[Author Announcement]
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Dear beloved readers,

I apologize for the lack of updates. I haven't been feeling well lately. The truth is, life hasn't been kind to me this past month. I lost the internship I recently got due the corona-virus epidemic which in turn, resulted in my mental health regressing. I have been struggling with both insomnia and anemia. I have no appetite for food, I can't sleep properly and I'm constantly feeling lethargic. I can't seem to write and my motivation for anything is pretty much nonexistent .  I know it is no excuse but I don't want to dish out half-assed chapters when I know I could do better. 

The capital arc only has two more chapters left in it, 23 and 24. After that, we will be on to the second arc of the story, the Kersa arc. So, please give me some time to get my shit together. Once I'm better, I will end the arc properly and move on with the plot.

Once again, I'm truly sorry .

Stay safe and healthy everyone. 

Yours truly,
