Chapter 9
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Hey there readers! How are you all enjoying the story so far? If you're hooked, let me know in the comments section. But before you dive deeper into the story, I want to talk about something important that I think you should know.


As you may have noticed, our main character, Asher, is still adjusting to the new world he finds himself in. While there are glimpses of power growth and systems, I want to emphasize that this is not just a story about a protagonist's rise to power. It's so much more than that.


In fact, I'm focusing on three key areas to make this story truly engaging. Firstly, we see Asher's growth as a character and as a human being facing realistic situations. He's not just a one-dimensional hero with superpowers; he's someone we can relate to and root for.


Secondly, world building is crucial to any novel, and I'm not falling behind on this aspect. I'm taking my time to create a vibrant, immersive world that will leave you wanting more. Trust me, you won't want to leave once you enter this universe.


Lastly, while there will be romance in the story (because who doesn't love a little love?), I promise it won't be out of context. Every development in the plot will make sense, and nothing will feel forced or rushed.


After departing from the Bloodfallen Palace, Veronica, myself, and Natasha, accompanied by a contingent of guards from our own household, made our way to the bustling market square.

The scene that greeted us was a vibrant tapestry of diversity, with elves, demi-humans, and even beastmen all going about their business. It was clear that Estradel was a bastion of multiculturalism.

The shops that surrounded us were a thing of beauty, evocative of the classic architecture of Old England. The market was clearly a hub of affluence, as evidenced by the immaculate attire of its patrons.

In the heart of the square stood a grand edifice, known as the Alzerian Guild's Estradel Branch.

"Ah, the Alzerian Guild," I mused.

The Alzerian Guild was one of the most influential organizations not only in the empire but in the entire continent. With several branches scattered throughout the empire and its headquarters situated in the capital, it was named after the illustrious Sir Kareem Alzerian, who owned the guild and was one of the most influential figures of the era.

The empire offered a plethora of job opportunities, but the most lucrative and respected profession was that of the adventurer. Despite the Empress's grace, monster attacks and banditry still lurked in many places, and given the vastness of the empire, many secrets remained undiscovered. Nevertheless, dungeon-hunting was the primary occupation of adventurers, and the Empress herself encouraged their exploration. The risks were great, but if adventurers could retrieve powerful artifacts and treasures, even if they proved to be useless, they would be handsomely rewarded. Thus, the profession of adventurer continued to flourish to this day, alongside those of mage and knight.

We crossing the street which connects to the Guild we slowly made our way in the grand building.

As we crossed the street to approach the Guild, we were halted by the guards standing at the front gate.

"Are you members of the guild? If so, kindly produce your IDs," one of them demanded.


Veronica called out my name, prompting me to produce the necessary documents, which I had received in advance. I handed them to the guard, who scrutinized them carefully before opening the Guild door for us.

After retrieving my ID, I followed the others inside, while our guards remained stationed outside.

Once inside, I beheld a wall painted in the most exquisite milk white hue. Portraits of illustrious historical figures adorned the wall, while a grand fountain, bedecked with valuable artifacts, graced the center of the Guild hall. A magnificent chandelier hung above it all, casting a soft, radiant glow.

Two receptionists manned the counters flanking the enormous hall, while adventurers, some of them looking weary and forlorn, occupied one corner of the room. Others gathered in small groups, discussing their next moves.

In a separate corner, a group of scholars had gathered around a portrait of a distinguished figure from the past.

It was truly a dream come true for me to see such a magnificent guild in real life.

Veronica called out to me, "Asher, why are you stuck there? Come over here." I could sense a lot of people's eyes on us, most likely because of the cloaks that Veronica and Natasha wore. Although they wanted to hide the fact that they were Bloodfallens, which was understandable, as they did not want to cause a commotion. However, the black cloaks only made them more suspicious.

As I reached Veronica's side, I saw Natasha looking at me with a strange expression, as if she was searching for something. "Is there something wrong, my lady?" I asked gently.

"No, there isn't anything wrong," she quickly averted her gaze, which was quite odd.

"Shush, you both," Veronica shushed us both off, and we headed towards the left reception.

As we reached the reception, a young Elven lady with brown hair greeted us with a smiling face. "Greetings, miss, how could I help you"

"Is Lady Augustus here?"

"The Guild master? Yes she's in her chamber, did you have an appointment with her?" The elven girl answered with an curious gaze.

"Yes, But you won't find it written here, Inform her that , ruru is here, It will be enough"

"Sister, I'll be outside, I don't want to meet her, let meet outside" Natasha said, as veronica nodded.

As she leaved veronicas side and headed outside her gaze met mines and then I heard something whispering in to my ears.

'Meet me outside '

I chose to ignore it for the moment, It Seems Veronica was saying the truth, there is something slightly off about this girl Natasha. Trust me I'm the kind of person who don't like to get dragged in problem and specially not family problem's of my master.

I stood beside Lady Veronica, nodding at the receptionist as she informed us that Lady Augustus was waiting for us. We followed her up to the second floor, where she opened the door to the Guild master's chamber.

As I stepped inside, my eyes were drawn to the woman sitting in a grand chair before a table. She had long, disheveled black hair and brown eyes with dark circles beneath them, yet she still managed a smile directed towards Veronica. My attention was soon diverted, however, by the presence of a man in a white military uniform sitting beside her.

He exuded authority, with an emblem of the imperial family on his chest, and seemed to be in his early thirties. His light skin and ponytailed hair were striking, as was the scar above his left eyebrow. It was Sir Astrick Noblemen, the general and the empire's most feared warrior.

