Chapter 45 – Cosplay: A Multiverse culture phenomenon /R18/
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---day 55 Monday---

Akira and Hina had a late lunch, then prepared to meet Principal Abe marking the beginning of their operation.

Ding Dong. The door's bell rang announcing the arrival of their guest

"Hello honourable Mr Abe. Welcome, please come in" Hina bowed in a traditional greeting.

"Good afternoon Mrs Ryu" Principal Abe greeted in return and entered the house.

"Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. The situation with Ms Akira's unexpected blessing could be very beneficial to the school, yet her skill needs to be tested and approved by an expert as the unknown blessing is coming from a powerful demon, so its effects must be proved safe and meet the school's standard procedures," announced the principal.

"Such a devoted and honourable principal! To sacrifice your free time for the wellbeing of your students and personally perform the "testing" of my daughter's "ultimate pleasing" blessing"  Hina bowed again while complimenting him

"Ha but of course! I do everything for our young generation. They are the future of the Asia empire. I will test Akira's pleasing with the best of my abilities and determination, utilising  the  long years of expertise in the education system. I  shall judge her fairly!" Abe proudly announced, but the slight lecherous grin on his face betrayed his real intentions and horny thoughts.

"Right! You do this for the benefit of the education! So much of devotion and commitment! Now please come and let's not waste your valuable time. Akira is waiting for you at the basement, where we have set up the proper environment required for the "Ultimate pleasing! " Hina led the honorable guest downstairs to the basement.

"Fufufu, I am eager to do that Mrs Ryu! Actually I have been waiting for this moment all day, since I saw Ms Akira's newly blessed looks." Abe grinned widely  and Hina saw the bulge in his trousers rising.

"This is where Akira will be  performing the ultimate blessing rituals from now on"

Hina led Abe into the recently decorated basement. Abe's approving gaze moved from the floor covered with a thick red carpet, to the erotic pictures hanging on the walls. There were various sex gadgets and toys  placed carefully on the cabinets and walls. His grin turned brighter seeing the huge heart-shape bed  the end of the room draped with luxurious satin sheets and pillows.

"Oh, This room is decorated with such a virtuous taste and talent. I am very impressed of your talents Mrs Ryu." commented Abe looking satisfied and already eager for what was coming next.

"Fufufu, Thank you Principal Abe!  It is my humble duty as a parent to aid my daughter to achieve her goals!" Hina smiled happily obviously flattered by Abe's compliments

"And what would the young Miss goals be, I am much curious about?" Abe

"Akira is determined to perform "The Ultimate and final pleasing" for every single demon and demon touched walking on this world , so all of the will taste her magic touch but NONE is to be left behind!" Hina grinned with a predator smile.

"Okasa, Principal Abe welcome in my humble adobe" Akira entered and bowed

"How beautiful, marvellous, Ms Akira you look very ....creative in that outfit!"

Abe face blushed red and his voice trembled from excitement obviously displaying his lewd thoughts and intentions. Plus he was slightly drooling.

Akira's right eye twitched, but her face remained still, seeing the man's gaze crawling over every inch of her exposed skin.

"The cat ears were my Idea! Proudly announced Hina and addressed her

"I told you dear that everybody likes kittens. Am I right principal Abe?" Hina grinned

Abe could  not respond as his eyes stuck glued at the Akira's erected nipples and bulging C-cup chest. Those huge melons were trying to overflow from the tad toо skimpy-tight and elastic swimsuit almost failing to contain them.

Akira approached principal Abe wearing a pink cat-ears tiara, school swimsuit and long black leather sockets.

"Gaaah!!! She must be gentle and soft to touch as a Neko!  Such a  brilliant and unique idea to dress up as a little naughty kitten!" Abe could not hide his astonishment from the aesthetics and eroticism of a scantily clad young girl wearing fluffy animal ears.

Hisss"   The punisher appeared from its hiding spot from Akira's behind and rose to face Abe.

"The Dragon shrine maidens"  must be the first people in the multiverse who decorated a demonic tool of war with a cute pink ribbon.  Flabbergasted Major Foxx slapped her face in disbelief.

"The council should never learn about this or some of the weak minded can get a heart attack" Mira commented in the background via Mirc

"Woah! What a cute tail you have Ms Neko-chan. This must be part of your demon blessing! B b beautiful" Abe's eyes looked very impressed and very horny.

