Wawona #42
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Hugo watched as the person walked deeper into the fire until the bright burning light made him look away. He tried to look again, only getting a quick glance before having to cover his eyes but the person was gone.

He started back down the road, following it to Oakhurst. It was pitch black but some of the abandoned cars that reflected the moonlight signaled he was close. He waited and listened. Coo-ing owls and distant crackling of fire were the only things audible. He stayed between the trees, quickly dashing between each of them. 

The sheriff’s seemed to have gone to sleep, their lights were off.

Circling the town, Hugo found his tent, just on the other side of the chicken wire fence. He quietly climbed up, over the top, then on his way down he stepped softly, but the dead twigs on the ground crackled.

No one seemed to hear.

He stepped softly to his tent and pulled the zipper one tooth at a time.

One. Two. Three.

A bag was thrown over his head. “AH!” he let out, but his mouth was gagged through the bag. His hands and legs were grabbed by several strong people. Within about five seconds he was hogtied. His captors rushed him away before he could let out a sound. He was carried through the town yet barely a sound was made.

He heard a click of a lock, then a door opening. He felt himself taken through the door then rushed down a hall. There were several people following as they stopped being quiet about their walk. Another lock, another door, then another lock and another door. He was placed on the ground and the bag and gag were taken off his head. He was in a jail cell, light came from the room through the door, keeping everything visible.

Sheriff Gunman and the rest of the sheriffs were there standing over him. Sheriff Gunman squatted down.

“Not even twenty-four hours and you broke one of our only rules. You got what you wanted, right? A place to stay, food, shelter. Now why you gotta ruin it for everyone?” Sheriff Gunman said, tilting his head.

Hugo took a second to breathe and looked Sheriff Gunman in the eye.

“What are you hiding?” Hugo asked.

Sheriff Gunman paused, glaring Hugo in the eye.

“Lemme ask you this: what did you see?” said Gunman.

“Why does it matter what I saw?” Hugo responded.

Sheriff took a step closer and spoke softer. “Because if you saw what I think you saw, then someone’s going to die and it’ll be very soon.”

“Are you threatening my people?” said Hugo.

“Oh no,” Sheriff Gunman raised his hands, “We don't know who's gonna die. They come, they take, they leave. Could be today, tomorrow, usually soon after, but it will happen.”

“Who…are they?” said Hugo, coldly.

“That’s a question for them,” Sheriff Gunman said. He stood up, relaxing himself. “But, it’s your lucky day. We can’t kill you or let you die. Cant have your little group freaking out on us. They’ll come and see you in the morning.”

“Does the whole town know?” Hugo asked.

“Boy, you sure do ask alot of questions. Now shut up and get some rest. Do anything like that again and we’ll start taking more assertive action,” Sheriff turned to one of his partners. “Untie his legs.” Then he left the room.

The remaining Sheriff’s un-tied Hugo’s legs and locked him in the room. The door had a small viewing window with a small metal wire grid, too small for even a finger to fit through. The only light came through that window.

Hugo laid down on the concrete floor, his head at one corner and his feet in another, barely able to fit. He started to drift to sleep.

“Wake up!” someone screamed, it echoed like Hugo was in a great hall. It was Master’s voice. 

Hugo jumped up to the wall opposite of the door, knowing Master was on the other side. He pushed from the wall and banged against the door.

CRASH went the bolts in the door, but it didn't open. Hugo slammed against it again. CRASH

“Hey! Hey!” said Sheriff Gunman. He ran down the hall into the room before the cell. He stood in front of the door and looked in.

Hugo slammed against it again CRASH

“Hey! Cut it out!” Sheriff Gunman said.

“He’s here!” said Hugo in a violent rage. CRASH. Hugo leaned against the door, catching his breath.

Gunman quickly turned his head, seeing only the other Sheriff’s behind him.

“Wh- Who’s here?” said Sheriff Gunman.

“Master! I heard him! I heard his voice,” said Hugo, still out of breath.

“There’s no one. It’s just us,” Sheriff said.

Hugo didn't respond and fell to the bottom of the door, laying there.

Sheriff Gunman looked in through the window, seeing Hugo on the ground still breathing. He turned to the other sheriffs and nodded his head telling them to head out. He and the other sheriffs left Hugo for the rest of the night.

“Yeah, so he left the premises last night, putting himself and others in danger. He wasn't gone for long but when he came back we got him and locked him up. Sorry if there was any confusion last night, we were just doing our jobs,” said Sheriff Gunman to Carmen and Lila.

Carmen was holding Lila’s hand.

They were in the Sheriff’s station at the door before Hugo’s cell. Gunman took his ring of keys, finding the one for the first door.

“Now, after we took him in, we interrogated him. Asking questions like ‘what happened?’ blah blah blah…Not much of a talker I’m assuming,” said Gunman. He found the key and put it into the lock. His expression dimmed. “Now look. We left him here and not even five minutes of silence after, he started banging on the door, screaming. Talking about some guy named ‘Master.’”

