guards were closing in on all sides, and she was trapped. The determination that had previously shone in her eyes was replaced by hopelessness.

But then, an idea came to her. She drew a knife from her person and spoke in hushed tones.

"This is the only way," she murmured.

She began to chant an incantation, pointing the knife at her left hand's thumb.

"In the name of the dark ruler, I beg of you, grant this ungrateful and unworthy servant the means to escape and another chance at life."

With these words, she sliced off her thumb with the knife. Suddenly, a circle appeared beneath her, and a smile, albeit twisted, touched her lips. The soldiers, seeing the light, rushed forward, only to find her pointing her middle finger at them. Before they could apprehend her, she vanished, along with the circle.


(Unknown pov)

Upon regaining consciousness, I found myself in front of the grand palace of the Bloodfallens. My heart began to race with fear as the realization of my location dawned on me. The Bloodfallens were the very predators responsible for my current predicament.

I was beside a road and not far from the heavily guarded gate of the palace. There was no chance of me entering through the front gates, but my body was heavily injured and I had lost a significant amount of blood. If I did not tend to my wounds, I knew I would not survive.

I had to hide inside the palace until I recovered, even though it was an extremely dangerous course of action. The palace was surrounded by towering walls, which were enchanted with defensive magic, making it impossible for intruders to pass through.

I used the last of my mana to control gravity and lift myself to the walls. I then produced a magical stone given to me by my master, June, capable of countering defensive magic up to level 12. As I touched the stone to the walls, the defensive arrays were erased, and I was able to land inside the palace.

As soon as I did, an arrow pierced my left arm. "There's an intruder!" a guard shouted from a nearby tower. I quickly started to run deeper into the palace, as the alarm was sounded and soldiers began to search for me.

I moved carefully, erasing my presence as I proceeded deeper into the palace. However, my vision began to fade, and I knew my body had reached its limits. I pushed on, crossing a garden and reaching a bridge leading to a small building.

As I started to walk across the bridge, my feet wobbled, and I collapsed to my knees. I coughed, and blood came out. I knew this was as far as I could go, and that it wouldn't be long until the soldiers found me. Even if they did, I would be long dead by then.

But just as death seemed imminent, a voice came to my ears. "Oh my God, you're bleeding badly," a boy with black hair and sapphire eyes said, staring at me with concern.

He ran to me and asked if I wanted him to take me to the infirmary. I replied, "No, I'm a spy. I'll be killed if I go there. If you could do me a favor, please kill me."

The boy stared at me with wide eyes and then touched the air, mumbling something to himself. He then said, "I'm sorry, I can't let you die. I'll help you recover. There are a lot of things I need to ask you, so I'm sorry that I cannot keep your request." He picked me up and carried me to the small building.

I don't know why, but even though I knew he was an enemy and there was no guarantee that he would keep his word, I couldn't help but feel a sense of safety from him. 


Little did I know at the time, that I would come to love this same person.