Filler chapter 1 (Yes, how shameless!)
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"Congratulations on the first successful run of 'I don't want to be the Love Rival!'" All five characters says as they bow in front of the readers. The boys are wearing dapper suits and ties while the girls are wearing formal dresses.

"Thank you for supporting the first season of 'I don't want to be the Love Rival!'" Kiwi yips in her high pitched voice as she twirls around in her yellow sunflower themed dress, "It was great to see the views of this story hit over 1k! We're proud to be part of the first set of characters in this novel, as ... unique as it is." Kiwi pauses for a moment, makes a face at the word 'unique' as if she is tasting a lemon. The author feels rather threatened.

"I bet there are so many views because of the click-bait title and the picture of an attractive hot anime guy as the cover," Red says without missing a beat, "so many readers actually got swindled."

"We are just playing it smart, Red," Melissa says coolly, flicking her hair behind her ears, "from my research, every single popular story on Scribble Hub has an attractive picture and a click-bait title that hooks in the viewers, sometimes even showing beautiful or promiscuous women, or digital art of edgy warriors with contrast set to near maximum. You have to appeal to the male fantasy."

June suddenly looks agitated. "Then why is the image of a guy holding flowers? This is such a lost opportunity!"

"Uh huh. But do any of you actually want to pose half naked for the cover image of this novel?" Ace challenges, sending them a snarky grin. None of the girls reply. "Heh, thought so."

"A-anyway there should be an extent to which we can fool people," Melissa argues, "if we put an image of a scantily clad woman for the novel, there will be a whole slew of disappointed readers chasing us with pitchforks, especially since the writer does not really write a lot of fanservice and ecchi. This story is more of a lighthearted comedy... or was supposed to until all the drama" she sneaks in a scathing glare at the author, who starts trembling.

"Well look at me, I was supposed to be an incorrigible prick," Ace says, gesturing to himself, "but now I have a whole sob backstory that makes me an emotionally stunted human being rather than being a one dimensional evil, rich boy character archetype created for laughs, I think the author really didn't plan it all out."

Kiwi starts adding in, "Yeah, I got the feeling that this story was supposed to subvert dating sim tropes by  letting the rival character win other than the bland protagonist, but you turned Melissa down in that last minute plot twist." Everyone gazes at Ace, and he flinches and starts to sweat buckets.

"Ah that ending really disappointed the readers, we're already starting to get complaints. Someone even rated us 1 star after that episode," June says, shaking her head, "they must either see this crappy story for what it is, or be an unhappy Melissa shipper whose dream got ripped into pieces."

"I'm sooooorry!" Ace yells, feeling rather pressured.

"No use, you'll have to kneel down before the readers," June says, crossing her arms over her purple lacy dress.

"Maybe you should commit seppuku, like the Japanese samurai who disembowel themselves after failing to uphold their honor," Melissa says, eyes flashing dangerously.

"Lick the shoes of the 100 over viewers who saw that episode!" Kiwi raises her voice authoritatively, clearly trying to suppress her cheeky grin.

"Red! You're my only best friend, right?" Ace says with tears in his eyes at getting bullied, as he stares into Red's eyes.

"We shouldn't have him lick the shoes of the viewers," Red sighs as he stands up to speak.

Whoa, what a good friend and cinnamon roll! Red is truly the pure heart, kindest character in the novel!

"Instead, we should simply castrate him in front of all the readers to prove that our apology is sincere," Red ends, pulling out a small knife out of seemingly nowhere. Red narrows his eyes seriously while continuing to smile peacefully.

"W-why are you pulling that out? Are you serious?" Ace's voice sounds strangled in his throat.

“Right now where the  author is, it is raining pretty heavily. Even the sky is angry. Oh thunder just rang out,” Kiwi says. 

“Oof, I’m sorry for changing the tone of the story suddenly! I’m sorry for not wanting a harem in a story labeled ‘harem’, because of my shitty backstory!” Ace yells, getting onto his knees, begging for mercy. 

“Hmm, we have no time thinking back of the past, we have an agenda to accomplish in this filler episode," Melissa says as she shuffles her papers, "let's see... after the apology, we're going to personally reply to every comment made on this site, including the author's."

"Right, I'm pumped up!" June says while stretching her arms. "Bring it on with the hate!" Kiwi yells as she pumps her fists. The author sweats.

Season 1: Episode 1: Love Rival


GeriatricTools: Wooo this page has reached 69 views! (1 like)

All the characters turn to stare at the author, who was trying to run away. June grabs hold of the author's collar, making them sway precariously from their shirt and squirm around.

"You... commented on your own episode," Red breaks the silence with that one line.

"I was getting rather twitchy because there wasn't any comments!" the author whimpers, "I thought I could take the initiative...!"

"What kind of comment is- 'this page has reached 69 views'?!" Kiwi asks, "really? 69?"

