Chapter 19:Panchem Join the Time
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ALyssa's Diary:
I still don't understand how Ash could see that Panchem didn't turn on his aura like other Pokémon from that day's battle. I mean, how could he see through those brown lights? The whole place was so bright I could barely see. Does Ash have a Keen Eye like Hoothoot?

Anyway, today we are helping Panchem to open up his Halo, so we starting to train in Fighting-type martial arts. It was quite fun. There were five movements, and these moves were just like the act of Pokemon, which was why the Fighting type of martial arts is also called Wuqinxi. ''Wu" means FIve, "qin" means creature, and "xi" can say the movement.

According to what Mr. Kang had said, Wuqinxi imitated these Pokemon movements: Arcrane, Pangoro, and Arcanine.

Yes, Dear Diary, you may ask there are only three of them, where are the fourth and fifth ones?

The answer is we don't know: Some people say that the fourth was Passimian, the teamwork Pokemon. But the Pokémon that appears on the archaeological murals (which Mr.Kang had told us.) doesn’t look like it.

And the fifth Pokemon...the archaeological murals's picture that Mr. Kang showed us looked vague. (Jasmine found the picture at the back of the room. Mr. Kang was also surprised when he saw the picture, he thought he lost it.) We only can see that looks like a deer-form Pokemon, which is why the expert said that might be Frosteer from the Beize Region. (Mr. Kang told us about it.) History says that Frosteer 's family lived in the Doungyao Region ages ago. Unfortunately, we don't have proof.

We trained for a few days, it was not hard, but it was difficult to understand and comprehend the Fighting type of Power. Jasmine said to us that every martial art needed to take time to learn. Connection with the type was much harder than just learning the movement. Because you have to feel the powers of the type, understand them, and then you can connect your emotions to Pokémon

The Training line and steps were like this:
1)The moves of martial arts (training with Pokemon.)-
2)Feel and digest the type of power you want to connect with your Pokemon(22 types)-
3)Your emotions and your Pokemon's emotions connect.

The hardest step was the second one. Because we humans are not Pokemon, not all of us can feel the "Power of types" easily. The third one was the easiest, as long as you and your Pokemon were together. Maybe not now, but you will prove your bond with each other one day.

Ash was so good during the training, especially the balance. Every time I saw him standing with one leg, straight and stable. And me, well... although I am not a sports person, I have been learning base martial arts since I was little. Of course, I'm good at it.

He and Pikachu were also the ones who believed that Panchem would find out and realize his own Halo. Seeing their day and night train together, I, Snowleo, and Squirtle were very likely to join them.

Pikachu and Squirtle have a small interest,(Pikachu's look is helpless, and Squirtle shakes his head crazy.) As soon as we are training, they will join the practice, or cheer for us. They look so cute when they wear cheer clothes!!

But Panchem still can't get his Fighting Halo, he looks much sadder than ever. I want to help him, but it seems like we can't do anything...

P.S. Wuqinxi has ten moves group.
Alyssa put down the pen on the ground and looked up from the notebook (Alyssa's diary) on her thigh, to see Ash, Pikachu, and Panchem standing with one leg, both arms open, they are training "White crane spreading its wings" Which was one of the moves of WUqinxi.

She, Squirtle, and Snoleo were taking a rest on a long rock- chair. On the right side, a cup of tea, a teapot, and some fruit were on the rock table, and they were now taking a tea break under the tree. Jasmine and Riolu were sitting on the same type of rock- chair on the other side of the rock table.

Hearing the coming footsteps, Alyssa asks without looking back, "Mr. Kang, is there anywhere to help Panchem to realize his Halo?" The irascible face on Panchem made her a bit worried, she could imagine and know the feeling when others learned quickly but she couldn't get it. That will be a very horrible feeling.

Mr.Kang sits on the other side of Jasmine, Jasmine takes over the teapot and pours the tea, Mr.Kang glances over the practice group.

He mused for a moment, and said, "Panchem has talent, but he chose the wrong way." Alyssa looks at the old man with a question. Mr. Kang didn't look at the girl and sipped the tea that Jasmine had given to him just now, his eyes were still looking at the group.

