Chap 77. Regaining Control
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Sword recovery is about swiftly regaining control after each move. Instead of lingering, I practiced the art of repositioning the sword, ready for the next strike or defense.

The familiar practice spot transformed into a workshop for refining sword recovery techniques. I worked on fluid movements, ensuring that every strike or defensive maneuver seamlessly transitioned into a position of readiness. Grasping the nuances of sword recovery demanded agility. It wasn't just about landing a strike; it was about recovering swiftly, maintaining control, and being poised for the next move.

The usual practice spot turned into a dynamic arena. Each recovery move was a lesson in maintaining the upper hand, ensuring that I was always in control of the sword's movements.

As the day progressed, sword recovery evolved from a simple necessity to an art form. Each practiced recovery brought me closer to mastering the fluidity and control required in the intricate dance of swordplay.

Ending the day's training, I left the usual spot with a sense of improved mastery. The time spent on sword recovery had added a new layer of finesse to my repertoire, enhancing the dance with the weapon in the unpredictable rhythm of battle.