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Yo, sup, hey there, and any other informal greeting. You guys didn't think I abandoned this did you? Well I wouldn't blame you...

Anyways imma stop beating around the bush and get straight to the point.

During my sudden absence I was training, I guess? I had always been taking in different media to learn and improve while writing this story, but I quickly found juggling between practice and practical use was incredibly difficult.

So I did the rational thing and, mostly thanks to the review, I put a pause to this story of mine to take in more media. Movies, games, books, anime I watched and read a lot, and realized a lot too. Unfortunately all of this extra practice may or may not have burnt me out a bit...

Anyways now that I've learned enough, and broken free from my little slump, I am going to start putting my knowledge to practical use. By writing. A lot. Just not this story for a while. After all this story is for the readers, and I want it to be the best it could be! Although that means I have some unfortunate news...

That's right from here on this story is on an official hiatus! Although I don't think that's something to be proud of... It's completely my fault as well. I should of known rushing in would only lead to dissatisfaction in my work.

I should have trained up a bit more and polished my skills instead of going off of some whim that appeared in my mind one day, but I didn't and my current state is the result.

Ahem, anyways, fear not for this story will return better than ever soon! And it will be returning with a lewd scene as an apology! (and because that is where the story leads next...) And it will be better than the Pyra scene by a thousand fold!

Welp that's all for my message to you. Toodles!

Now where's my thesaurus..?