Alyssa followed the sight to look at the group; The girl then saw Ash take a step forward with his left foot from the inside of his right foot; turning his body slightly to the right; making empty fists with both hands, and then swinging to the right, with the center of the fist downward and at shoulder level; following the hand with his eyes, looking Holding the right fist.

This was the second style of the Arcanine movement, according to Mr. Kang, Arcanine movement can strengthen the functions of tendons, bones, shoulders, and finger joints throughout the body...

Memory the lesson they have learned from Mr. Kang from the days before, Alyssa looks at the group seriously and jumps to her feet, runs to them.

"Break is over, " said the girl, "Ash..." Ash suddenly interrupts the girl's middle of the sentence, "Let's have a battle, Alyssa!!"

The girl tripped on her foot and fell to the ground, reluctantly holding up her head and looking up at the boy who was in hot blood.

She does say the break is over, but that doesn't mean she going to have a battle... Alyssa groans in her mind, she likes Pokemon battles of course, but it doesn't mean that she still wants to compete after battle twelve times for three consecutive days...

Thinking of her desire to become stronger and thinking that fighting might help Panchem feel the presence of Halo, she, herself took the initiative to request special training... Alyssa thought and sighed, well, she asked for it... then she thanked the two Pokémon next to her who were worried about the girl being injured. Alyssa stood on her foot and walked toward the battlefield, across the battlefield, where the boy and Panchem.

Jasmine jumped off the chair, and walked to the middle, " I will be the referee!" She looked left and right, and asked, "Are you two ready?"

Alyssa and Ash's eyes are locked to each other, and say in unison, "Ready!!"

"Then...Let the battle begin!!"
A few hours later...

Alyssa gives Ash what she hears from Mr. Kang. The boy was sitting cross-legged, with Pikachu next to him on the ground. Looking at the boy sinking into his deep thought, Alyssa squatted next to them, Snoleo in her arms, she patted Squirtle's round head, and he gave back a big smile.

She loved to do such a thing like this when she was stuck on something, the round head of Squirlte made her always unwind.

"The wrong way..." Ash muttered, looking at Pancham from the corner of his eye. The panda-like Pokemon was sitting as Lotus Pose, trying to calm himself down.

Snoleo notices Panchem's impetuous emotion and jumps out of the girl's arms. "Snoleo?" Surprised by the Pokemon action, the cat-like Pokemon gives her a reassuring look.

Everyone looks at her walking over to Pancham, Pikachu and Squirtle look at each other and follow behind. A light ice blue wave emanates from Snoleo, as the wave passes through every Pokemon near Snoleo. At that moment, every Pokemon felt calm and at peace, and Panchem, who saw through the ordinary world, successfully practiced meditation.

Before something came into Ash's mind, his be stopped by his weird face budy. "Pikachu?" he asked with unsured, "Are you okay?"

Pikachu looked peaceful as if Team Rocket appeared at that moment but couldn't scare him. He nodded to the boy, "Pika pika!" Pikachu nodded calmly.

"Ice-calm Wave, a mystic-type move, the wave will bring peace and calmness to the target, there is nothing that can stir their hearts. " A voice suddenly sent to the boy's ear, he looked at the girl next to him, who was holding the MP Dex, which the voice came from.

"Mystic type...?" Ash did remember the first day they had seen Nephroyle, both of the lion-like Pokemon were Mystic Pokemon. (Little tip: If Nephroyle turns to rock-form, they will become Mystic and Rock-type Pokemon.)

"Oh yeah!!" The girl clapped her hands, surprised to remember something, "Most Pokemon evolve will have more than one type, and Snoleo's final evolution Hibernian was Ice and Mystic type Pokemon!" she said happily, reaching up two fingers to show to the boy.

"Evolution... two types..." Ash locked at the peaceful Panchem for a moment, something hit directly to his mind, he suddenly stood to his feet and shouted, "I got it!!" His fists were up to the sky and his face was full of excitement.

Alyssa jumped up in fright and looked at the boy in bewilderment.

