Ch-8: A plan of action
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Warmth filled my chest and my heart started thumping faster and faster. It was a change I didn’t notice because I was engrossed in the fresh sweetness of honeydew I tasted in my mouth. It was a refreshing sensation, one very helpful against the lethargy and my stiff limbs —two things that I did notice.

My surroundings were cold, explaining my physical state. I wondered how the outside fared because the city temperature had plummeted to a low nine degrees Celsius.

It must have rained, I thought —which didn’t make much sense. I had gone to sleep on a clear and sunny day! What also didn’t make sense was the princess, who should have been sleeping, instead was by my side and arduously rubbing my back to relight my metabolism. That would help my body produce heat and improve my condition. Perhaps, it was also her who had fed me the honeydew?

She saw my antennae moving and was quick to tease me.
Workers don’t sleep you said. Then she added a few really spicy annotations that I couldn’t understand because my antennae were still not attuned yet. Similarly, I couldn’t answer her either.

It took me a while to get back on my feet, but Princess Tiny stayed by my side until she made sure that I was no longer cold or susceptible to the element. It was a gesture I really appreciated because workers don’t go that far for anyone; they usually leave you at the first sign of movement or throw you into the pit at a later date. Maybe she was overdoing it because of the same reason because she blamed herself for letting the workers throw me into the pit?

I couldn’t ask. Some feelings are better left without justifications and reasons.

However, she was getting impatient; the indicator of which was her waving antennae. I did a rough job of cleaning my antennae and asked her how long I had slept. The revelation was a surprising one.

Apparently, I had slept right through a sudden thunderstorm. The low temperature had caused me to hibernate, and it had already been a day and a half. More important was the news that although the underground city hadn’t suffered any damage, the west side of the tower was unfortunately partially destroyed.

That could get dangerous. I said.
She nodded. I fear the sky predators will be stalking the city until the tower is fixed. But come on, She dragged me to my feet and pulled me along. We need to get going or we are going to miss them again!

I didn’t have to ask for the details. There was only one group that could make her this urgent. The explorers are back? I asked, receiving an affirmative nod.

Suddenly walking without having stretched or massaged my limbs wasn’t easy. But I made a grueling attempt to keep up with her pace. She trolled through the jagged paths like a passing wave, while I pushed behind her stumbling through the dense mass of bodies.

But we were not alone in a rush; the whole colony was in a hurry. The workers were frantic, soldiers surprisingly cooperative and nurses sluggish. Fire moss was being carted around the tunnels in heaps to heat the residential areas; eggs were being neatly piled in the incubation chambers and disinfected with even more fervor. The workers kept busy blocking tunnels, which forced us to leave the main arteries and detour into smaller arterioles, leading us around the colony. The delay irritated Princess like nothing else. I hoped there would be no more delays from the twentieth floor up.

Damp air is not good for the city. It can easily turn the dark and narrow tunnels into parasitic breeding grounds; especially when the airflow is restricted. Hence, a worker's job is of the utmost urgency in such times. They block the already damp tunnels and use the city infrastructure as a filtration system to make sure that only dry air circulates through the main arteries and shafts.  

The 9th city, the Kandei-rah-ji (the Thorny road to heaven) was lost because their workers weren’t able to curb the infestation and it reached their queens quarters. That was the end of the line. Once the queen was infected they lost all chances of recovery.

Fallen tunnels could be dug through, refurbished with twigs and stones for strength, coated with saliva hardened cement, but there could only be one true queen in a city —at least that was so for the Embers that had fallen away from the Fire. So the queen had to be protected at all costs.

The chambers on the various levels had the capacity to hold the suddenly overflowing population. Hibernation would have been the answer if we were in the winters, but summers see rain like spring see the foliage. You learn to live with the conditions.

But when a soldier blocked the already agitated Princess on the twenty-fifth floor, it sparked a fire in her that made her confront the queen in a fit of both anger and worry. It also made me reconsider the importance of explorers to her. I hadn’t the slightest idea about the reason behind her fascination with them. Yes, they had found the termites and the ant, but what would they know besides the circumstance and the conditions at which they had found them?

I could only hope her suspicions regarding the lost one were not as important for the city’s health as the danger of a predator looming above us; because that’s what she was implying. She didn’t seem to even remember I was following her or I would have asked.

