Chap 64. Riposte
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Today, I aimed to figure out how to fight back after a block, so I focused on mastering the riposte—this counterattack move. Found a quiet spot, took a deep breath, and imagined my sword blocking a swing.

After a successful block, I practiced striking back. It's like a quick response, turning a defensive move into an attack. How should I angle the riposte? How fast should it be? Questions buzzed in my mind.

The quiet around me became a training ground. After a block, I moved my sword fast, trying to land a hit. It felt like turning defense into offense, a surprise move after blocking. At first, it was tricky. Timing had to be just right. But with more tries, I got the hang of it. The sword blocked, then swiftly struck back. Each successful riposte brought a sense of empowerment, like turning a situation around.

In those moments, with each practiced counterattack, the world faded, and it was just me and the sword, this dance of blocking and striking back. It's not just about stopping the hit; it's about making a move of your own. In this quiet practice, the riposte unfolded—a kind of sword skill where defense transforms into a counterattack, a strategic move in this dance of swords.