Carmen’s eyes opened up after hearing this.

“Ring a bell at all?” Gunman asked. 

Carmen shook her head slightly.

“I see…” said Gunman. He turned the key slightly. “Are you his girlfriend or something?”

“Please open the door,” said Carmen in a quick burst.

Sheriff opened the door and let Carmen and Lila into the room. He closed the door behind the two and waited outside. Carmen peaked through the little window to see Hugo curled up in the corner. When he saw the light obstructed by Carmen’s head he stood up.

“Carmen-” he said, almost normally.

“What happened last night?” Carmen interrupted with a stern look.

“I went to see the fire for myself,” Hugo leaned close to the window. “Listen-”

Carmen whispered angrily, “No you listen!” Carmen’s angry expression went away. “You can do whatever you want, but you have a little sister who needs you. I can't be the one to pick up your slack-”

“I know but listen,” said Hugo, narrowing his eyes. Carmen’s expression went from open to stern again. “They're hiding something. Someone’s going to die.”

Carmen’s stern look was broken. She glanced back at the door, seeing no one, then leaned in to hear. 

“I was at the fire, there was someone in it. Apparently they’re gonna kill someone. Get everyone together, wait for it to pass. Don't let Lila out of your sight,” said Hugo.

Carmen nodded acceptantly.

“Also…” Hugo looked down. “What happened? At six flags, what did they do to you?” said Hugo, deeply looking into Carmen’s eyes.

Carmen paused, looking back at Hugo. “I-” Her shocked face turned to bitter disgust. She shook her head, took Lila and stepped to the door.

“Wait,” said Hugo. Carmen stopped before opening the door. “Get me out of here,” said Hugo.

Carmen opened the door and left with Lila.

After Carmen left, Hugo sat in his cell against the wall and waited.

“Hey there,” said Master.

Hugo looked up to see Master behind the window, smiling down at Hugo. Hugo gave him an angry glare.

Master chuckled, amused at the sight.

Carmen and Lila walked out of the room, meeting Sheriff Gunman on the other side of the door. He closed it behind them and walked them to the front.

“Is he alright?” Sheriff asked.

“I don't know,” said Carmen.

At the exit, Sheriff Gunman stopped Carmen. “Look, I don't want to have to ask this but, this isn't going to be a recurring issue right?”

“No, it won't be,” said Carmen.

Gunman nodded and Carmen left with Lila.

She went back to her tent, finding Mordecai, Genesis and Jacob sitting around outside.

“What happened?” Jacob asked.

Carmen glanced around to make sure no one was listening. “There’s something going on. Hugo said someone’s gonna die and for all of us to stay together,”

Everyone scooted closer to Carmen. Again they glanced around to watch for onlookers. 

“Who’s gonna die?” said Jacob in a quieter voice.

“He doesn't know,” said Carmen. The others leaned back, taking a moment to ponder.

Lila sat down beside Carmen’s feet.

“He wants us to get him out,” said Lila. The group turned to her to listen. Lila looked at her lap, uncomfortable with the number of eyes on her.

“So then what?” said Jacob, to the others.

“We get him out,” Carmen answered.

“But we have a good thing going. He can serve his time if that means we can stay here where it’s safe,” said Jacob.

“Really?” said Carmen, she gave Jacob a furious stare. “After what he did for you? He could have left you to die on that road but he gave up his sister and his freedom to get you and that’s how you wanna act?”

Jacob looked down.

“It’s not safe here anyway. If people are dying anyway then damn it all.”

Genesis and Mordecai smiled and nodded slightly at Carmen. “Hell yeah,” was written on their faces.

“How’s Hugo gonna get out?” said Mordecai.

Lila looked up, “I know.”

Hugo was lying with his limbs outstretched on the floor of his cell. His eyes were wide open and practically dry. He couldn't tell how long it’s been since Carmen came to visit.

“Look at you. Pathetic,” said Master through the window. “When you get out I’m gonna tear you limb from limb. You know why? Because that’s what men do. Survival of the fittest. Your battle’s not done Hugo, JUST YOU W-”

“Waaaa!” said a crying child. The sound grew from the hall outside Hugo’s cell.

“Is that…Lila?” said Hugo to himself. He got to his feet and listened intently to the child’s wails. As it grew louder he could hear the shuffling of two adults behind the child.

“Alright alright! Hold on!” said Sheriff Gunman from behind the door. Keys dangled near the handle on the other side.

“Waaaa!” the cries were clearly Lila’s.

The first door swung open and Lila, Carmen, and Sheriff Gunman shuffled in.

“Waaaaa!” Lila cried. Her eyes were flooding with tears.

“What happened?” Hugo asked, confused.

“Lila misses you,” Carmen answered in a tired manner.

