Chapter 5: Krag
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We embarked on another hunting expedition today, and this time, we were joined by a new goblin companion. His name was Krag, and he exuded an air of enthusiasm and inexperience by using some of Gazei's lies/threats and my flattery. He deiced to join us. 

Plus, he is like super big too. 

"Konnichiwa, Krag!" I greeted him cheerfully, a blend of Japanese politeness. "I'm Rin, and it's, like, so totally awesome to have you on board. Together, we're gonna rock this hunting thing!"

Krag nodded, his expression stoic yet determined. "Arigatou gozaimasu, Rin-san. I'm honored to be part of this team." 

I couldn't contain my enthusiasm. "Totally, Krag-san! We're gonna be unstoppable. Our team is, like, a power trio ready to kick some serious monster booty!"

With our trio united, we set out on our hunting expedition, my hubby leading the way with his expert knowledge. As we trekked through the wilderness, I marveled at the beauty of the surroundings, occasionally bursting into bursts of excited exclamations.

"OMG, you guys, this place is, like, so picturesque! It's, like, straight out of a fairy tale or something. Totally Insta-worthy!"

Gazei grumbled, and chuckled, amused by my excitement. "Rin, let's focus on the hunt for now. You can take Insta-whatever pics later."

"Oops, my bad," I giggled. "Hunting first, pics later!"

Throughout the hunt, we communicated with gestures and the occasional hushed whispers. Gazei's expertise shone through as he guided us to the best hunting spots and helped us track down our prey.

When we finally spotted our target—another majestic deer with imposing antlers—I couldn't help but let out an excited squeal. "Oh-em-gee, you guys! Look at those antlers! They're, like, totally fierce!" 

They look like diamonds. 

Gazei's eyes gleamed with hunger. "Let's move in silently and strike with precision. Rin, Krag, stay focused."

I nodded, matching his serious tone. "Got it, hubby. Serious hunting mode activated!"

Together, we executed a coordinated attack, each playing our part in the hunt. With Gazei's guidance, our efforts paid off, and we emerged victorious.

"Yasss!" I exclaimed, unable to contain my enthusiasm. "We did it, you guys! High five!"

We celebrated our successful hunt, feeling a sense of camaraderie and accomplishment as we carried our spoils back to camp.