The royal guards weren’t so keen at our appearance. Princess demanded an audience with the queen, but they denied her. That shouldn’t have happened. It took us both off guard. Already angry and irritated, the stalwart guard’s nonchalant tone set her off. I somehow pulled her back, rather held her off by holding her abdomen or things could have taken a seriously sharp turn.

Why are you doing this?  She scented in drowning quantities. Is it the commander? Has he asked you all to keep me from meeting the explorers? Is that it?

Don’t misunderstand me, princess. The royal guard calmly scented back, not even a little apprehensive. Someone is already in the audience with the Queen. You only have to wait for your turn.

Oh… Princess stopped pulling. You can let go now. She told me and I did just that. However, she didn’t move away and stood directly in front of the guard, defying him.

A few moments later the door guard cleared the opening. I relaxed. Now there would be no more stare offs with the strong royal guards, who could easily dismiss us with force.

Another princess, this one twice as large as princess Tiny and carrying a beautiful translucent veil of wings on her back, stepped out, carrying a sweet stimulating scent that tickled my antennae.

She was curvy and bountiful. I had no doubt she would give birth to millions of healthy eggs. Her antennae were a blur of motion, touching everyone they passed. They touched me and I felt bliss. It evoked a feeling nervous tension inside me, that I understood, but didn’t do anything to control.
Then the antennae moved over princess Tiny, hovered, and retracted without touching her. The stimulating scent drew back, leaving me with a craving for more. Mind told me I should follow her to get my fix. Heart told me, ‘look at the front, you buffoon!’ That’s when I noticed that my princess had in fact stopped moving altogether. She had also retracted her scent; well, as much as she could retract it. Her antennae that had been waving around in irritation were stiff and straight, head raised, mandibles open in a warning. What in the name of a hoppers hop is she doing? I found out soon enough.

What are you doing here? The winged one spat out. Her words might be normal, but her tone was condescending and scent venomous. Hoh, I didn’t like her. Princess Tiny firmed her legs, raised her head a bit higher, and replied, are you dumb? I’m standing in front of the queen’s quarters; does that explain something to you or should I put it out in simple words, so you could understand?

That tone and such words, Princess Tiny had directly torn a page from the aged warrior’s book. The royal guard looked at me, waving his antennae and asking when I would be intervening. Intervening between two royal fertile females? Well, I did wonder if it was my time to advice the Princess, because the winged one was not alone. She had a few other royal females following her —eighteen to be exact, including the nurses and caretakers. They were intimidating enough.

No wonder Princess Tiny’s anger didn’t trigger them. At the moment they looked like someone had fed them the citrusy essence of a stink bug! It’s bad enough on its own but add the oily saliva of a meat-eater plant to it, and you have a deadly combination that is worse than putting a live snail in your throat.

Is the worker's princess misbehaving again? The scent came from behind the winged one. The scent was both heart moving and attracting, soliciting opinions, and changing moods at the same time. I knew it belonged to someone great. You want to meet Mother because you want to go outside, don’t you?


Of course, you would, Interrupted the calm scent. That’s why you are a worker's princess. But it suits you, working that is. Can’t be a queen so you have to earn your keep some way; I understand. I hope you have a happy life here, ‘tiny’ wingless worker. The group leader said. Now step aside. We don’t have the time or the urge to meet your salty antennae.

Yeah, added a third scent. While we’ll be flying in the sky, looking for a place to make ours and etch our names in the annals of history, you will be here, pumping eggs for Mother to mark and name hers. But don’t worry! We’ll always remember you and tell your story to our children so they can know how pathetic you were until the end.

I didn’t understand half of what she said, but it angered me. The royal guard waved his antennae again, signaling me to intervene. And in the fit of the moment, I did just that. I stepped forward and stood beside Princess Tiny.
That’s enough of your nonsense.
Somehow my feet had stopped shaking and I was no longer under her influence. Step aside, I told the winged ones, scent blaring alarm. We have a meeting with the Queen.

Why is a KFL (Kamikaze front liner) here? Is he here for revenge against Mother? The followers whispered. Their antennae stood up, leaking scent bordering around mischief. They were cooking something bad and were clearly up to no good.

