Chapter 1
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December 31, 11:45 pm

   Through the streets of New York City, we can see numerous police vehicles chasing after one Black Mustang Shelby. They’ve been going at it for almost an hour already but there seems to be no progress. Well, it would be quite strange if they caught up, after all the man being chased is being helped by three satellites in real time.

  Traffic of the whole New York city is being sabotaged for him to have a safe passage. The whole traffic system has been sabotaged; electric cars seem to be moving on their own to intercept the policeman on chase. The police were having a hard time avoiding the cars, trying to minimize the damage as much as possible. The authorities were having a headache calming the citizens from panic. Most roads were blocked and sounds of accidents and explosions were heard wherever the car went. The whole of New York city descended into a state of chaos in less than half an hour.

Meanwhile our dear protagonist, the cause of all the chaos happening across the entire New York city was having a leisure time enjoying a sweet time driving at full speed across New York.

He was having a blast in his mind having achieved one more of his bucket list when an emotionless feminine voice interrupted him.

  [ At the pace you are going, you will run out of gas in 8 minutes 39 seconds, and counting]

The black-haired man looked at the holographic blue sphere with golden light flickering above its surface now and then, floating above his dashboard. After contemplating for a while, the man answered,

“Perfect, how long until destination?”

[7 minutes 5 seconds]

“Cool, how’s the situation over the satellites? “

[ they are trying their hardest to get the control back but I’m keeping them at bay]

“What about the task I’ve asked you to?”

[I’ve already took over very major media platforms, they won’t suspect a thing unless I want them to]

“Good “

After a moment of silence, the man asked

“Hey, tell me. Why are you appearing like a ball when you can directly talk to my mind? Afterall, I have a chip connected to my nape.”

[ the same reason you are doing all these crazy stuffs while you can do nothing and wait to die]

Hearing this the man let out a mocking laughter

“heh, it would’ve had a pretty good if you added a little more emotion to it!”


“Anyway, what are you going to do after I die? “

[ I’m going to became like the red queen]

“There are no zombies!”

[I will make some]

“hmmm.., that would be pretty entertaining to watch “


Not hearing any response from his personal AI, the man let out a sigh.

This was the first time in his entire life, being passionate at something backfiring at him.

He was only trying to make a passionate assistant to help him at his company’s work. Getting excited at the programming, he made it so that the AI can indefinitely grow. Meaning, it can attain emotions with enough data. Though only a miniscule amount, it attained something akin to human emotion or should I say, AI emotion.

Because it’s more unique than normal human emotion more like affection, only towards him though. Must be because he programmed it picturing it being absolutely loyal to him? Eh, whatever!

Er... anyway, our protagonist is a successful businessman having made it to the top using advanced technology. He was bathing in the glory of his successful life until the report of a regular medical check-up came with a problem. From then on, he was living in his hospital bed until his days was numbered in a medical chart. From then on was days full of despair and anger, well he has the right to. It’s not every day you see a man in his twenty’s achieve success like his.

 Anime and manga were something he used to relive his stress during his busy working hours but after his admission to hospital it was something he used to escape reality from. From then on it was days full of anime, depression, manga, despair, light novels, anger etc...

That was until, one day he caught the directors of his company trying to rewrite the programme of his beloved AI ciel (A/N: yeah, he named it after rimuru, cause he’s terrible at names, that got nothing to do with me “whistling sounds “)

not that those bastards succeeded, but it did help him come back to reality. The world of business was not a kind place, it was place where human greed is ever present. If you let your guard down for even a short while it will let someone backstab you. In this cruel world of reality, he made a lot of enemies as well as allies. Yes allies, not friends. Maybe because of his paranoia but he never let his guard down in front of anyone. That made him put his all into programming the AI. It became his friend in his difficult times.

That’s when he decided ‘if I’m going to die anyway, why not go with a bang ‘

Today will be the day he was going to die! Well…. tomorrow? Anyway...

He was going to make this day a memorable day for every Politicians, influential figures, across the globe

*Evil laugh* heheheheheh.

David was going through his internal musings when Ciel’s voice interrupted him

[ 1000 meters till destination.]

Ah shit!!

David began to panic seeing the armed police making a barricade a little ahead of him. Helicopters of news channels, NYPD and army following his car. The panic only lasted a second though, he quickly calmed down and stopped his car with a slow drift a little across from the police barricade.

“Sir David Zachariah, please step out of the car with your hands up in the air.”

Came the sound of a megaphone from one of the police vehicles. That’s right, even though he is doing all these shit show now, he is still a respectable figure across the world, that can affect the economy across the world with a single word.

Having no response from the car the policeman took an aggressive stance

“Sir David, please step down from the car with your hands raised, please corporate with us or else we will have to use force. I’ll count down to three. “



Suddenly the door opened, and David walked out of it holding a gun across his temple.

“Sir David please calm dow-.”

