Chapter 6 – Knowby Cabin
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Having entered the State of Michigan, they got of the bus at Detroit and had to decide what to do

Still having most of his million dollars and not been spending on anything much, Brandon asked Carrie whether she wanted to spend the money on luxuries, living the high life

Having touched each other under the blanket the whole journey, they were really horny too, and Brandon wanted to ask her if she felt she was ready to go all the way

But Carrie was a small town girl, and she wanted to do it in somewhere private

She was concerned that she might lose control of her telekinesis if she had sex

Although she was now sure that Brandon would be alright due to his telekinesis, she feared that she might cause a natural disaster if she lost control!

"Alright. I'll find us somewhere where our first time will be special. Somewhere where you'll be able to scream your head off" he laughed

They stopped at a mall to get two mobile phones so that they can communicate in case they are separated, and started searching online for an AirBnB to stay in

While eating ice cream, searching the web, Brandon came across a property site selling property instead

"Hey.. this is cheap" Brandon said, looking at a property

"You want to buy a place? I thought we were just stopping here for a short while before moving on" Carrie said

"Yeah we are. But we may have a base to return to in the future" Brandon said

The transaction was fast, as the property agent seemed to be eager to get rid of it

Although the transfer wasn't official until the agent did all the documentation, the place was as good as theirs and they were given the keys by the evening

In the meantime, Carrie and Brandon shopped for groceries, intending to spend a few romantic nights together in their new cabin

It was an isolated place, with a living room, two bedrooms, a large bathroom and even a cellar. Outside the cabin was also a workshed and a barn

But it was only accessible by car on a road that needed to cross a ravine over a bridge

Brandon knew all this, but he was going to fly there anyway, so it was no problem

So he picked Carrie up as she carried the groceries by telekinesis, and they flew straight up into the air and zoomed towards their location

They were finally property owners! They place was called Knowby Cabin


They arrived in no time, travelling at speeds unmatched by any car

They landed in front of the entrance as they checked out the house

"Needs a little bit of paint" Carrie said

"It's a fixer upper. Don't worry, I'll get it up to standard in no time" Brandon smiled

They were both from the outskirts, and Brandon was a farmer. So he wasn't a stranger to physical work

They opened the door and Brandon carried Carrie in like a newly wed couple

"Well? What do you think?" Brandon asked

"It's ours. So I'm happy" Carrie said. Although it was run down, she was raised in a bare and old fashioned house anyway, and she didn't miss any of the modern amenities

The cabin didn't even have any electricity, so they lit candles, illuminating the entire cabin with candlelight 

They removed their clothes since they had been used to sleeping in the nude by now, and Carrie prepared a candlelit dinner

Brandon thought to himself that he would have to rebuild the cabin. Maybe he would do it at superspeed over the night, and surprise Carrie as she wakes up to a new house

They put the dishes in the sink, planning to wash the dishes tomorrow morning as the taps in the kitchen weren't working

Brandon sat on the old fashioned couch and Carrie knelt on the floor between his legs

She opened her mouth and took his cock into her mouth, intending to ensure her first time was as lubricated as possible

Brandon frowned, looking straight at the door. Who the hell would be coming around at night to this cabin in the middle of nowhere?

Several seconds later, there was a bang on the door and Carrie jolted in surprise after being totally engrossed with Brandon's cock

Brandon withdrew his cock from her mouth and walked directly to the door and opened it

"Raaaah" a male deadite, which was a kind of zombie stood at the door and was about to pounce on him

"Fuck off. I was enjoying my blowjob" Brandon said as his eyebeams burned the top half of the deadite, completely disintegrating it

The bottom half of the deadite still appeared to be moving, but Brandon simply kicked it between it's legs and a loud crush could be heard as the pelvis of the deadite broke in two as it flew away back into the dark forest

With that, he slammed the door and headed back towards Carrie, who was still kneeling on the ground

But Brandon suddenly stopped in his tracks, sensing many more zombies approaching the cabin

