chapter 3: unfruitful exploration and shocking discoverie
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I exerted more pressure on the flimsy door until it finally moved, but to my surprise I wasn't met with desolation but rather with luxuriant fauna that was perhaps a little too luxuriant—you could even say that it was overgrown and didn't allow for enough space for sunlight—although my contemplation of the outside was cut short by the jarring sound of the door banging on the ground.

Taking this as a cue to start moving and explore my surroundings, As I wander through the dense thicket The tall trees tower above me as I move through the dense undergrowth, their branches entwined to create a leafy canopy. The ground is hidden by a riot of ferns, brambles, and shrubs, and the foliage is out of control. The natural chaos of this overgrown forest is both intimidating and alluring, a wild tangle of growth that seems to go on forever. The tree trunks are gnarled and twisted, like ancient sentinels guarding the secrets of the forest. As a result, there is little sunlight in the area because it is largely filtered through the thick vegetation in dappled patterns, giving everything in the area a green glow.


As I make way deeper into the overgrown forest, I come across some strange stones covered in moss. As I drew closer to the suspicious stones, it became apparent that they were not natural rocks but rather

 old foundations of once mighty building 

My assertion is quickly proved when she eventually finds a structure that appears to still be standing—possibly a shrine??

The building itself is a crumbling stone structure, its walls and roof thickly covered with vines and ivy. A cluster of brambles has partially blocked the entryway, pushing them aside and looking around, I can confidently tell that the shrine interior is equally overgrown as its front.

An eerie and abandoned feeling is created by the abandoned shrine and the old foundations, creating a location where the past and present are linked. The shrine is the end of a trail that leads there that resembles a journey through time to a once-significant but now-forgotten location, What a journey it is! A few unusually tall trees with no indication of any human presence, followed by the discovery of some ruins! The worst thing is that, unlike in most fantasy novels, there aren't even any abandoned buildings holding information about what happened; instead, there are simply a few large blocks that have been thrown together and a little empty structure that looks like a shrine.

Wait fantasy novels? Where did I get that from, I can't really remember much of my stay in the void and if I think about those kinds of novels don't come to mind, well whatever let's take a closer look at the shrine the void was boring anyway.

As I take another look, I get greeted by the same vines and plants that took over the place but hold on a second those aren't any type of plant but in fact mycelium and some Cyclosorus parasiticus (type of parasitic fern).

Mycelium appears to have colonized the walls, but what grabs my attention is this odd pile of fungi sitting in the middle of the white-covered wall. Perplexed, I ventured over to it and tried to lift off the white covering, only to discover the body of something human-like that had evidently been there for a very long time it was probably human, judging by the long hair and bid breasts protruding from the worn garb. This person?-- appeared to be holding onto a book as in was sitting in what seemed to be its hands.

As I remove the book from its grip, I blow off a ton of dust, and the majority of the page wither into thin dust.

What a shame, I wished to know more about this place.

Closely inspecting the old book, I notice something peculiar, the writing even though old and worn out resembles the one seen on the weird flask, were these two perhaps related in the past?

I decide to disregard it for now as I don't have that much information on the subject and begin reading, to my surprise this isn't just some dainty old book but some kind of record for the bearer.

Sadly, most inscription are unintelligible but either missing or worn from I managed to collect from the still writing it seems our author was the shrine maiden of this shrine, and it was dedicated to my supposed father Artosh, she had supposedly transferred from whatever equivalent of the army they had in this world from of librarian, Wait! Huh?

What was a librarian doing in the army, it didn't say anything about that! I'm confused…


well it did have the same inscriptions as the potion since the body is weirdly preserved, maybe I could try pouring onto it did say somewhat secretively that it was a reanimation potion. Well, I don't really have much of a choice, so let's do it! 

With that I remove all the excess mycelium off the inanimate body and get the flask, will it really fell like bitter-sweet euphoria I wonder…


As I pour the liquid onto the body, energy arcs forms across its body and the repeated cries of a fragment off metal can heard right after that…


HU!? My minds shudder, why does my heart race??


A psychic scream like a crushing weight resounding in every corner of the room 


the ancient is awake!!


It slowly opens its eyes, rubbing them, blinded by the light 


before repeating its actions as I cross its field of vision!


A.. A Flügel ?!?! How is that possible didn't they go extinct all those years ago, and how am I even alive ?!?