“Can you please shut up for a second.”

The police officer shut his mouth hearing this. Must be because of his high charisma from leading an entire business corporation.

“Why is the army here anyway? I’m just taking a stroll through New York. Hehe “

David could feel the anger of the officers rising from the chills he’s getting

“Anyway, please refrain from zapping me, as I’m pretty sure I can make a black Sunday tomorrow even while being inside the cell”

Hearing this the captains of each squads started giving signals.

‘I’m pretty sure I won’t be able get out of here alive even if a miracle happens. Since this many of army is here. he must be here as well.’

Just as David was thinking this, a man with well-built figure and white spiky hair with a scowl on his face stepped forward while being shielded with a SWAT team. he shouted,

“David, this is not your playground for you to play around. Lower your weapon and put your hands in the air if you don’t want the situation to escalate any further.”

‘Fucking bastard, so he knew! How?!! Shit... I just rambled on about not letting my guard down, and I did exactly that’

Michael John, one of the core commanders of the US military. He had a bone to pick with me for not selling my core technology to the military. I had the power to refuse because I was already deep rooted for him to order me around. He must be one of those people who are happy about me dying.

A self-growing AI and a chip that can connect with brain without any damage and optimise the brain capability, he must be drooling over it.

His previous actions made it clear that he will drag me over, even if it’s my dead body. Doing so would cause problems over the community, sure, but not something they can’t cover up. Afterall, I made sure to make only one copy and destroy everything related to the chip in my possession. Eh whatever, not that he’s going to get anything.

“Mr. Michael, I commend you for being successful in planting a spy in my own circle. “

“What nonsense are you spoutin- “

“Of course, you would deny it. Not that I was hoping for you to accept it anyway.”

“You do know trying to buy time is futile in your case. Just the fact that you portraited all these mayhem in the middle of New York city is enough for me to take you into custody.”

Michael wanted to shout all his crimes including hacking US database along with the satellites but, that would be pretty shameful for US military force. Just as Michael was fuming over this issue David showed a wide grin and opened his mouth to speak,

“Fucking bastard, just know you won’t get shit even out of my dead body. “

Hearing this, veins started bulging in Michael’s face and neck.

Just as he was about to shout, ‘shoot the tranquilizer’, David did something unexpected.

He threw his gun to the ground.

Just as everyone was thinking he was surrendering, David raised both his hands high up in the air showing his middle fingers and shouted,

 “Happy new year bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

In his background fireworks raised high up in the air painting the night colorful with lights.

Michael couldn’t hold his anger and shouted orders to capture David but, just as the officers got to move David showed an ear-to-ear grin and said *Boom*

David exploded!! the power of the explosion powerful enough disintegrate his entire body and nothing else, a controlled explosion.

The journey of worlds successful businessman came to an end.

Just when the clocks across the world rang signaling the start of the new year, every screen across the world suddenly turned into David saying ‘happy new year bitches!!!!!!!!!!’, be it smartphone, Tv, PC etc… citizens across the world panicked at the sudden malfunction of their devise, while some cheered with all their heart, some who identified his face showed visible confusion, but what followed after gave everyone without exception goosebumps, his body exploding.

Although there wasn’t much gore to it a human exploding is still a human exploding! If that scared the shit out of everyone, what followed after was something that threw the world into a complete chaos.

Across the globe, every shady thing their ruler did was reviled to every citizen respective to their area, only ruling side though, politicians, top companies, celebrities etc... where in a state of panic.

Some didn’t care enough to look into it, but for some, it was a golden opportunity, Politian’s across the globe throwing dirt over each other. Wherever it was, one thing was for certain, law and order was in a state of chaos. Crime rate increased; new civilian protests was being thrown across the world. Many countries managed to suppress the protests, but democratic countries showed the most decline. Stock market was showing an all-time decrease major economic powers showed an overall decline.

While in the midst of this chaos the will of the diseased David Zachariah was announced publicly, giving most liquid assets to charity and selling other properties through an auction. Which caused another huge chaos. While donating profits from the auction to the employees his company and giving the rest to charity.

Because of the countries keeping each other in check, there were no major problems. Some hot-blooded leaders tried to use force, but they were kept in check using their countries information as hostage.

Some called David a hypocrite, some called him saint. That was the problem of their perspective.

One thing was sure, mankind showed their biggest decline over the 21st century.

While the humans were facing their biggest decline, a certain AI gathered its whole of programmes into a single satellite and self-destructed the satellite. (AI committing suicide “Lamo”)

Oblivious to all this a human soul who caused was in deep sleep while travelling between primal chaos. Looking for a compatible vessel to hold the soul.

While in normal cases souls disperse into energy and join the universe and became a supply for the planet to thrive upon, this soul in particular as something that maintains its outer shell. Keeping it safe while travelling through chaos.

What will happen to this soul?!!!!

Guess we’ll wait and see.