I’m her guard, Princess. I told their leader, the first female, but that only amused her.

Now isn’t that funny. She scented. It's the first time I’m seeing a guard who might need a guard to guard him. Her followers didn’t forget to share their amusement, but they weren’t so concerned with me. Their only target was Princess Tiny. I really couldn’t figure out what she might have done to earn their anger.

The first royal princess tried to influence me. Leave, she said, drowning me in an overloading amount of pheromones. Go back to being a worker. She doesn’t need you.

I was tempted, but I resisted the temptation. It wasn’t easy, but knowing what she was doing made it easier to block her out of my mind. It was a mental battle. The winged one was surprised by my resistance and increased her attention upon me. I swayed. Somehow I had learned to do this, but I was not good enough. I almost gave up when Princess Tiny washed my head with a drop of water. ‘Always keep water with you. It can help in so many ways.’ Everyone knew that, but it was so common a saying no one believed it. Thank the shade Princess did believe.

You go back to your holes and leave him alone. Princess had enough of their banter. He’s mine.

I fell for her. At that moment I knew I would do anything for her; Even if it meant running away from the colony with her in pursuit of danger — I would do it.

The winged ones let out amusement. I hated them more.

Just perfect: A broken guard for a broken Princess. The first female tried to pat Tiny’s head but was swatted away. Enjoy your freedom Tinsey-Tiny-Toy. The day we fly is the day you get chained to the ground. We’ll see how you retain that fire then. She exchanged and left; her followers went right behind her. In haste they followed the first female, forgetting about us, and disappeared into the newly dug temporary burrows.   

Are you all right? Princess asked me when I should have been the one asking after her health.

I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you better.
Don’t worry about them. Most of them are not even going to make it. She said. I wondered what she meant. I wouldn’t have to, had I seen a festival of rebirth, but it wasn’t far and I was in no hurry.

The guards checked us for signs of infection and finally allowed us entrance into the queen’s chambers.

We passed the gate and the doorkeeper placed her coin-shaped head back into the entrance slot, blocking it once again. I thought a worker's life was tough, but a door guard’s life was absolutely colorless. They were birthed specifically for the purpose of blocking the entrance to the queen’s chambers. The worst thing was their absence of antennae! They could only feel physical touch and nothing else. Though limited in actions, they played a vital role in protecting the queen because their coin-shaped heads were strong as stone and almost unbreakable. A door guard can’t be pushed back once it locks its limbs, giving better protection than a stone block ever could.

Cold as the door guard's story was, the Queen’s chamber was warm and open. It wasn’t just a large cathedral, but the heart of the city. Its fall meant the city’s fall. Obviously, it had to be kept at nominal levels of temperature and humidity at all times. Caretakers were busy at that. My stiffness reduced simply by entering her abode. There was no greater honor than meeting the queen, but I couldn’t get excited after what had just happened. From the egg piles, I conquered the Queen hadn’t stopped laying just yet. As a matter of fact, she laid another string of warm pearl white eggs right in front of us, that the nurses disinfected and their helpers carted to the seven and sometimes eleven head tall piles, by the wall.

These eggs wouldn’t hatch under these circumstances. They would need to be baked at about forty degrees Celsius for three to five days of wet heat. Once they turn brown, they would require constant warmth of thirty to thirty-five degrees Celsius for the seed to grow into a pupa. The workers would be frantic to complete the repairs.

A few nurses rushed to decontaminate us with their saliva. They pumped the herbal saliva through every nick and crony of my skeleton, leaving no plate unturned and no crack unchecked. They asked us to wait after the procedure, for the queen was being fed. I wouldn’t have liked being interrupted while feeding either, so I understood.

The queen was still the same: Large, carefree, and accompanied by her consort of servants and playthings. The glow bug looked healthier than yesterday. He lit up upon noticing us. She was playing with the touch me not plant, kicking it the moment it relaxed making it retract and curl its leaves again.

We stood alone in a silence that seemed heavier than the pain of being humiliated in front of the whole community. The chamber being as large as it was, didn’t help contain my emotions either. It only amplified the question buzzing in my mind. In the end, afraid of spilling the grains at the wrong moment, I toughened my chest and laid the question in front of the princess.

