Five Have Passed (23)
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          Five years have passed and all I can say is that the King is a bastard and Proserpinae is cute as all hell. I’m still into women and my mind has fully fit into this body. It took a while, but it finally locked in there that I’m a child now.

          “Your looking at me funny again. Could you stop?” asked Proserpinae.

          “Oh, sorry of course. I was thinking about these past five years,” I looked up at the ceiling and she did as well.

          “What are you looking at?” asked Trish.

          “Trish, she’s looking at that dead fly stuck to ceiling right there,” said Goliath pointing at said fly.

          why are they so transfixed on what I am doing all the time? Since meeting Goliath and Trish, I had earned something about people my age, they were dumb. Like why they are just like little ducklings running after their mother duck. The only person that seemed to notice this was Proserpinae.

          “Are thinking about how young everyone is and how fast life goes?” she asked.

          “Yes, yes, I am. Everyone says time moves so slow but they don’t understand how strange it is to see everyone grow so fast and you yourself as fast as them while having a developed mind,” I explained.

          Trish and Goliath just looked at me and Proserpinae like we were aliens and looked at each other. They then blushed and looked away from each other.

          The teacher, Mr. Spencer looked at us as if we were in a different world and got our attention.

          “If you all keep talking in class and not paying attention I’ll dock points,” he said.

          We all snapped to attention. In private he was wishy-washy but, in the light, known as teaching, he was a strict man. We knew that his threats were true as it had happened to both me and Goliath.

          Once, two school years ago he had told me and Goliath to stop arguing about the validity of religion and Goliath told me that God told him that I was meant to be his. Back then he was still hung-up on the fact that I liked women.

          We had our points on the assignment that day docked for talking about something that wasn’t the point of the lesson.

          The school day ended as any day would end, with a argument between me and the teacher. He in his past believed that evolution was a hoax and that Darwin was a demon.

          He started to teach that one could produce mice with a jar, a old sweaty shirt, and an egg.

          I then told him that he new better and that mice could be breed and grown just like any other animal, but he wouldn’t listen. He kept telling everyone that mice and other animals popped out of existence by certain conditions being met.

          He must have been high or something because everyone in my lifetime knew that animals grew and reproduced just like people. Unless he was from a different time. But he said he was born 1995 in his past life it’s all good on that front.

          We soon got to our rooms and I was so tuckered out that I went to bed right away.