Chapter 19 – Rescue from Paladin Headquarters
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Brandon floated in the air, late at night, a mile high above a field where the Paladin headquarters was supposed to be

But rather than being a quiet field with nothing going on, there seemed to be two simultaneous battles going on on two fronts from two directions!

There were paladins, using firearms fighting what looked like two men who attacked and killed the paladins without hesitation, unhindered by the gunfire, completely immune to the attacks of the paladins

Both were carrying machete's and whatever weapons they could pick up, but didn't bother wearing clothes! They were completely nude, except they didn't have any genitalia! And their faces were unrecognizable. They didn't look ugly, nor good looking. They were both completely unremarkable, except for their long unruly hair

Not bothered by what was going on, and thinking that it was a fortunate coincident, Brandon x-rayed the base, hoping to find a clue as to how to find Carrie

But suddenly, his eyes widened and saw the white haired black man sitting in his office, coordinating a response to the attack by the two strange men, and behind him was a glass cylinder filled with fluid, and floating in the middle of it was Jennifer's half naked body!

She only had on her half open shirt, not even able to cover her breasts, and a pair of panties. In fact, the two monster cocks could partially be seen under the panties

It was fortunate that the paladins didn't have eyes for her as they wanted to remain chaste. The only reason they kept her was as a trophy, and not a sex toy. 

"Jennifer!" Brandon's eyes lit up and he shot deep into the earth, smashing through the ceilings floors

In Cox's office, he was shocked as a man landed on the floor of his office, crashing through ceilings above

He instantly broke the cylinder, carrying Jennifer out in his arms

"Jennifer?" he asked, realizing that she was alive but not responsive. Her body was kept in liquid and deprived of air as she was kept in a perpetual state of drowning. 

Cox watched cautiously as the man with eyes glowing red carefully placed the girl on a chair in his office. He moved carefully backwards, presuming he was a demon, and closing his photon pack

"What happened to her? Why is Jennifer like this?" Brandon growled at him

Cox grabbed his photon pack and was about to turn to fire it at Brandon, but Brandon was impossibly fast

In an instant, he held Cox in the air with one hand and crushed the photon pack!

The photon pack crackled with energy, but Brandon simply stepped on in, crushing it

"Why is Jennifer like this?" Brandon asked angrily

"Fuck you" Cox said

Suddenly, Brandon shot into the air through the hole he created on his entrance, holding Cox with him

Cox was too terrified to make a noise when he found himself 10,000 feet in the air

"What did you do to her?" Brandon asked calmly as his glowing eyes started getting brighter

"Her soul! Her soul is kept in the trap!" Cox screamed 

"Reverse it!" Brandon ordered 

Cox was forced to bring Brandon, who levitated menacingly in the air while carrying Jennifer's body to a vault which he called a containment unit 

"Restore her" Brandon ordered 

"This containment unit contains all the demonic souls we've captured. I don't know who or what will be released. Other demons might possess her body!" Cox said 

"Release her" Brandon ordered, ignoring Cox's warning 

Cox typed a code and started fleeing as the containment unit started shaking 

But Brandon caught him and flung him to the corner, injured by the impact

Spirits filled the air and surrounded both Brandon, Cox and Jennifer 

Jennifer's body started floating in the air and she screamed madly while ripping off her shirt. 

With her body exposed, she contorted her body and limbs,  twisting unnaturally until her bones started breaking!

Her mouth grew fangs and she started snarling in a demonic grimace 

"" she struggled as multiple demonic entities fought over her for her body 

"Whoever wants to be her will face this everyday!" Brandon said and in an instant, opening his pants and rammed his erect cock down her throat 

Cox watched in shock, but he held his injured leg

Her mouth tried to bite down on his cock but Brandon's indestructible body could not be harmed 

"Enjoy, Jennifer" he said as part of her face smiled in response

Suddenly, he came in her mouth and her brain exploded out of her head

Cox turned away in horror. Did he come here to kill his girl?