"As the great lord Voldemort commands, Ms Neko will perform her best and ultimate pleasing." Abe recited the brainwashing command.

"Nya! Take off your clothes Master! Nya!" Akira lifted her hand sideways to her eye in a Victory sign. Then put her other hand on her waist like a cosplayer, but  this time Akira could not endure the humiliation and blushed red as tomato.

Abe got naked in a jiffy.

"Nya let me kiss you with my tail Nyaa. My tail is going to kiss you now Nya"

Hiss.. Shmok bite...

"Identify" Akira

Demon larvae lvl 20 Paralysed

The Demon larvae man of Level 20 failed to resist the Venomous bite and froze on the spot so Hina quickly put the blindfold and the mouth piece. Then she moved him to one of the booths and chained him tight.



"HAAAh Okasa, that was humiliating!"Akira pouted and The Punisher curled around her lower waist then she hugged herself as if trying to hide her shameful appearance.

"First the demon church's incident and now this! How low can a person fall in order to save his family? I .. I feel dirty and I feel I lost something today. I lost my dignity!" If Akira's sad eyes could tell a story, they will narrate the tragedy of a once proud man who had to use his newly acquired feminine charm to seduce horny demon men. A truly sad and pitiful story indeed.

"Sigh, It was part of the plan as Major Foxx suggested"Hina tried to comfort her daughter

 "That is how the mind control works.  They will need some basic visual impressions in order to get into a lucid dreaming about yourself. I believe that was the core of your plan Ms Akira. 

"Nya Nya... Foxx said in a mocking voice.

"Ahahah" Foxx couldn't hold her self and blasted in uncontrolled laugh

"Sigh, so cosplaying is now a necessary skill for fighting demons. At least the situation can not get more absurd than that!" Akira protested and probably jinxed herself.

"And this  costume is too revealing Okasa! You can see too much of a skin and the boobs are almost halfway out!" Akira blushed again.

"Necessary sacrifices should be made for the greater good, plus you are an extremely cute Neko-chan" Hina patted Akira's butt trying to comfort her.

"Okaaasaa stop teasing me! I look ridiculous"

"I like your looks Ms Akira! I think your outfit is very original and crafty plus it suits you like a real catkin!  Mira complimented via MIRC

"I look like you now?" Akira

"You look as beautiful as always!" Mira proudly anounced

"You see! I told you even the princess agrees that it was a good idea. The other option was that leather BDSM outfit!"Hina

"What? That "thing" which had holes for the boobs and was missing the panties part? I better run naked on the street than putting that lewd costume!" Akira denied immediately shaking her head left and right

"So you do agree that the Neko-chan outfit was the right choice?" Hina

"Sigh, whatever!" Akira shook her head. She would have never imagined cosplaying in another world as a cat-girl even in her wildest dreams. Yet life is a strange and unpredictable.

"Oh don't be so over dramatic. Next time I will wear a costume as well so you won't feel that embarrassed. Now lets go upstairs to check on  Sakura chan" Hina commanded and left

Sakura chan woke up in unfamiliar bed, stretched and rose to sit up.

"Hh where am I" rubbing her red eyes she looked around and quickly found out that she was in Akira-chan's room. She was just about to get out of the bed when the door opened and someone rushed inside.

"Woaah Akira-chan is that you? Why are you dressed up like that?" Dumbfounded   Sakura-chan pointed at Akira who looked stunned and twice embarrassed gawking and fiddling with her fingers

"Is that Neko ears? How cute! Woah that costume suits you so well! And you got a TAIL!!! CUUTE! She screamed in delight. 

Sakura chan ran and grabbed The Punisher.

"Did your tail come with the blessing as well? It even has its own ribbon!!" Sakura chan patted the Punisher's head and looked like a kid in an ice-cream shop.

"Ahmm, Sakura chan, please I..." Akira cursedin her mind about forgeting to retrieve the weapon and now it was too late.

"Do those people realise that millions of brave soldiers had lost their lives by this kind of thing? It is just... Unbelievable" Foxx slapped her face for the second time that day while watching Sakura chan rubbing her nose with Punisher's face in admiration and delight as it was a cute pet and not a horror tool of death!