Princess… I called her with a touch of my antennae on her chiseled jaw. Why did you ask me to call you Tiny? Don’t you hate being called small?

She didn’t react at first, but soon she was telling me everything.
Because the ones you called winged ones —I’m keeping the naming sense just so you know— might be harsh, but they speak the truth.
No, hear me out. You asked the question, so it’s only natural that you hear the answer, too.
She waited for me to accept, which I did with a nod. I am small, tiny in fact. I cringed, but she continued unfazed. I am not even half the size of a normal royal female. And I have no wings. It’s natural that the other females of my caste don’t consider me one of them. Nobody likes different. You of all should understand this.

Of course, I did. Why wouldn’t I? Hadn’t the worker's unions acted similarly toward me? Of course, they hadn’t gone out of their way to make fun of me, but they had indeed turned away after knowing that my thoughts and motivations were different from theirs.

But why call yourself by that derogatory term? Why ask me to call you tiny?

To keep me aware; to remind me of what I am. You see, you can run, she said, speaking to me, telling me I was wrong in the way I had handled my situation. I had hidden away in a tunnel instead of confronting the workers and the supervisors. I should have fought for my rights. They had told me to stay quiet and I had done so. What if I had the same confidence and fearlessness that she had? What if?

She continued. You can run, but you can’t hide. And there is no stopping once you start running from your problems. Her antennae stopped moving and fell to the ground. It was clearly a heavy topic and a burden for her, but she told me her thoughts without holding back and it made me respect her more.

The others think my size and winglessness is a problem. I don’t think so. They taunt me believing it affects me, but it really doesn’t. I might not have wings outside, but the wings growing inside me are bigger and stronger than the set they’ll ever possess. My ambition is all I need. I’m okay with being wingless and frail if I can continue moving around the world without being interrupted.

Alright, I said. She hadn’t left room for me to comment. I could only let her words sink in and digest them slowly over the course of my time with her. Her thoughts were deep for someone her age, which might also be the reason why she had been handed such freedom of movement. We were two blades of grass with similar roots, but where I had bent to the weight of the dewdrop she had absorbed the drop and grown to stake her claim at the sky.

It wasn’t long after when the Queens’s caretakers called us. The queen greeted and touched our heads to initiate scent communication. The princess was no longer angry and was respectful and honorable with her request, which the queen listened but denied.

These are difficult times, daughter. The queen scented. You must understand your importance. With the tower out of order and the next generation delayed, the danger looming over our heads is larger than a mere flier in the sky. For such reasons I can’t agree to let you go. Not this time.

Princess didn’t back down. But I have to meet the explorers. She pressured. I truly believe we need to investigate the 47th city or our nonchalance will stir the future out of our control!

Do you have any proof, daughter?

I have a gut feeling. Princess answered with complete confidence; as if that was all she needed, gut feeling. We have to investigate the termite origins and send a delegation to the far city. We need to find out what’s happening out there. Or the damage to us will be larger, the longer we idly sit in the dark. What happened to the fire must not happen to the embers or one day only ash will remain. Princess pushed, but the queen was not fazed. Her eyes did grow hazy for a second before light returned to them.

You have found a way with words, daughter. But I have more worries about the near tomorrow than the far future. A delegation that far won’t be small and we have neither the time nor the soldiers to spare. The workers are already spread thin to patch the tower and strengthen the tunnels; while the soldiers have to scavenge for black wood and fire moss to keep the city heated in the meantime. I’m afraid, between these duties and the protection of the city there are no free hands to help your noble cause.

The queen stayed adamant to her decision, causing Princess to unfortunately retreat. She bowed her head and was about the break the connection when the Queen pulled her back.

Remember my child: You are not alone anymore. You don’t have to do everything by yourself. A queen only needs to command. She said and removed the connection. She touched the back of her neck and the caretakers, already used to her commands, pushed us away to take care of her needs.

Princess looked toward me, antennae buzzing and we came out of the queen’s quarters with a plan.

We decided that she would meet the commander, to see if he agrees to send a few probing expeditions in the regions near the mountain where the ant and the termite were found. And I would travel to the surface and sniff the explorers out of their hiding place. Princess didn’t believe the commander would agree, but she believed I would be able to find the explorers. Her heavy touch told me I had no choice. I had to find the explorers or there would be consequences.