Chapter 1 Hatching
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This Novel Assumes You Have read Custom Made Demon King

Celina was trapped in a dark space, when she woke up, it was cold and slimy and she couldn't breath, she kept bashing and bashing against the walls of the room trying to get out, when a crack appeared, seeing this Celina tried breaking out when she finally got out

"Hoooh" she took a deep breath in and started to look around surveying the area

she was on a beach in the middle of nowhere surrounded by eggs, the sand was a sort of blackish red with minor wisps of green smoke rising from them, the egg she came from was the most inland from the rest of the eggs, the actual particles of "sand" Where About the size of her hand

speaking of hand i looked at mine to find it had become purple and small, i reached up for my face and felt it and it was regular, except for a lump on the centre of my forehead, a strange deformation? No, looking at my skin and where i am this place looked oddly familiar to a novel i loved, Custom Made Demon King and looking at the strange place i'm in it wouldn't be a stretch to say that i have reincarnated

'dying of old age' The unremarkable and unheroic death was vastly different from the death Roy had

'i thought truck-kun would isekai me, looks like old age was first' she thought 'whatever if this really was the Custom Made World then i would need to start collecting souls' she turned around to  look her egg, she hadn't moved so it was still there, and she began to eat it.

'First thing to do when reincarnated as a demon, Eat your shell to obtain your Inherited Memories' she listed to herself to lighten her mood

'Second thing to do, Break the eggs around me, I know it sounds merciless because they're babies but i'm a demon now and child protection services don't exist in hell' She thought, speaking to no one

The sound of crunches resounded throughout the black beach side as she broke the shell next to her and attacked the demon inside, she took a nearby sand particle and bashed it across the head of the demon multiple times, breaking the skull of the demon child, and subsequently killing it, when a small white orb rose out of the body, a soul

{Soul Located Nearby, Store? Y/N}

I recognised this system screen, seeing it countless times in the Custom Made novel And seeing the potential benefits i pressed {Y} and the soul dissipated and a screen floated in front of me




{Custom Made Seraph System}


Name: Celine

Bloodline:At Least 5 Different Kinds

Demon Name: Rheian Evil Dean...Neopol Crei


Hierarchy:Low Low Rank




Magic Energy:10


Loaded Materials:None


Talent Ability 1: Soul Peer

Talent Ability 2:Demon Blood

Talent Ability 3:Soul Devouring Addiction


Number Of Souls:1




After seeing the system Celina wasn't surprised, having expected a system but she stopped after hearing the name 'Custom Made Seraph System? But i'm a demon? Whatever' and she Continued On Her Rampage across the egg island, killing and slaughtering as many eggs as she can she sees and at the end of her rampage she had a total of 13 souls at her disposal, but suddenly she was stopped from getting a 14th because of the egg hatching right in front of her she scurried away and all the other eggs started hatching as well

she realised the danger she was in, she could handle killing demons in their eggs but she could not if they where hatched and 30 of them so she ,for the first time, opened her system

It looked like a certain after effects program, namely Photoshop, with a picture of her at the centre and her stats below, then she clicked on her right hand where 2 options came out, Modify and Effects, Modify alters its looks and Effects alters its actual Effects, i pressed on Effects and started writing my first alter, 'Good At Drawing' she then pressed the 'save' button and then she checked her souls, she had 5 souls

She had chose something non-combat related like 'Good At Drawing' because the system heavily relies on her artistic skill in order to do something 

She then put her new skills to the test by drawing a small gun in my hand, it was a revolver and i added the Effects 'Aim Correction' 'High Penetration' 'Silent' And 'Infinite Bullets' but she didn't have enough souls, she removed 'Infinite Bullets' and 'Aim Correction' and added 'Bullet Regeneration' and she then had enough souls, it took up 4 souls in total. It was a silver coloured 6 shooter, but she was exited, 'my first creation, how quaint for it to be the same as Roy's'

She fired it into the skull of a nearby demon and it blew apart, 'it took 5-ish shots to kill a demon when Roy made his, maybe because of my 'High Penetration' Effect'she thought to herself, contemplating her newfound power

The floor started rumbling and she knew about the eruption that was about to happen, and seemingly the other demons did as well, all the demons there began running in the same direction, frightened by the imminent threat of lava and magma, they went into the volcano

they all clambered down, some of them fell and died, others that got down safely started tapping on the walls, trying to find something, and they did, they found a wall that sounded hollow then bust through it, revealing a path towards the lowest level of hell.

And thus began the tale of the strongest angel, 'The Seraph Of Redemption'