Ace lets out a snort, but then when all heads turn to look at him, a disapproving glare from Melissa and confusion from Kiwi and June. He covers it up by clearing his throat.

"Sorry, I think I choked on something, go on," he says without meeting anyone's eyes.

"Episode 2 has no comments, so we'll move on to episode 3," Melissa explains.

Season 1: Episode 3: A win?

Silent_Crow: Really interesting. Waiting for more. (2 likes)

"Someone actually enjoyed it?" Kiwi squeaked, causing the author to cover her mouth and become emotional.

"Thank you for giving us such a nice comment! And to actually find it to be interesting! I hope the next few seasons would be to your liking!" Melissa says, taking a bow.

"We have another comment," Red says, taking hold of the paper.

Shirayuki: Very good, I hope the harem in the end ends with ace, because if not, this ability to go back in time will just be a hindrance to history

Everyone turns to face Ace in unison, as he let out a weak, "Huh, me?"

"Let's not address this awkward topic any further, but thanks for the comment, Shirayuki. Now we should be moving on to the last episode of the season," Melissa says, changing the topic,"by the way, we'll be ignoring GeriatricTools' long comments because they're just too long and repulsive." The author winces.

Season 1: (FINAL) Episode 4: Confession Day


Amaelzaekil: Hey Author, thanks for the story. Not sure if I'm the only reader now, but I'm sure you'll get more soon! This is a great story with readable content after all. Keep up the good work! (2 likes)

The author tears up happily. "You really shouldn't spoil the author," June says, shaking her head, "we know how they write stories without planning, making it go into weird directions, but we appreciate the compliment."

"Yeah I think we ruined the quality of this story the moment we decided to put in a 'filler episode' about us going all meta," Red says in a low voice.

Slavin: Fuck I want happy endings to these stories not what you just gave us. Will this at least get resolved later? (1 like)

Everyone turns to face Ace once again, who has bent over to shield his face.

Melissa stands to address the question, "Yes, but it would most likely be a slow process of healing for Ace over a few seasons before it all ties back in one last finale. Don't worry about thinking that your precious characters in previous seasons won't appear in subsequent seasons, because the author would bring them back pretty frequently. I won't give any spoilers but it has got to do with the story being tagged 'stalkers'. In fact, I'm surprised that the story already reached #4 under the stalkers tag... even though there are only five stories categorized under stalkers."

"The author is even more surprised that that tag kind of have other pretty similar premises involving love rivals and dating sims, one story has characters turning yandere when chasing after that story's version of shipper Ace? Hmm... what about we should all turn yandere for Ace? It'll make this story get 6.6k views!" Kiwi jumps up and down and bunches up her fists.

"Let's allow this story to remain PG13, alright?" Red says as he smiles nervously, faltering for a bit.

"We're going off-topic, let's read another comment," Ace says.

Curious-Wanderer: Normally, I would be lamenting on how I didn't come across this sacred work sooner, but I'm actually glad it turned out this way; I got to read the whole season in one sitting! Great work GeriatricTools. I'll be waiting for the next season! (1 like)

"Sacred is a bit of a stretch," Ace says immediately, "and eventually, the next few seasons will be more fleshed out, it'll be way harder to read a season in one go... but I guess that could also be a good thing."

"The author has been complaining about how they never got the opportunity to write out full length episodes for characters to bond more, and skipped over details because this is the first 'test' season," June recalls, scratching her head.

"In fact, we're too boring as characters, according to the author," Ace says with frustration, pulling out the middle finger towards the author who giggles nervously.

Anyway, I did include it as the first line of the synopsis of this story, this story is literally written for my own entertainment, so anything can really happen. Look forward to the next season of the story and remember to vote for the theme on the previous page! I really need to spend time planning out characters for the next one, so hurry up and vote!

"Don't worry if you need to flip to the previous page to vote, we can wait for you," Melissa says, throwing away the script of papers she is holding.

"Yeah! This filler episode isn't over yet!" Kiwi nods approvingly, "even after that Gintama-esque apology scene and the replying of comments. We went through the fourth wall, sixth wall and the thousandth wall, we might as well go all the way in this filler episode."

June looks thoughtful, "I guess the author did warn at the start that the sky's the limit, so alright, where should be begin?"

"Are you sure we're doing this?" Red asks, "doesn't this break reader immersion in the plot? We're already self aware dating sim characters in the world of the story, now we're self-aware characters in online fiction as well?"

Ace laughs shamelessly, "We're going to be the Deadpool of scribble hub! Screw reader immersion! Let's just leave that problem for the author to patch up later. The three girls could get the most out of their screen time now before the next season starts and new girls enter the picture."

Season 1: Episode 3: A win? (Special version)

Ace woke up to a dim white room on a clean bed. When he did, he could feel a weight next to him, and he rubbed his eyes absentmindedly, trying to see what the object was. His eyes focused, and he could see Kiwi's drooling face right next to his own. Apparently she was sitting on a chair and had fell asleep with her face-planting onto the bed.