"Just like Mr. Kang had said, we all go in the wrong direction..." He said with excitement, staring at him curiously, "...and Panchem is a Dark type Pokemon, which means..."

"Which means Panchem has the talent of dark-type Halo!!" They said in unison.




Pikachu, Squirtle, and Panchem are all still in calm mode, they nod to agree with extremely calm faces.

Snoleo licked its paws, lay on the ground, and looked up at the excited two people calmly.

Then the girl frowned, "Wait a minute...that's not exactly right, I mean..." While Ash looking at her, Alyssa reaches out her fist and as she says a name, she reaches out her fingers one by one at the same time, " Torchic, Tepig, Poliwag, or even more of the Pokemon, they all can evolve from one type to one(any type) and fighting type..." She tilted her head, and said unsurely, "Maybe we might miss something...?"

Ash crossed his arms in front of his chest"Uh? You're right, so what do we miss?" He asked himself, exchanging a glance with the girl.

Both of them mused, trying to think out something.

They didn't know that Mr. Kang was standing in front of the bamboo window looking at them, or could say, looking at Panchem.

"Grandfather," Jasmine passed by, looking up to the old man, "What exactly Panchem had missed?" She asked.

The white-haired man didn't respond, conversely asking another question, "Do you remember where Panchem came from?"

Hearing what her grandfather asked, a memory coming out to her mind...

It was a rainy day because she accidentally mistook Shootup for the bamboo shoots they usually eat at home. Bazooka noticed it and went to Jasmine and the others to settle the score. She had no choice but to fight.

This is when Panchem appeared. If it weren't for Bazooka's sudden attack, Jasmine had no idea that there would be someone watching them fight eagerly. That was the first time she saw Panchem. Unlike the naughty and smiling Panchem now, Panchem at that time was full of scars and had sharp eyes, looking at them casually. However, he attacked them the next second.

If it hadn't been for Grandpa's arrival, Jasmine and the others would have been in danger. Therefore, to this day, Jasmine doesn't like the Pancham at all, and she doesn't even understand why her grandpa kept the Pancham in the first place. Except for practicing martial arts and Halo, Pancham, who is completely unsociable, is not good at all! Jasmine pouted and stared angrily at the Pancham outside.

But Jasmine had to admit that even though Pancham respected and got along with her grandfather during the time passed. But he was much more well-behaved and relaxed as he was in front of those two trainers than with Jasmine and Mr. Kang, especially the boy. Why?

Mr. Kang is more experienced and discerning. When he first saw Panchem, he knew something was wrong with Panchem. The injuries on his body... were caused by humans, and therefore he hated humans. But even after this year of getting along, Mr. Kang's efforts could only make Pancham willing to trust him. Even Mr. Kang himself did not expect that Pancham only had a simple test when he met the trainers for the first time. Yes, test, if other trainers make Pancham angry, he will attack violently once he is no longer there.

This is probably why Mr. Mao and the Champion chose this boy as the first batch of exchange personnel between the east and west sides... Mr. Kang put his hands on his back and looked calmly ahead.
Is been seven whole days since the training, Ash and Alyssa are used to and good at Fighting type martial arts, and even Mr. Kang is surprised that Ash has the perfect talent for martial arts.

According to the usual training method, something suddenly happened...

"Uh?" Ash felt something, something that was dark and quiet, he also felt the softness in the deep of his heart. He closed his eyes, and a mysterious and familiar power instantly overflowed from him. Everyone looks at him in amazement.

"Impossible!!' Screaming Jasmine, as her grandfather stares at her, she quickly lowers her head, "I mean, I learned for five whole years finally feel my Halo, I never thought someone could feel the Halo that quickly..." She muttered to herself.

Mr. Kang signs and pats her head, before saying something, someone else screams, and sprints out of the yard, "Panchem!!"

"Panchem?" Ash called out, as he stopped the move, the light Halo suddenly disappeared and without thinking, he ran after him.

"Ash!!" Called out Alyssa.

"Don't worry, I will be back with Panchem!!" As his figure became smaller and smaller, his voice gradually disappeared.