"You even put a ribbon on it! That is so cu-u-te Akira-chan" Sakura-chan giggled

Akira's heart warmed at the sight. It looked like Sakura-chan did not remember the traumatic experience from school.  So she decided that if that damnable neko-outfit was helping her relax and forget, then she should bear with it.

"Sakura chan you are already awake. Good, I was so worried when Akira found you collapsed at school. What can you remember?" Hina entered the room

"I don't know. Hmm I remember Tasuko-san called for my attendance at the student council room. I was so happy as I thought I was approved for the "dropout" program. I don't like the public wall duty as I always feel sluggish and tired after attending.

Sakura grimaced looking deeply disturbed.

"Don't worry Sakura-chan, soon that demonic ritual will end. I promise you"

Akira approached and hugged the poor Sakura chan.

"I will make the things right!" whispered Akira and balled her fists

"growwl" Sakura's tummy reminded that she hasn't eaten all day.

"Come girls, the dinner is already set. Sakura is probably very thirsty as well! Lets go downstairs.  Chop chop" Hina commanded

"But Okasa I need to change" Akira

"Oh you will drop the Neko outfit after dinner when we  go for a nice and pleasant bath together" Hina

"What bath?!?..."Akira's jaws dropped as it was the least expected thing to hear, but could not finish her sentence as Sakura grabbed her hand and dragged her after Hina:

"Come Neko-chan, Lets go! Sakura nee-san will feed you a fish! Do you like fish Neko-chan?" Sakura giggled smiling wide and happily

"That was delicious Mrs Ryu" Sakura chan rubbed her bloated tummy.

"It was indeed, Okasa"Neko-chan complimented her mother's cooking and sat back in her chair, her tummy filled with the master-crafted Katsuo-no-Tataki food.

"Fufu thank you girls. It is a great honor as a chef to accept your compliments"

"Now help with the dinner table and the dishes, while I go and set up the bath!" Hina

"Come here Akira-chan the water is so nice. What took you so long?" Sakura chan stood up naked in the huge bath tube waving to the red-faced Akira.

Hina already soaking inside with half sleepy eyes did not pay much attention to Sakura's antics

"I did not expected that we will all go together for a bath, naked..." Akira glanced at the well developed body of Sakura-chan and turned her head down.  She may be on the short side but her huge rack swinging along with Sakura's waving hand fully compensated the injustice.

Akira felt awkward thinking about  the  naked young woman in front of her. In the past when Tom Tailor ended with a naked woman, meant that a love act is about to follow.

Now thou being a girl, she was about to take a bath along another naked girl, and that meant  a ... fresh and clean body.

"Sigh, It cant be helped, it is what it is now" Akira gulped and entered the bath joining the others for a pleasant and relaxing experience.

"Sakura-chan must be very tired" Hina lifted the sleepy Sakura from the couch of the main room where they had fun playing cards and board games.

"I will bring her to sleep at  the guest bedroom. How much time for the next grinding?" Hina asked

"46 minutes left for the cool-down" reported Mira via Mirc

"She is a nice girl. Do you think she can join us in the war against those evils? Hina asked when she returned back to the main room.

"May be we can  set  her up with the Exorcist class?"Akira commented while contemplating of the pros and cons of such action.

"NO! Absolutely NOT!" Mira shouted loud in the MIrc channel

"...." Hina, Akira, Foxx

"I wont allow that vixen near Ms Akira! She will.... Hmm... She will distract you and you can get hurt and die!" Mira breathed  heavy and sounded angry to the participants of MIRC channel.

"I agree with the princess Mira's "professional" judgement. Sakura-chan is too young and inexperienced to face demons. Her immature and untrained mind can easily crumble and break under pressure of the war. The age for Sopura's military recruitment is set at  20 years for a reason and it is more likely that she will become a vulnerability instead of helpful addition" Major Foxx expressed her professional opinion.

"Well I have to agree. We can not drag other people in our vendetta, and risk their lives for my personal goals. I am not that selfish! Akira made the final decision ending the discussion.

"CONSUME".."CONSUME".."CONSUME".."CONSUME" Words of power echoed in the basement as The demon shrine maidens sucked the last remains of a demonic essence from their latest prey.