Several spirits abandoned her body immediately as she slumped to the floor with her brains all over 

The spirits stopped circling them and watched in horror 

Just then, her body began to move and started stuffing her brains back into her open skull!

"I missed you, baby" Jennifer slured while she held her brains with her hand 

Brandon kissed her 

"You are you, right?" he asked 

"Never better" Jennifer said, with one of her eyeballs still popped out of her skull

"Now...." Brandon said as he fired his eye beam just above Cox's head destroying the walls and causing the spirits to fly out of the way

The beam barely missed Cox's head and it caused the whole underground bunker to start shaking

"Now... tell me how to track Jumpers" Brandon said as he flew and picked Cox up again

Cox brought Brandon and the now recovered Jennifer to the laboratory 

In it were many different gadgets and machines

"Here is our weapons we purchased over the years. Among the items that we acquired were the proton packs, traps and containment unit from the defunct Ghostbuster group of decades ago. They also invented the Dimension Frequency Scanner that can scan Jumper scars and the Frequency Emulator which can reopen the scars. Since then, we've improved and modified the technology with modern tech and created the improved versions" Cox said, showing the box object Brandon had seen before, and his wrist watch which enabled him to trace Jumpers

Brandon opened his hand and Cox surrendered both objects to him. Jennifer smiled as she picked up a inverse trap and swung it around by it's cable

With a flash, he was gone, taking the half naked Jennifer with him


As they flew away, Brandon frowned as he noticed a few presences following him

"Did you feel that?" Brandon asked

"Of course I did" Jennifer smiled mysteriously

Brandon landed several kilometers from the paladin headquarters and waited

He wanted to see who was following him, but Jennifer acted like she already knew!

A few minutes later, the two naked men walked out of the forest

Their bodies were badly torn up, and they were completely covered in blood

One of them was apparently wearing the face skin of the paladin's he fought as a mask, while the other wore a broken helmet that he took from another paladin

"Do you know these people?" Brandon asked

"Don't you recognize them? That's Jason Voorhees and Mike Myers!" Jennifer said  

"Who?" Brandon asked

"You know, those monsters that we fought in those small towns" she said

"I thought I destroyed them" Brandon said

"Yes, but they are immortal and rejuvenate" she answered

Brandon nodded and his eyes started glowing

"Don't! They're harmless. You're harmless aren't you?" Jennifer asked them

They both stood still but nodded

"Why? Are you controlling them?" Brandon asked

"They get to fuck me all the time. What would you call virgins who are now balls deep with pussy?" Jennifer asked as she pulled down her panties and pulled out the two monster sized dicks

Both menstruous men shivered as their cocks were pulled out, and cum can be seen shooting from inside their condoms 

"They're pussy whipped. As long they get to fuck me, they will follow my orders, won't you?" she asked as she walked to them and wiped their cocks on their own faces

They both nodded silently

"Go! I'll call you when I need you. Jason, get a proper hockey mask" she ordered 

They turned around and disappeared into the forest. It appeared that they had come to rescue her from the paladins

"You didn't order them to find clothes?" Brandon asked

"Do they need any? With their masks and having a castrated cock makes them look scarier, no?" she asked 

Brandon had to agree, with a castrated cock and walking around naked in just a mask made them look weird and even more creepy

"Come, lets go and get you some clothes" Brandon said

After removing her panties, she was completely nude

"Aw, I thought you would fuck me first, after you haven't seen me for so long" Jennifer said, unsure how much time had passed

"After all, no one would let themselves to shoot them up in their pussy like me" she continued and dropped the two cocks from her hands

Brandon thought of Selene who would do the same, but he kept quiet about her and let Jennifer start mounting her

As she started riding him cowgirl style, she started playing with both cocks at the same time

In the woods nearby, two scary looking naked men looked on and grunted while Jennifer masturbated them

It didn't take long before Brandon shot into her, blasting cum through her body

She slumped to the ground with blood everywhere. In her hands, two large cocks shot their load in the condoms they were wrapped in!