Lila began to pout, pointing at the metal door to Sheriff Gunman.

“Come on now girl, your brother has to stay in there just a little longer. Dont worry you’ll see him again,” said Gunman.

Lila continued pointing. She frustratingly jumped as he sobbed.

Gunman turned to Carmen with a look of ‘help me out here.’

Carmen returned with a ‘sorry can't help you’ look.

Gunman shook his head and took the keys. He unlocked Hugo’s door. He opened it and immediately kneeled down to hug Lila. With his head over Lila’s shoulder, she stopped crying. Hugo looked up at Carmen and Gunman, who were watching tiredly. He shook his eyebrows which said ‘can I help you with anything?’

Gunman shook his head, hesitant to speak again.

Carmen stepped forward, “Okay, Lila, lets go.”

Hugo let go of Lila but Lila didnt let go. Carmen pulled Lila by the shoulder and she started jumping while holding onto Hugo. “Nooo!” Lila yelled.

“Come on, Lila,” Carmen pulled harder and forced Lila to let go.

“Nooo!” Lila yelled, tears forming again in her eyes.

Carmen carried Lila out of the room.

Sheriff Gunman stepped to Hugo with his hands on his hips.

“Whatever,” Hugo said. He stepped back into the cell and felt something under his foot, a flat metal object. As Gunman began to close the door, the door blocked his view of Hugo for a second. Hugo ducked down, took the flat metal object and shoved it between the locking mechanism of the door. As the door closed, Hugo pulled it shut for extra impact as if it still locked.

“Okay,” said Gunman. “Sit tight.”

He locked the cell door and entered the hallway. He locked the second door and walked away.

“He didn't notice,” Hugo whispered to himself. The small metal object felt like a small wrench that was in the box of a toy that you had to build yourself. But the door was no longer locked. Hugo let go of the wrench, and it stayed in place. The door didn't move. Hugo turned around and felt the floor for anything else. He found a small paper and held it to the light on the window of the door. Crudely written on the note was “wait for the noise”.

So Hugo waited, listening for the ‘noise’. He leaned on the back wall of the cell, facing the door. 

“You ready?” said Master from the window of the door.

Hugo didn't react. His eyes were closed as he focused on the sounds of the outside.

“You’re not ready, are you? Pathetic, weak. Roadkill is what you are. I’m gonna be so happy once I put a bullet between your eyes. Of course that’ll be after-”

RRRRRRR CRASH came from the outside, like a bad car crash. A commotion of screams grew and some debris hit the wall of the building.

Hugo launched himself off the wall of the cell, bashing into the cell door. It flung open.

BANG went the cell door against the wall. The room shook a little. Hugo kicked open the door to the hallway and found the rest of the building empty. He ran outside and saw it was sunset. A sheriff’s car was crashed against one of the tree’s of the front gate of Oakhurst. The broken gate let in a small collection of wanderers. All the sheriff’s were there trying to control the situation. The inhabitants of Oakhurst were running through the streets, screaming and crying in fear. Distant screams of pain filled the air.

“Hugo,” said Mordecai. Hugo turned to his left, seeing Mordecai up the street with Carmen, Genesis, Jacob and Lila. Mordecai was holding his combat knife.

Hugo nodded and joined them.

“What’s the plan?” Carmen said.

Hugo continued walking and everyone followed.

“We’re going to the fires,” Hugo answered.

“Actually?” said Jacob.

“Hey!” said Sheriff Gunman, they all turned back to see Gunman waving at the group. He clearly saw Hugo.

“Yeah,” said Hugo. He picked up Lila and began to run. The group ran to the other side of Oakhurst, finding the chicken wire fence. “Climb, climb, climb!” said Hugo. They helped each other over with the sheriff’s rapidly approaching.

Jacob was the last over the fence and they all ran up the mountain.

“Stop!” Gunman shouted. The sheriff’s split up, half to fight the wanderers and half to chase the group.

They opened the second gates, hopped in a car and drove after the group.

Hugo and the gang ran as fast as they could while also carrying Lila. The heat from the fires grew more and more until finally they were at the wall of fire. The sky was practically dark and the only light was from the fires.

“No! No!” said a guy. There was shrill fear and terror in his voice. 

As the group got closer, they saw a person in a heat suit and they were dragging a tied-up man into the fire.

“Please! Pleasseee!” the guy screamed. Into the fire he was dragged. He squirmed as he was engulfed in flames. The orange glow covered his skin. He burned up like a marshmallow and his flesh melted off his bones. 

The person in the heat suit looked back, their face was completely covered by a thick screen.

Hugo and his group watched as the screaming stopped and all that was left was a pile of burning guts and bone.

The person in the heat suit continued onward into the fire, disappearing behind the flames.

Hugo turned back to his group, realizing the sheriffs were behind them, but they were also horrified at what just happened.

“What have we done?” said Sheriff Gunman.