Chapter 9 Recruitment & Change
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Hamburg, A Hotel named "Halo of the Reach" now officially owned by the Society.

February 7th, 1908

[3rd Person POV]

2 years has passed in a blink of an eye and so many changes have come and gone, with the German army numbering at almost 900,000 now which was predictable in Erika's mind as she also prepared the society to expand now in Austria Hungary, Denmark, Netherlands, and polish land and slowly convert the people or more like brainwashing the young intellectuals that their cause is just and their purpose is the future of a peaceful world where anti semitism is tolerated now to a degree as Erika knew she cannot vanquish the anti semitism that has stemmed in Europe for hundreds of years now

Right now, the GIS has already invited multiple companies, to which most accepted such as Krupp,Junkers Flugzeug- und Motorenwerke AG, Blohm+Voss, Henschel, Rheinmetall, Siemens AG, and MAN. These companies first joined as a test trial to see how useful and helpful the society was, and they were not disappointed as the companies who joined are now fully committed to helping Germany and helping Erika achieve her goals of making weapons ,artilleries, and many other things that the German army, navy and eventually air force needs as gathered the largest meeting of over 1,000 people and rented a gymnasium for Erika to explain and plan out on what the society is gonna do in the future and their goals.

And so far all of the people within the society are with it. Slowly but surely tightening the noose around Wilhelms political power.

Additionally, Erika has also been using Wall Street from America as one of her primary investments and money to spend for herself and for society as a whole. 

The meeting also included weapons that are easily produced and reliable enough to the weapon manufacturers as Erika handed them stacks of paper of the overall look of the gun 

"Gentleman, and Women. I call this weapon a Submachine Gun. Or SMG for short. It is a gun that fires and spews out a lot of bullets before needing to reload and be fired again. Here are the papers of the look of the gun itself and the parts." 

Every gun company grabbed a hold of one and we're surprised how detailed the drawings were and didn't know Erika was an excellent artist. Nevertheless, they all focused on the design and one of the representatives from Henschel spoke "What will this gun be called and is there a deadline to make such a weapon since we need to trial it and test every variant before we will have an effective SMG that can be mass produced."

Erika replied "It will be called the Machinepistole 10 or MP 10 for short as I am estimating that 2 years will need to be in development for this weapon alone. And don't worry about the money, I will handle it as we definitely have enough for researching new types of weapons we will need in the future.

As Erika finished her words, she handed another stack of papers to the Mauser Representative and said "hire Georg luger and tell him to improve the luger as best as he possibly can. Here are the improvements listed on this paper for the luger to be more effective." The representative of Mauser grabbed the paper and scanned its contents and was surprised at how the improvements could skyrocket the luger's popularity. 

"There's also another pistol I want you to make." Erika handed the Mauser representative another document titled 'Erika P10' (Walther P38) "This will hopefully be common in every infantry hand by 1910 and onwards. Do you understand me?" They all nodded as Erika continued on explaining to Krupp that Germany needs more artillery. Lots and lots for it and don't worry about the money. I am willing to provide it and help Germany in it's dire times." 

Krupp nodded as she respected the young girl in front of her more and more as she explained the shortcomings of our logistics as well.

One officer from the German army wanted Erika to explain on that part, to which Erika gladly explained it "The problem with logistics is that our roads are not up to quality yet and we lack the sufficient stockpile to even last a long attrition warfare which would definitely cripple us in the long run. Additionally, we need to cripple the French and Russians as quickly as possible since they're both allied to each other and we need enough vehicles to solve that problem."

"Also I'm announcing the creation of a Luftwaffe school that teaches young and able pilots to fly a plane hopefully into combat as the Luftstreitkräfte will be created first and foremost for our official air force for the German empire."

"and I want to announce several companies under my name that I hope you will all invest in and I'll promise you great returns as the company will be named 'Victoria's Secret' and another company called 'Halo Industries'. The first company will be aimed at lingerie for women, and the second one would be aimed at civilian and military vehicles alike."

"I hope we can make Germany into a prosperous empire and survive this coming war." Erika finished while drinking water to wet her lips

One of the members spoke, "Is there really gonna be a great war…involving the whole of Europe and america?" He said while still in shock.

Erika looked at him and said with seriousness. "Yes. And we can't stop itm so we will have to survive it or make sure we will try to win at all costs. No matter how much we lose in the long run, we will lose everything if we put everything in one basket. Hence why I am ordering you all to spread out to other countries to further our cause and connections, as well as our source of income. This way, we can always fall back and come back stronger than ever." 

"Like the immortal dragon from legends?" One of the woman spoke in the crowd"

"Yes, like the dragons from the legends. Also may I also remind you all we don't have a lot of time in our hands. Our great German Reich is at the risk of falling apart. So it is our job to save it. Thank you all for attending and may God be with you all."

They all nodded and as Erika was gathering her things at the desk in front of her, the people shouted "Heil Erika!" and raised their right hand in salute. And Erika stood there frozen as all she could do is answered it back with her own salute as everyone orderly left the hotel and they were only a few people left and one of them was Victoria Louise, who is becoming more beautiful by the day as Erika couldn't help but blush and slowly fall in love with her more but chose to keep it in for now as Victoria cheered for Victoria for the granduise commanding voice Erika did.

Erika however said "Did you teach them that salute and word?" Erika was still shocked but chose to accept it as she cannot change their minds on it. What Erika didn't know is that Victoria has also started to teach the salute and heil for Victoria to her friends, close associates, and even visiting schools she spread the wisdom and knowledge of Erika. 