[+2000 SU]

Abe's demon larvae vanished at about midnight while Sakura-chan slept soundly two floors above.

"Okasa will you pass me the spray, please. Thank you"

"Now Mr Abe is going to have the best ever lucid dream in his life" Akira lifted her hand holding the miasma and sprayed the face of the honorable principal

Pshht Pshht

"IMAGINE! You are in control of your imagination. DREAM about me. You will have the best experience of your life from Akira Neko-chan! SLEEP! DREAM! REMEMBER! ENJOY!"

Akira made sure to say clear the words needed to send a person in a mind control induced lucid dreaming as Major Foxx had instructed.

Abe's face relaxed and soon he fell into a deep slumber.

---Principal Fumihiro Abe's Dream-space---

Fumihiro opened the door of his small apartment in the Tokyo's suburbs.

"Haah, What an exhausting and annoying day at work" he mumbled and put on his house slippers, then entered the small living room with an attached kitchen corner

His grumpy face immediately brightened seeing the naked Neko-chan sleeping on the couch. Her perfect tits slowly rising and falling in as she breathed soundly. Her tiny mouth with red plump lips was drooling on the couch's pillow. Abe can see from his angle the fully erected pink nipples and the ripen shaved pussy of that beautiful Neko-girl, luring him closer.

"Neko-chan Master is home, wakie wakie!" Abe grinned and patted the soft hair and ears of the fluffy Kitten-girl.

"Nyaaa" Akira Neko-chan opened her drowsy eyes and looked at him with affection and lust!

"You are very lazy kitten! Look! You haven't touched any of that milk! "Abe pointed at the pot on the floor  still filled with milk."

"Nyaaa" Neko-chan pouted, obviously not happy with the food he had carefully prepared this morning.

"Hah, I have really spoiled you, haven't I" Abe shook his head

"I know you prefer to drink my manly milk directly from the bottle, but I can't be here all day to feed you personally. I have to go to work as well!"

"Nyaaa" Neko-chan landed on the floor on her four and started to cuddle around his feet. Her tail decorated with a cute pink ribbon swayed left and right over that heart-shaped plump butt.

"Nyaa Nyaaa Nyaaa" Neko-chan cried and pointed her mouth and rubbed her tummy.

"Sigh, I will feed you now you hungry little beast" Abe dropped his pants to show his fully erected manhood.

"Nyaa " The kitten rushed and started to lick his balls and manhood  with a hungry eyes

"Aaaargh" Abe moaned from the pleasure.

 "Open your mouth Akira neko-chan. Master will feed you now. Soon your tummy will be full of your favorite man milk"

Abe grabbed Neko-chan's head by the ears and stuck his manhood inside that lewd hungry mouth. 

"Mghg MngGh" Neko- chan

"Araaa. You are the best Neko-chan"

Abe pushed his dick further, deeper into her throat.

"Aaaghhh" Neko-chan eyes bulged when her nose hit the stomach of her master as the penis sunk all the way down the throat.

Slap slap slap 

Abe brutally used Neko-chan's mouth-pussy, feeling the great pleasure building fast.

"Aaarh" Abe unloaded his semen deep inside Neko-chan's throat. Her tummy inflated from the massive load of cum and made her look as she was pregnant.

 Gulp Gulp

lick lick lick 

Neko chan licked her lips and then the remains of the cum still dropping from Abe's cock

Pant pant

"You really like to suck from my bottle you naughty kitten-girl. But I am not done with you yet. Don't you think you will get that dinner and go back to sleep, you lazy girl.

Abe swiftly moved behind Neko-chan and grabbed her tail.

"Nyaaa Nyaa" Neko-chan shook her butt left and right in a seductive motion revealing that pinky slit dripping wet over her legs.

"Neko- chan you are the best Neko-chan.... Neko-chan..." 

"Neko- chan you are the best Neko-chan... Neko-chan..." Akira could hear the faint moaning sounds from Abe's booth.

"What do you think principal Abe is dreaming about? Akira asked her mother 

"Something very lewd seeing that booth's wall fully covered with the man's seed" Hina shook her head as she sneak peaked inside.

"Ok lets leave him for another hour and then I will wake him up"

R 16 Akira in latex cat suit