At the time, something flashed over her knee, Alyssa looked and saw it was Snoleo. She quickly said to Mr. Kang, "Snoleo? Wait up!!" She yelled, follow behind, then she paused. Turn to Mr.Kang, "Mr. Kang, we will be back before dinner!" After saying this, the girl follows behind them.

Jasmine paused with the puzzle, then quickly remembered that Panchem had a Halo issue, she looked at her grandfather, "Grandfather, should we...?" she asked.

They both look at the figure gradually disappearing, Mr.Kang shakes his head and pats the head of his granddaughter, "The time for Panchem has come, we are passers-by in his life, so we won’t disturb them." He noticed the downcast on Jasmine's face, so he added, "If you are curious about the story, then you should follow."

Pretending that he didn't see the bright light in Jasmine's eye, Mr. Kang turned and went back to the house, to prepare dinner. Apeeze pats the girl's head, and looks at Riulo, after they meet eyes and nod at the same time, he turns and goes to help Mr. Kang.

"Riulo!!" The little girl looked at her friend, and the blue Pokemon nodded, "Rio!!" Both of them run off.

ASh lost Pancham while he was chasing, he panted and slowly down his movement, and called out, "Panchem, Panchem, where are you?"

"Pika pi!!" Pikachu walking alongside the boy, also called out for looking at his panda friend.

They then hear it sound from the back, they whirl their head and see it is Snoleo, then the girl, who was gasping after all the running, looks at the boy, "We here to help." she says, and gets a response with the boy's genuine smile.

The four of them walked and called.

"Sno! Snoleo!!"

"Come out come out wherever you are, Pancham!"

"Pancham, I want to talk with you, please come out!!!"


Several times, the trainers were excited because of the movement behind some bushes or bamboo, but after finding out it was some Pokémon such as Shootip or Ricochet, not the one they were finding, the trainers felt a little depressed.

After an hour of walking, Alyssa looked at the boy, "This is not helping, let's separate to find Pancham." she said.

The boy nodded, "You and Snowleo just follow this sidewalk, and Pikachu and I go deep into the bamboo forest to find Pancham." He said and pointed into the bamboo forest.

"Well...if you go to the bamboo forest, I will go with you." The girl frowned and added, "After all, it is an undeveloped area and it is very dangerous!" There was worry in the girl's eyes, but the boy shook his head and gave her a comforting smile, "Don't worry, Pikachuis will be with me, if there is any accident, we can escape!"

Seeing the girl sigh and nod, Ash smiles and leaves with Pikachu.

The girl and the Snoleo looked at their leaving-back, "Be careful, Ash..." Said the girl, Snoleo rarely rubbed her head against the girl's leg to appease the girl. Alyssa smiled softly and picked up the cat-like Pokemon, then they went on to their search.

After parting with Alyssa and yelling the name for a few hours, Ash found Pancham hiding behind a huge rock in the deepest part of the Bamboo forest, he strolled over and lowered his body to ask, "Hey, are you alright?"

"Pan, Pancham!!" Pancham yelled suddenly, to pause the boy and the Pikachu right where they were.

"Pikachu..." Pikachu tries to talk over the Panda-look Pokemon but only gets replies from the intense shadow ball. Pikachu dodged with ease but the look on his face was full of worry.

After doing that, the area was silent in the air, Pancham cools his jets and is a little bit regretful about the rudeness of his acting and words. He shouldn't have acted that way to the one who cared about him, but he didn't know what to do now, they might be angry about him... and leave, like his old trainer...

Then he heard the footsteps again, it was closer to him, Pancham turned his head and saw the boy and Pikachu sitting on the other side of the rock, Pancham was puzzled by their action. Aren't they angry?

"Hey, Pamcham, I know you may want to be by yourself now, but.." Pancham couldn't see the face of the boy, but he could hear the sincerity in the voice, and the next words of his drew Pancham's attention" I just want to say that I can understand how you feel about not being able to keep up with others. Because I am the same as you before."

