Ch6 Vorsichtiger
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Higher beings were of many different sorts and natures. Many were singular existences, but some higher beings existed in small groups or tiny "races". two such races of higher beings were the Adelfoi and Adelfes. They looked and acted like children, and never grew up despite their immortality.

Of these, a small group of Adelfoi found a particular individual.

He was a human by the designation of "Argus Stewart".

The Adelfoi laughed as he played with small humans similar to themselves.

The Adelfoi laughed harder whenever he made a mistake and apologised for it.

The Adelfoi watched wide-eyed whenever he did something remotely cool-looking. Especially when they knew it was the result countless hours of effort.

The Adelfoi were delighted with their find.

Usually, a subsystem would only contain the power of one higher being. There was no strict rule about this, so the group decided to share one subsystem between all of them, and impose said subsystem on the being.

Now, their chosen host was communicating with them for the first time through the system interface.

"Well I'm not going to do any more, and I'm certainly not going to do anything dangerous."

"He can't leave us now!"

"He's too fun!"

"He's gotta stay!"

So they communicated their thoughts over the interface.

[You must!]

"Why must I?"


The Adelfoi stopped. Then started to shout excitedly.

"What reason do we have?"

"I don't know!"

"Make something up!"

"What should we say?"

"I got it."

One of the Adelfoi began to type- or something similar to typing- something out on the interface.


The agreement was unanimous, even though the suggestion was completely ludicrous.

[The world will be destroyed if you don't.]

I wake up late on Tuesday. Yesterday was one rollercoaster I don't want to ride again. Except this rollercoaster didn't do any loops or turns. Instead, this rollercoaster just plummeted straight down.

Hmm. That doesn't exactly sound like a rollercoaster, now that I think about it.

I start to sit up, but then feel a pain along my sides and arms. I stop moving as I wait for the muscle pain to subside. I decide that after yesterday, I deserve a lie-in, not realising the current time.

So I close my eyes and rest a bit longer.

While resting, a heat emerges from my chest and I hear a small popping sound. A familiar red beachball comes into view.


[Task : Rob a store.]

[Progress: Incomplete.]

[Reward: Moderate increase in tenacity.]

It's hard to explain how this feels when I'm trying to sleep. For example, There isn't actually any physical phenomenon occuring right now. There is no popping sound, there is no actual heat generated by the red beachball, and I can see the red beachball despite the fact my eyes are closed. In other words, what I'm experiencing is simply information that I've been sent through the system interface being interpreted by my brain.

It is quite uncomfortable to be able to see things with your eyes closed. Lets explain it like that.

The system whizzes and whirrs around me

"Ok system, but my body aches at the moment. So let me lie in."

The system whirrs louder.


[Task : Wear a villian costume.]

[Progress: Incomplete.]

[Reward: Alter-Ego.]

This system won't give up, will it?

I push the duvet off myself, and get assailed by cold air.

So I immediately pull the covers back on me, and turn over.

"Nevermind. System, Its so cold outside at the moment, would you have me go out in this cold?"

The subsystem stops moving, and gently hums. I gradually feel it getting warmer. Is this more of the systems illusions? Nevertheless, it feels quite nice. I didn't know the system interface could convey information like this. Maybe this detail of information can only be attained through a high link strength, or maybe I haven't heard of it because its so inconsequential. I guess nobody really wants to write that systems can behave like hot water bottles?

But just as I start to sleep, the temperature rises further, to an uncomfortable degree of heat.

"Why do you have to do this to me?"

The temperature continues to rise.

"Fine. I'm awake!"

I throw off the duvet that I once so dearly clung to, and get up.

Still in pyjamas, I leave my bedroom to get a drink of water. Kyte is already up and busy on his MMO.

Kyte calls from across the room.

"Good morning. You're pretty late. You should hurry."

"Whats the time?"

"About half past eight."


The train to SIT leaves at nine, so I have half an hour to get over there, unless I want to swim.

I ignore my morning routine of checking the system, get dressed, grab two apples and leave with my bag, ignoring the muscle pain as much as possible.

I hobble at top speed to train station, and somehow make it with time to spare.

Trainees at SIT choose one of six programs. Three of the six programs are largely academic, and focus on how the system can be used to push science and technology further. The other three programs are legal-oriented.

The three academic programs are System Physics, System Practical Theory, and System Advanced Theory.

System Physics is the study of how the system can change the physical laws or properties of something. For example, possibly the two biggest laws of physics are conservation of energy and matter. However, the system can override these laws, and two of the questions System Physics tries to answer how and when.