"Those fucking things... my turn" Carrie said, getting up and walking past Brandon and headed to the door

Brandon couldn't help giving her breast a squeeze as she walked by

She opened the door and saw zombies from all over the forest heading towards her

"You ruined tonight. I was going to get sex for my first time" she said loudly

Suddenly, all the deadites were lifted in the air by her telekinesis and she started squeezing them together, turning the deadites into one big ball of minced meat

Blood and gore was wrung out of the giant meat ball and she suddenly let the meat ball drop to the ground, splattering into a pile of meat paste

She slammed the door and walked to Brandon, pulling him by his cock to the bed

Letting the cock go, she laid down on the bed and invited him to bed with her open legs 

Brandon got between her legs and kissed her, touching his cock and aiming it at her opening

As his cock head touched her pussy lips, they could feel each other's body heat from their genitals

"Take me.. take me now" Carrie said desperately

Brandon inserted himself as Carrie arched her back and moaned as she experienced dick for the first time

Outside, another army of deadites were approaching

But as Carrie moaned, all the trees were pulled from the ground, as well as all the deadites, flying helplessly into the air

Brandon started pumping in and out of Carrie's pussy and the deadites and trees started being slammed into the ground, then picked up into the air again, following the rhythm of them fucking

Before long, the deadites were turned into mush while the trees were turned into splinters after being lifted into the air and smashed into the ground with great fotce

Carrie was having her first orgasm, moaning uncontrollably and she could barely control herself

"Brandon... Don't cum... in me. I can't.. put up a TK shield now" Carrie gasped

All the deadites and trees were now splattered on the ground, and Carrie was now unable to concentrate and use her powers

"Aaaah" Carrie screamed as Brandon felt her orgasming on his cock and her legs were quivering

"Oh shit" Brandon said, pulling his cock out of Carrie and holding his dick tightly with his right hand

He was about to cum into her, which would kill her. Just then, he felt a certain presence outside

He rushed outside and flew into the air

A giant demon rose from the forest, walking towards the cabin

But Brandon simply flew in front of the demon's face

"You ruined my time with my girlfriend!" Brandon yelled

His cum exploded out of his dick, peppering the demon with his cum

The cum literally blew holes through the demon's head as it screamed in agony

But Brandon continued ejaculating, blowing the demon to bits and destroying the whole forest behind it

The cum cut down the demon and everything around it like a chain gun leaving liquifying everything in it's path

He then scanned the area around the cabin with his x-ray vision before flying back to Carrie's side

She was still lying in bed, touching herself as she still felt sore from her first fuck

Brandon closed the door and joined her in bed, moving back to try to fuck her

"Sorry Bran... I'm very sore. Let me... suck you" she said, going down on him

Brandon was disappointed as he knew that the second time after coming once, he would be able to hold back ejaculating and last much longer

But he knew that it was her first time, so he enjoyed her oral ministrations

This time, she managed to conjure a TK shield to withstand his ejaculation, and they fell asleep in each other's arms

When Carrie was fast asleep, Brandon carefully got out of bed

He didn't really require sleep and he only slept because he got to grope Mary and suckle her to bed, and did the same with Carrie

But he didn't get tired and didn't require rest

Using his superspeed, he started removing furniture and even disassembling the cabin

Carrie looked like she was frozen in time sleeping on the bed as the environment around her shifted and moved in a blur around her

Mary had thought Brandon many skills during his homeschooling years, teaching him things he needed to know to survive that she had mastered over the millennia, which included woodwork and building skills

And while he could create glass from sand with pressure from his hands and heat from his eyes, he didn't master the ability to make high quality unwarped glass. As such, he made the cabin without too many large windows as the glass will look warped

Carrie awoke in an unfamiliar place, but noticed that she was sleeping on the exact same bed

She got up carefully, wrapping herself in the sheets as she looked around

It was still a wood cabin, but modern with small porthole style windows. Carrie was unfamiliar with the style as she was raised by her mum in an old fashioned house