"Veronica, we were just discussing you. I'm pleased you came quickly," Lady Augustus said, rising to greet Veronica and indicating for her to sit beside the general.

I took a seat beside them, observing the room and preparing myself for what was sure to be an interesting conversation. As always, my primary objective was to gather information about the inner workings of the empire and any juicy news that might be useful for me when I eventually abandon Veronica.

"As you know, the recent attacks on the West continent have just been starting and the Empress has authorized a large-scale retaliation," Lady Augustus began, her voice grave.

"Yes, Her Highness has finally taken the situation seriously this time," General Astrick said, sounding lethargic as he fiddled with a pen on the desk.

"I suppose the Empress now sees the gravity of the situation," Veronica said, pausing and eyeing the general before continuing, "So, what does the Empress want from me this time? I'm already doing her a favor, and if she has sent you, then she must want something else."

"Veronica, you really shouldn't—"

Lady Augustus began to reprimand her, but the general gestured for her to stop. He stopped fiddling with his pen and turned his chair to face Veronica.

"When you say 'favor,' does that mean you are doing it for free, Lady Veronica?" he asked.

"No, it isn't because the price for the job has already been paid. As the empire's mage, shouldn't you take these matters more seriously when your nation is in danger? I'm truly baffled to hear your words,"


"I'm joking," the general suddenly chuckled, his earlier seriousness vanishing from his face. He continued with a smiling expression,

"I'm not going to lecture you on doing good things just because you live in the empire. I know you only care for your domain, just as your father did. Correct me if I'm wrong, Lady Veronica."

Veronica's response was accompanied by a soft chuckle, indicative of her amusement. "That certainly makes my job easier. I had assumed you were not aware," she remarked.

The general's voice dripped with mockery as he replied, "I have served this kingdom for many years. It is my duty to recognize both foes and benefactors." Veronica's attitude shifted, her eyes now a piercing crimson as she asked, "Are you suggesting that the Bloodfallen clan is an enemy of the empire?"

Veronica ended her word's as they Both Glared at each other while exulting pretty heavy aura.

Veronica and General Astrick's tension-filled exchange was interrupted by the abrupt coughing of a third party - me. The atmosphere in the room had become quite intense and I found myself struggling to cope with the sudden influx of power.

Lady Augustus, sensing the need to diffuse the situation, hastily interjected herself into the conversation.

"Let us not lose sight of our purpose here," she said in a commanding tone, "We are here to discuss the current situation at hand and our strategy moving forward."

Veronica and the general's heated exchange seemed to have been momentarily quelled by Lady Augustus' authoritative intervention. They both sat back in their chairs, their expressions guarded but respectful.

"Indeed, Lady Augustus is correct," General Astrick agreed, "We should focus on our mission at hand."

I sat back in my chair, relieved that the tension in the room had abated somewhat. It seemed that the conversation was back on track, and I could once again concentrate on gathering information.

Lady Augustus continued speaking, her voice smooth and polished, "As I was saying, the Empress has dispatched a significant number of soldiers to the six great cities of the West Continent. In just seven days, the Western Nobles are set to convene for a summit."

She paused for a moment, carefully studying the reactions of those around her. When she saw their lack of surprise, she couldn't help but chuckle.

"It seems you both are not taken aback by this news?"

Veronica responded in a matter-of-fact tone, "It is quite evident that the Western Nobles would be alarmed by the sudden deployment of the imperial army in their territories. The Western Nobles have always harboured an unfavourable disposition towards the imperial family, and with this new development, they must be fearful that the Empress seeks to extend her influence in the Western Continent under the guise of demon extermination."

"I concur with Veronica," General Astrick said with a nod. "We have received several reports from our spies, indicating that they are plotting something treacherous behind our backs. They are preparing to retaliate, which we must prevent at all costs. We are already facing the onslaught of the demon army, and we cannot afford to have a revolt added to the mix."

He turned to Veronica with a glint in his eye. "Sir Ben Afro, the leader of the Western Nobles' union, is set to attend the banquet today, is he not?"

"Verily, Father has extended a bespoke invitation to the banquet for the gentleman, who at present is en route to Estradel and slated to arrive within the hour. However, I must inquire as to the cause of your curiosity. Tell me, could it be that it pertains to the request made by Her Highness?" Lady Veronica queried.

"Ha! As quick-witted as ever, my dear Veronica. Or should I say, Mage Veronica?" The General chortled. "Indeed, your assumption is spot on. Yet, fret not, for the errand is not a cumbersome one and falls well within the boundaries of political decorum."

Lady Veronica's lips curved upward in amusement at the notion of "fair politics." "General, you do amuse me so," she said, with a wry smile playing on her lips. "Fair politics, you say? My dear sir, such an idealistic notion is hardly feasible in this world. Fairness is subjective, and the perspective of the individual often shapes its definition. However, you are astute enough to be cognizant of my inclinations and propensities. If the task is advantageous to me and, more importantly, provides me with the desired pleasure, I shall indeed comply with your request."

Lady Augustus looked anxious for the first time since the meeting began. "Okay, so we can assume that you'll comply with this mission, Veronica?" she asked tentatively.

"That, my dear Augustus, I shall answer only after I have heard what Her Majesty intends for me to do," Veronica replied, her smirk betraying her amusement.

As the General and Lady Augustus began to explain the plan, I listened in shock. It was then that I realized the true meaning of "fair" had been twisted beyond recognition by these power-hungry individuals. And as Lady Veronica's smile grew wider, I couldn't help but think that she resembled an evil queen who had just found her prey. The whole situation left a sour taste in my mouth, and I couldn't help but wonder what other twisted machinations were at play in the world of politics.