System Practical Theory is the study of how to properly use the system and the system interface. For example, its known that you are likely to get tasks on farming if you yourself start farming. You won't get tasks about school after you graduate from school, and so forth. So studying how the system gives tasks would be part of this.

System Advanced Theory is the final academic program SIT offers, but I don't entirely know what they study. I think its mainly theoretical concepts. Although I guess that isn't exactly an insightful remark, given the name of the course.

The three legal programs are Policing, Law, and Heroics.

Policing, which focuses on detective work and criminology. Its pretty self-explanatory. You choose this if you want to become part of the police force, which is slightly different from becoming part of the hero guild.

Law is for if you want to become a judge, a lawyer, or something similar.

Heroics, which Kyte and I are both in, focus on combat. You don't actually need to complete a course on Heroics to become a hero, but its recommended to.

Of course, there is a lot of overlap between the programs. Policing still require a good knowledge of law, and Heroics requires basic knowledge of Policing. In this way it works similar to a university. You take a bunch of courses required to complete the program of your choice, with trainees from other programs. Then, at the end of training, then you get a qualification of some kind dependant on what courses you completed.

several of the Courses on Law and System Practical Theory are mandatory, however. Even though Kyte and I are both part of the Heroics program, since we are only first-years, the only courses we are taking currently are general courses on Law, Policing and System Practical Theory. Hence why my first combat training was yesterday.

The train arrives at SIT, and all students make their way into the main hall, including myself. This is where we were told to gather for the two weeks while the routine lessons were cancelled. Here, we would be told what we would be doing for the day.

The Heroics students were called to gather by a thin man with a long white lab coat and large blue goggles.

"Greetings, Heroics students. This way, please."

He continued speaking after we had all assembled near him.

"I am Professor Vorsichtiger. I usually teach courses on System Physics and Mechanics. I also supervise all experiments and assembling of devices here. Of particular interest to you will be the combat utensils we develop. Next year you will be given the opportunity to partner with mechanists in SIT to develop some combat tool."

"You, of course, would be doing feedback rather than anything technical. Regardless, I have been requested to bring you all into the lab for technical training. If you could please follow me, the lab is downstairs and I suspect none of you have been there before."

Professor Vorsichtiger turns around and starts walking towards one of the doors at the back of the hall, then heads down an unfamiliar set of stairs.

We go down about two floors worth of stairs, although there were no doors midway to judge the distance. Then, we arrive at a long hallway. After waiting for everyone to finish descending the staircase, Professor Vorsichtiger starts walking down the hallway. While walking, he starts talking about general laboratory practice and guidelines we should observe. Such as not pressing any buttons, not wandering into rooms without being explicitly told to enter, et cetera.

"Don't put your hands near any open machinery, in case you lose an arm."

Wait, lose an arm?

"If you do happen to lose an arm, do make sure to tell me where you lost it. Then we can sew it back on later, good as new."

It appears several other students find this information alarming. One raises their hand before asking about it further.

"Excuse me, Professor, isn't that dangerous?"

The professor turns around momentarily, before continuing to walk ahead. He raises his gloved hand and points vertically upwards while answering.

"Of course its dangerous. Thats why I'm telling you this now!"

"But sir, shouldn't there be some sort of risk management?"

The professor turned around again. I couldn't read his facial expression due to his giant blue goggles.

"We have risk management. Theres a second infirmary here in the basement..." The professor pauses for a moment, contemplating. "Err... somewhere. Where isn't important."

He continues walking and speaking. "The point is, we have one. So, if any accidents do occur, we can patch people up A.S.A.P. I assure all of you. these practises are perfectly legal, and approved by the health and safety department here in East Trigon"

I'm not sure if this explanation is meant to encourage anyone or not, but the same trainee asks about it further.

"S-so, all the practices here have been checked and recorded as safe?"

"Of course! I went to quite a bit of trouble to make sure everything in the lab will be given the go-ahead from the health and safety department that oversees SIT" Professor Vorsichtiger reassures, "both now and in the forseeable future."

"Forseeable future?"

"Yes!" Professor Vorsichtiger replies in a bright voice, opening a door to what is presumably the lab we will be working in today. "You see, I became the new head of the Health department!"

Vorsichtiger lets out a laugh, and continues speaking.

"Quite an ingenious solution, if I do say so myself. Every potential risk and complaint must be signed off by me before they are handed out to the concerned personel. Hence, provided I never sign of any complaints on the lab's code of conduct, I don't need to take any countermeasures that would be disruptive to my experiments!"

"Now, if all of you can step inside here, please."

Nobody was brave enough to ask any more questions.