Startled, Ace tried to get up, but he felt sharp, cool metal circling his wrists, and whenever he struggled, he couldn't get free. Feeling fear creep up the back of his neck, he tried to kick up the blankets, but he felt a weight holding each of his legs down, and the most he could do was to struggle in place. Sweat began beading his forehead, as an eerie feeling struck him, making him fear for his life.

No, this cannot be happening. This must be a trick. Kiwi liked playing tricks. Ace closed his eyes, trying to calm himself. Yes, I must be overreacting.

Two arms firmly wrapped around his back, causing him to stop in fear.

"'Mornin' Ace, why didn't you wake me up?" Kiwi asked sweetly, in a high-pitched voice, pressing her body up against Ace's chest. Her breath tickled his ears from how close she was, yet Ace shuddered.

Does she know anything about the conversation me and Red had? Did Red or June tell her anything? Is that why she played such a sick joke on me? Questions filled Ace's mind but it worsened his headache. His head sagged down towards the rise and fall of his chest.

"Don't push yourself! Here, have some cookies!" Kiwi started opening a small lunchbox filled with chocolate chip cookies. She lifted it over Ace's mouth. Ace examined it with his eyes, let she had already shoved it into his mouth in an instant. Ace could tell it was sweet, yet incredibly bitter at the same time.

"Bitter? That's just because I made it with dark chocolate... and I made it with love, after all!" she said cheerfully.

"You can't really call this a breakfast though, it's already 1 pm," Kiwi said thoughtfully.

What? "How long have I been out?" Ace asked worriedly.

"Uhh well today is Saturday, if you're asking."

Saturday... Saturday... Wasn't the confession supposed to be on Friday? How long have I been out? Ace thought frantically with a pale expression. The game was supposed to end on that Friday, when the main character would get confessed to under the cherry blossom tree behind the school.

"You don't look happy for someone who won," Kiwi said, tilting her head to the side her face filled with suspicion.

"Ah? So you-"

"June told us two what happened. Huh, who would have thought that you are the love rival?" Kiwi said with a thoughtful expression, "You did a great job of hiding it from what I can tell!"

"You aren't angry at me? And wait, I won? What happened to them?"

"Uhh huh. In fact, no one appeared under the cherry blossom tree. I was here, June gone hiking in the mountains and hasn't come back yet, Melissa also disappeared and Red, I dunno. He stopped coming to school altogether."

Every line felt like a gut punch to Ace. It wasn't true that he did not have any connection with them, as he felt like he had really betrayed them.

"I don't get it, though. Why they disappeared like that."

"The girls didn't tell you anything at all?" Ace asked quietly.

Kiwi shook her head. Ace sighed.

"I-I said a few horrible things to Red and June overheard," Ace said honestly, "about how our friendship was all a lie and I did it all for betraying them and earning points as the love rival."

"But revealing your plan three days before the final confession day, would be disadvantageous to you. Isn't the point of a love rival to attract the attention of the love interests away from the MC? And you're pretty concerned where the other girls went for someone who thinks their friendship was 'all a lie'." She said, hardly disguising her anger.

Ace was embarrassed. "Yeah, but I don't expect this at all! I know I went too far on my part, I kinda broke their trust. I didn't think that June, Red and Melissa to disappear. I was acting like a good friend before the reveal, but the worst I expected afterward them hating on me or ignoring me in school and going on with their happy school life."

"I would've been crushed if I figured out that you were lying to me all this time," Kiwi said, her tone turning absolutely neutral, "but they will get over it. I can promise you."

Ace was stunned into silence at this change in attitude. Kiwi changed the subject.

"Either way, you messed up, big time! There are so many hate comments on the fan site written about you right now that I'm reeling," She emphasized that last word. She was laughing in a shrill voice, yet it was teetering towards something like... unbridled anger?

With a heavy heart, Ace opened up the game menu and this time, it said 'Discontinued' over the title screen. He pulled up the fan site and was instantly bombarded with notifications and news about Spring Love. He firstly opened up the first article he saw.

"Spring Love takes a twist to the unexpected! Fans are now outraged against the character, who was initially thought to be the best friend of the game, but turned into a heartless traitor. But the worst part was the anti climatic and otherwise horrifying and depressing ending that no one expected from what was to be a simple, lighthearted romance."

Bracing himself, he stepped into the cesspool that was the fan forums, yet he could feel a hard throbbing against his brain. Did the concussion start to act up already? She was still lying on top of him, staring into his eyes in something he could tell was... hunger.

With the last bit of his energy, he opened up the fan forums and his eyes landed on the first title of a post.

Episodes 25, 26, 27 stopped airing after love interest Kiwi brutally murders June and Melissa over love rival, