Chapter 23
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Momo ran toward him; she was doing all she could to make him take a step back. But he wouldn't budge. he was perfectly parrying all the attacks with utter ease.

Whenever she sparred with Aito, Momo always had a slight hesitation in her attacks, had a slight hesitation when fighting Aito. That was something every human would have when attacking someone. Aito also noticed that, but he didn't voice it out. Instead, he thought back to the past.

When he was kidnapped, he tore off his finger to stick it in the eyes of the blond man. He had no hesitation whatsoever!! He thought back about how naturally he came up with the idea of breaking his finger and stabbing a human with it. Even if his father's life was on the line, He should've shown at least a bit of hesitation.

As he remembered Ciel mentioning his race changing or something. He partially contributed his attitude changes to that as well. After all, how desperate the situation was no one can do what he did without any hesitation. Of course, it can be different If you are a cold-blooded murderer or something.

Anyway, back to the present. Momo still had that hesitation on her strikes even as she charged forward with all her might. But that hesitation was slowly being chipped away, as clearly shown by her bold move to sharpen the edges of her staff.

And she was improving in the precision and accuracy of her strikes. Just throwing away her hesitation made her more powerful. But not enough to make Aito take a step back.

Aito opened his mouth while blocking a leg sweep from Momo with his staff,

"You know Momo-Chan, the first time we met. At the social gathering?"

Momo stood up; she was rubbing her leg. It seems like that block hurt a bit. A tight frown was marring her face.

Aito pretended like he didn't see anything and continued,

"I was just minding my business on the corner while drinking some juice, while some old baldie invaded my private space and started asking questions. Since I noticed my mom staring at me from the side, I politely answered his questions."

Momo was looking at Aito with an inquisitive gaze, asking 'What're you getting at?'

"Of course, I didn't think much about it. That was when I first met you. Your reactions were a sight to see when I outshined you in every aspect. I only thought of you as an annoying kid who followed me behind, trying to challenge me every chance you got."

Momo's cheeks blushed red as she threw the staff she was holding at Aito. Of course, Aito blocked it with the staff he was holding. And as if not noticing the narrowed gaze of Momo, Aito continued,

"Then I saw you at the kindergarten, and although we couldn't talk properly, I was content with seeing you acting like a Slightly more mature brat than those other brats who were smearing their snots at each other."

This time Momo didn't say anything as she made a shield big enough to cover her figure, the speed was not so fast, but since, Aito was not attacking she could take her time in making anything.

Aito noticed that and only looked on curiously and continued talking.

"Then I decided to quit Kindergarten because it didn't fit me well."

Aito frowned a little as if recalling some memories.

"You might've already known that I had some complications with my quirk. Making me unable to attend middle school."

Momo nodded her head, constructing something behind the giant shield.

"So naturally, I had no friends my age, and I was not particularly interested in knowing anyone my age. So, it didn't affect me much." – Aito said this with a sad smile, trying his best to hide it.

"Anyway, after I started attending the exams in that state, you were the first to approach me as I was constantly avoiding everyone."

Momo continued constructing something without stopping.

"Even though I acted rude, incredibly rude back then. I was still happy Someone actually took the initiative to talk to me." -Momo said this with a gentle smile.

"At the start of middle school, I was really excited to see you, well, you can be considered someone I knew from childhood. I was planning to apologize to you, but you were trying really hard to avoid me, so I decided to watch first."

Aito started walking towards Momo at a slow pace.

"Honestly speaking, you were really cute acting flustered whenever I teased you. So, I couldn't bring myself to apologize to you. When I sparred with you the last three days, I only genuinely wanted to help you since you were trying really hard to become strong." -Aito said this with the sincerest expression on his face.

"Although I had a little fun beating you up - Ahem, anyway… it seems like you really hated me for that."

Aito stood in front of Momo and did an apologetic bow.

"I sincerely apologize for the rudeness that day and if I ever acted out of place anywhere."

Momo only stood there dumbfounded without knowing how to answer back.

Without waiting for her to answer back, Aito dusted his uniform shirt and said,

"As per the bet you can ask me any favor. I Aito Toda swear on my family name, that I will comply with any request in my capacity. Of course, there are restrictions on this as well. I'll leave you to figure it out yourself."

Momo looked bewildered she had a lot to ask but when she was about to question him, Aito spoke without giving her a chance to speak.

"What? You didn't think I could block a full-blown attack from a cannon without dodging, did you?"

There was a one-meter cannon covered from view by a shield. Of course, it was a dud created by Momo to distract Aito, and Aito Knew that, but he still gave up. So, it was naturally a win for Momo. Without giving Momo a chance to react he walked out.

[I don't think that was effective at all.]

Aito was walking towards the parking lot when Ciel asked Aito.

'Think with me Ciel, what would you think if someone who annoyed you most, was frustrating to deal with, took bullying you as a hobby- Ahem scratch that part… suddenly started acting sad, started apologizing.'

[of course, I'd doubt you. Especially from how you were treating Momo until now, It wouldn't be weird if she thought you were tricking her and shot that cannon, right at your back.]

Hearing that, Aito quickly looked back rising his guard up. Since he saw that Momo was not following him, he heaved out a sigh of relief.

'Right, that would've been the case if it was me, But Momo is different. Of course, she would doubt me. I would have to treat her as a saint if she didn't. Although she treats me like her arch-enemy, she is still kind and righteous to everyone around her, except me. I wonder why?!!'


'Ahem… anyway back to the point. She would undoubtedly doubt me. She would think, "What kind of wicked plan is that bastard making?". But with her personality, she wouldn't just sit still after hearing that.'

'After all, it is a fact that I didn't attend Elementary school. And she would most probably talk with her mother, hopefully, my mother too. And if My mom is close with Yaoyorozu enough for My mom to ask Momo to get acquainted with me, she will naturally know about the situation with my quirk.'

'And no matter how much my father covered up the incident with my kidnap, it would've naturally reached the ears of influential people, since it was a case that involved the police.'


'Think about it, no matter how mature I was for my age, I was still only 4 when I was kidnapped. Even though no one outside of our family knows what happened after that, the fact that I was kidnapped is a fact. And right after that incident, I got into a situation with my quirk.'

'If it was any other Kids my age in my place, it would be a miracle if they didn't have any mental illness or at least a minor trauma.'

'And If Momo's mom were to tell her that, Momo will naturally feel guilty. She is very optimistic, that's why she was tolerating me being annoying around her all the time. With her personality, it would only be a matter of time before she treats me more favorably.'

'And that will be something that I can exploit in the future.'

'And that 'favor', if she does use it, I can exploit that as well. It would require some work but will be an investment for the future.'


'To be honest, I never thought of anything complicated when I was annoying her, I just found it cute, how she reacted to my teasing. But I just didn't want to remain as a scar in the teenage memories of a future hero. So, I thought, why not exploit her a little.'

[Yeah, yeah. Stop bragging.]

Aito just shrugged his shoulders and kept walking.

Aito walked toward Kimi who was waiting for him in the parking lot.

"How was your day, young master?"-Kimi asked with a loving smile that was hard to describe.

Aito smiled gently and said while entering the car.

"Plain as always. How was yours?"

Kimi entered the car and said with a pout.

"It's really boring without you, young master."

Her pouting face was cute, but this was something Aito was seeing every day since school started.

Aito answered with a nonchalant "That so!?" and took out his phone, scrolling through it.

Kimi didn't take this into offense and asked in a teasing tone.

"Young master, it seems like you are a little tired, do you want something to drink?" Kimi asked this in a playful voice.

Aito raised his head to look at Kimi and said,

"Indeed, I'm a little tired. But let's wait till we get home."

Kimi realizing her old tactics to make Aito flustered were losing effect, started thinking of countermeasures.



A/N: I'm back (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

Sorry for not uploading any chapters for the last few days.

I was really busy and couldn't dedicate any time to write anything ( ̄_ ̄|||).

There will be a time skip in the following chapters and we will officially enter the canon plot. At best 2-3 chapters and we will be on the UA entrance exam arc.

I'm really excited about what I'm planning. I just hope I won't get distracted.

_〆(´Д` )




Thanks for reading the chapter>.<