The Creature in the Woods
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Eleanora had heard the stories since she was a child. The legends about the creature in the woods. She’d heard about how it would kidnap innocent maidens, and leave the heartiest of men bedridden. Fortunately, Eleanor was no maiden by age nor action. She’d lost her maidenhood nearly half a century ago, and in that time she had well and truly lost her innocence.


She had been a schoolmarm by trade, but a torturer by practice. She’d been taught the ways of the time, but that did not change that she had done as she was taught. To strike those under her care if they spoke up or spoke out. At times, she fears, she may have even enjoyed it.


So protected from either fate Eleanor pursued the forest that had so fascinated her in her youth. It was a beautiful forest, so sheltered by the legend that mankind had left it to flourish. No grand predators traced the woods, with only foxes to keep the hares in check. It was a peaceful place, and even if it had not truly sated her curiosity, it had well been worth the visit.


It was as the day was crawling to a close, and the sun hung low over the horizon, that she found herself facing a creature of twisted vines and bright leaves, of polished wood skin, and honeyed lips. It stood like an omen and a guard, baring the way with four gnarled wooden arms, and she gazed with a single eye made from the knot in her wooden face and a bright, jewel-like cherry within.


It was the monster of her childhood nightmares. She was the crux of her childhood dreams. It opened its mouth, a rasping voice winding through cruel thorn teeth. She spread her glistening lips, and spoke with a voice of welcoming birdsong. “Daughter of Luna, your journey has been longer than most.” Her heart beat fast, spiked with anxiety at the implication of the creature’s words. Her heart beat fast, delighting at the implication of the creature’s words. She wasn’t like them! She could be like them? She had burned that bridge, struck them until the shame bound their hearts. She had let shame bind her heart and guide her hand. 


The creature reached out with its cruel claws. She offered her hand, a smile on her lips. “Come with me, the others are waiting.” Her eyes went wide, did the creature intend to snatch her away? Her eyes went wide, did she truly intend to allow her in?


With a great force of will… Eleanora stepped back, and the creature was gone, the horror little more than a trick of the fading light. She let out a breath, such a scare far too taxing for her old heart. A part of her ached as she left the forest, a sense of loss accompanying her back to her car. As she returned home she wondered if perhaps the trip had not been so wise after all. She settled into bed with some reluctance, the discomfort only growing as she laid her head to sleep. That night, Eleanora Brooks took her last breath.


With a great force of will… Elly stepped forward. Taking the patron’s hand, she turned back to where she’d stood. Where she still stood. Where the parts of her unfit for Luna’s woods stood. She was a maiden once more, both by age and action. The years pulled back, and her regrettable nights forgotten. Untainted by men she could not love, and forgiven by the will of the wood, she was innocent once more.

The moon forgave, and the children would heal. She was as much a victim as those she had struck, just one more link in a cruel chain her patron had stripped away. She could finally accept that. She could finally forgive herself.


As she stepped into the glade, she found what she had always dreamed of. Daughters of Luna, unabashed and unafraid as they embraced, and among them, those who looked to her with open arms. She had thought she would be safe in the woods. She had been so wonderfully wrong, and so absolutely right.