He then went on, "When I was young, I was never as good at reading as my childhood friends. No matter how much information the books contained, I could never read them. Fortunately, my mother didn't care about my grades. She said that since one-sided books can't help me, then I should do something practical. She agreed for me to attend Professor Ork’s Pokémon Summer Camp. During the contact with real Pokémon, I gradually understood the things that I could not understand and remember in books before." he tilted his head, a soft emotion in his eyes, Pikachu jumped to his shoulder so he rubbed Pikachu's cheek.

"Cha~" Called the comfortable Pokemon.

Pancham peeked out of the rock to look at the back of the boy, he listened to what the boy had said and thoughtfully.

So, Pancham," the boy suddenly turned around and looked into the eyes of the startled Pancham, "are you willing to try a different approach? I discussed it with Alyssa. Although you are a Fighting type Pokemon, you can evolve into Pangoro, a fighting type, and dark type Pokemon, ...Maybe your talent lies in Dark type." Ash's voice was in a delightful tone, "Or if you want to stay at Fighting-type, I could tell you the experience and reflections if you don't mind... "At the end of the sentence, the boy's voice became softer. He was a little worried that his second thought would irritate Pancham, and he looked at Pancham uneasily.

"Pika, Pi, Pika!!" Pikachu stuck out of his head to say to Pancham, "Pika pika!!" Pancham mused and looked at Pikachu for a few seconds, then looked at Ash, he glanced back and forth between them before finally making up his mind.

He jumps out off the back of the rock, standing next to the boy, reaching out his hand, "Pancham." he said.

At first, Ash didn't know what Pikachu had told Pancham, and what Pancham was doing just now. He looked at his buddy got the answer, and paused with shock, then he thought that kind of made sense, they had been here for a week, and it was time for them to start on their journey again. If Pancham was willing to come with them, he might see a different view, understand more different people's Halo, can realize his own Halo too!!

As he was thinking, he asked the Pokemon, "Just like Pikachu had said, " A looking forward smile appeared on the boy's face, "Will you be willing to join us on our journey to see the view of beauty and know others' Halo?"

Pancham nods firmly, the memory of the last seven days popping out of his head, every moment of Ash and Pikachu training and learning with him, and then running he had done but the boy came for him. All of these make him want to try, to try to become a trainer's Pokemon again.

Ash took out his Pokemon from the belt, reaching out to the Pokemon, noticing the confusion on his face, Ash realized something he forgot to mention, "This is a Pokeball, it was the same as PokePattern, can let the trainer carrying their Pokemon."

Pancham looks at the Pokeball with great interest and is self-taught to touch the button in the middle of the red and white Pokeball.

With a flash of light, Pancham disappeared to the ground. The PokéBall dangled in the boy's hand a few times and a ding sound rang into the boy and Pikachu's ear, they know what that mean...

"I caught Pancham!!" Ash reaches the Pokeball to the sky with happiness.

"Pika!!" Pikachu cheers with him.

"Coming out Pancham!!" Ash throws out the Pokeball, and the Panda Pokemon appears.

"Pancham!!" with hands on the waist, Pancham was happy. Pikachu jumps off the shoulder and walks closer to welcoming the new teammate.

"Pacham!" Having a high five with each other, a sound suddenly appears from a few feet away.


They all looked at the side of the sound, it was Alyssa and Jasmine. Snoleo was in the girl's arms looking at the boys' delightful emotion with curiosity, and Riolu was running alongside them.

"Alyssa, I caught Pancham!!" Ash shares the joy with the girl.

"Congratulations... Wait what?"For a moment she still didn't register, and she quickly understood what he meant. Before she could say something, Jasmine replied for her, "You mean, Pancham going to be in your team, right?" She asked, looking at the boy with curious and complex emotion, like Ash was something weird.

The cat-like Pokemon jumped off the girl's arms, walking closer to the other two Pokemon. Snoleo looked at Pancham, then nodded in agreement."Sno." she said with a welcoming smile.

Pancham touch his nose, "Pancham!!"

With the girls a little confused about what they were missing, Pancham joins the team. Ash and the others went back to Mr.Kang's house and decided to start on their journey again.

To be continued...