And now Some of the elementary schools along with the teachers, secretly saluted in front of the picture of Victoria in private. If Erika knew this, she would find it absolutely ridiculous and put a stop to it.

But Victoria kept this fact hidden and just said she learned it while visiting Italy and learning about Roman culture. And as Victoria's words "you're more fit to be like Julius Caesar Erika more than my father at least." 

To which Erika denied as she was just doing her job to help the German people. Victoria shook her head and loved how humble Erika is as Victoria also almost forgot to inform that more people wanted to join the society.

"Oh where are they from exactly?" Erika wanted clarification

Victoria grabbed a document on her and listed the people joining "This is including civilians that have skills that may work to our advantage just to clarify"

28 people from France

182 people from Austria-Hungary

36 people from Denmark

17 people from Netherlands 

41 people from the British Empire

93 people from the Ottoman Empire

44 people from Norway

31 people from Sweden

And lastly, 371 people from the Russian Empire.

Hearing the list, Erika was a bit surprised herself that many Russians wanted to join the society. But Erika said "Double check their backgrounds to avoid any spies entering our circle. We don't want any leaks. And make sure that these people have sworn an oath to never leave the society until death."

"I'll make sure that Erika. Don't worry." Victoria said, while fixing her documents in a proper order as they also left the hotel in an orderly manner.

As passed, the people who joined the society were checked, subjected to a series of questions and were given a welcome initiation that Victoria made, which is tattooing. The symbol for the tattoo is Erika's Initials E.V and a stylized Iron cross and both dragons are wielding the iron cords while the initials E.V are above it. All members have it and it will remain a symbol of the society and to show their loyalty, Victoria devised a star system where a star would be tattooed near the EV initials. And the highest amount of stars you receive is 6.

The stars symbolized your position in the society and how much you can access or talk to and the symbol must be respected at all times and always greet each other with 'Heil Erika" as a sign of respect for the party leader.

Some new members would be confused on why they would do this for a 10 year old child, but after staying and seeing her grand plans and ideas, overtime, they come to love it and also slowly turn into a loyal follower for Erika as well.

Erika has also invested in countless companies like the ones before the Meeting started like for example the Wall Street and the London Stock exchange which she dabbled in her past life and knows how stocks and wall street works somewhat.

And overtime, she has earned millions and invested them into making powerful weapons for the Reich to show their enemies that they're not to be trifled with. But for now, the society will have to hold back on their exploits and just steadily grow from the shadows. Although Erika plans to pass certain laws to further lessen the burden Germany will have when the treaty hits.

But right now, Erika has calculated the risks and rewards of such a grand plan and she couldn't afford any mistakes whatsoever as once 1912 hits, she'll put her plans into motion. And this time, she's prepared to face the problems ahead and make sure Germany rises from its ashes once again. And this time, Germany will last a thousand years if need be. 

God it's gonna be a long while as I'm gonna attend the Prussian War Academy soon. Let's hope the war isn't as bloody as in my timeline. 

What I'm also afraid of is that Wilhelm will release Lenin to be moved to Russia to cause a revolution. To which I can't let that happen. Hence I have him monitored at all times and once he is released, I'll have him assassinated on Russian soil to avoid angering the Russian communists.

 I know this will cause a civil war, but it's better than having Lenin leading it. I'll also have to find Trotsky since that fcker is still in hiding and I only know he fled to Mexico, but he could've changed countries at that time period. Hence I'll check Mexico first and go from there. 

We must capitulate Russia as fast as possible and thanks to my inventions, we just might have a chance for it. and hopefully the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk will be handed earlier, with a few tweaks of course to change it. But for now, let's concentrate in stockpiling enough food and ammunition to last the war and hopefully survive it.

What Erika didn't know is that the civil war happened, the white army wouldn't be so easily defeated since the Romanov family had successfully escaped, however Nicholas died from his wounds defending his family in 1917.

 Therefore changing the fate of the Russian last monarchy to be able to challenge the soviets union's rule in the future. But that's a time to be explained in future chapters


Here is the list that the companies have joined the society and other things that you might not understand yet.


Blohm Voss

Opel Automobile GmbH




Halo Industries (Mercedes-Benz)

Halo industries

(Just imagine Halo Industries written insteas of Mercedes Benz)

Friedrich Krupp AG Hoesch-Krupp


Henschel & Son




Junkers Flugzeug- und Motorenwerke AG


Dornier Flugzeugwerke




Rheinmetall AG


Victoria's Secret

Victoria's Secret

The Deutsche Luftstreitkräfte

(Founded a 2 years earlier thanks to Erika)

Iron Cross

The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

(This is what Erika is referring to for someone who doesn't know about this treaty. Since she wants to change it a bit in this timeline)


The MP 40 (Maschinenpistole 40)

(This is the SMG she is referring to.)


The Walther P38

Walther P38

(She also wants to mass produced this for all available officers)

Luger P08

(Erika wants the last variant that basically has no problems and if possible, to be given a soldiers)Luger

The Gewehr 98

(She wants a better scoped version for this as it has a longer range than the kar 98k)

Gewher 98


my god. This is my longest chapter yet, sorry it took some time since I had to celebrate Christmas XD but here you guys go. Another long chapter for you guys to enjoy! And chapter 10 is in the works and it will be a POV of Hitler and I'll add a poll after it so you guys will get to vote for his fate and I'll write it down. Hope you enjoy your Christmas guys and love you all!!! This is Erika Signing out!