Chapter 3: Meeting God
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The moment he was shot, Wendell's vision became black as if he fell asleep, it wasn't as painful as he watched in the movies.

But now what?

Wendell has been inside this endless void of darkness, he doesn't feel any part of a limb, and he feels weird, he still can see but all his vision can see was total darkness.

His 'body' looks like a sphere, he can only deduce it's his soul.

Wendell doesn't know how long he's been here, his mind was relaxed as if he was floating.

Wendell just stayed in the void, not moving, waiting for something to happen, he lost the track of time, or rather, he lost his ability to track time. He doesn't feel frustrated, or annoyed, perhaps all of his negative emotions were left in his physical body.

While thinking, suddenly, a massive golden gate stood before him, he was baffled, the gate just appeared in the middle of nowhere.

The massive golden gate opened, and a blinding light invaded Wendell and the void, his soul then was getting pulled into the gate, but he didn't struggle at all, he predicted that even if he struggles, eventually, he'll just get pulled inside the gate.

After he was pulled, the blinding light faded, and what he saw next was, perhaps, the most beautiful place he could ever imagine.

Floating islands in the beautiful space, each island was huge, perhaps a size of a country, the land was fertile, and there were houses of odd designs, and massive trees.

Then these creatures who seem to be dragons, their skin was something to be admired, as if they were made of the stars and space.

He was woken from his admiration when a man in bright golden armor spoke to him.

“Soul #67655800000.” the man said, he also has two black wings.

“Proceed to the line, see that golden stairway? Go and line on the queue, there you will await your trial.” 

Wendell followed the angel's order, but he didn't ask much, while floating to his destination, he stumbled upon various races, to his surprise, there was this fictional demon he knew, and there were also these blue guys, then these weird beasts.

He put aside the peculiar creatures.

He then finally lined up in the queue.

Wendell once again waited, there are also souls here as well, a lot of them, lined up similar to him, unfortunately, he can't communicate with them.

One by one, Wendell slowly ascended through the grand golden stairway.

One by one he passed through the steps of the stairway, after who knows how long, Wendell finally reached the top of the stairway, there stood a massive building, its design was similar to the Greeks, all made of gold, Wendell floats towards another golden gate, two guards were guarding the gate.

The gate opened automatically, Wendell didn't hesitate and entered the gate, after going inside, the gate closed with a thud!

Wendell found himself floating on a golden circle platform with various inscriptions.

“Soul# 67655800000, Mr. Wendell Al Nubia.” A giant bearded man loudly announced, Wendell can't help but be in awe, he could only glance at its beard, the moment he tries to look at his face, a blinding luminous light quickly block his view.

Wendell just floated there, the giant man was holding a large paper, he carefully looked at it and seemingly glanced at Wendell.

“Mr. Wendell, first, let me apologize, I'm sorry, but it seems you were mistaken for someone, your killers were supposed to kill somebody else, however, one of our agents sent a wrong order… Unfortunately, I can't resurrect you again, news of your death was widespread as well…”

The giant man, no, a God, was troubled. Wendell can't process the words he heard, nor he can speak his thoughts.

After some time, God proposed something, “Mr. Wendell, you're supposed to bring balance to the continent of Africa, unfortunately, some of our agents killed you instead, your death will cause a butterfly effect, so resurrecting you will not change anything; therefore, I will just reincarnate you, the world where I'm going to send you was once ruled by a god, but the said got was demoted some thousand years ago, there I will reincarnate you with your memory intact since your soul will not adapt some aspect of the world, I will give you a blessing.”

“Now, I will send you off, I will not answer any question, let's just say I'm doing this for you because you did a significant thing.” 

The God then moved his hands, and the platform where Wendell stood illuminated, suddenly, his soul was transported into an unknown world.

Wendell had so many questions, but in the face of a true God, his not brave enough to dig deep into something he can't handle.