"Carrie" Brandon said entering the door, still naked, after sensing her wake

"Where are we?" Carrie asked

"This is our cabin! I rebuilt it when you slept. Do you like it?" Brandon asked

"Ye.. yes. It's beautiful" she said

Brandon tried to hug her but she hid in her sheets

"Are you afraid that we sinned last night?" Brandon asked, remembering her strict upbringing

"Sorry Braandon. Momma's teachings do still haunt me. Let me ease into it slowly. I do want to make love to you often" she said

"Don't worry. I'm going nowhere. Come let me show you around" he extended his hand to her and smiled gently

Unlike the small cabin, this new cabin had a large kitchen and all the amenities. Even the water was running, moved her from a modern aquaduct linked to a nearby river

They walked out the front door and there was a newly built workshop and barn replacing the decrepit ones that were there yesterday

All the deadite bodies and trees had been cleaned up, but the blood that had seeped into the ground made the place look creepy and it still had the stench of death

"Sorry about the smell. I tried to burn the ground but the smell got worse. Hopefully rain will eventually wash it away" Brandon said 

"Where did you dump the bodies?" Carrie asked

"There's a ravine with a bridge leading back to the city" he answered

She nodded and released Brandon's hand and spread her arms, her sheets dropped to the ground revealing her naked body

The land all around that was colored with blood rose into the sky, forming a large ball of earth

She took off to the air with the ball and Brandon took off after her

She dumped it into the ravine like garbage 

"Let's go. I'll cook breakfast" Carrie smiled as Brandon levitated next to her before flying back to the cabin

Brandon landed after her and closed the door, watching her start breakfast as he sat on his new dinning table

He thought she would look sexier in just an apron, although he wasn't complaining seeing her cook in the nude

But as he watched her cook, he thought that he had better teach her how to cook!

Although he was nowhere the cook Mary was, he was trained by her to be the level of a Michelin level chef!

She brought the food, looking embarrassed that the bacon and eggs were burnt

"Sorry Brandon... I think I burnt them" Carrie said, having only learned cooking from her mother

But Brandon ate it regardless and thanked her. He couldn't get food poisoning, and his body turns any food into fuel efficiently regardless

He could even eat rotten food and his body would easily turn it to energy

They ate breakfast and showered after, as Brandon helped her shower, change her wounds and get dressed

Her stab wound still needed to be dressed as she healed at a normal human rate

One thing Brandon liked was it still prevented her from wearing a bra and he enjoyed groping her while he pretended to help her

Carrie might be naïve, but she pretended not to notice him unnecessarily grabbing and moving her breasts around as she put on her dress

In fact, she felt him lick her pussy at superhuman speeds as he helped her put on her panties. She could put it on herself, but he had volunteered!

With only a change of clothes that they wore and a backpack full of cash, they bade farewell to their cabin and took off. They will return in the future, but for now, they were going to be continuing their travels

In the basement of the cabin, an entity looked at the departing couple. It was the entity in the Necronomicon Ex-Mortis, a demonic book made with human skin, and with a even looking face on it

Brandon decided to keep the book when he was rebuilding the cabin, thinking that it looked cool. He was not creeped out at all as he was indestructible and evil entities didn't scare him at all. He dumped it in a corner of the basement, to go through later, but he never got around to it 

The entity watched the couple disappear over the horizon with trepidation and fear. It could not control either one of them. And the girl's orgasm destroyed all it's deadites, while the boy's ejaculation destroyed it's physical form, namely the Kandarian Demon!

It wanted revenge, but it didn't know how. In fact, it felt another entity had already encountered them, a shapeshifter called a Glamour or Deadlight that had been around even before it came to earth! The fact that they appeared here, does it mean they had already defeated the other entity?

Oblivious to all this was Brandon and Carrie, who were now heading east, enjoying their flight directly over Lake Michigan to Green Bay, Wisconsin

Monsters from Evil Dead series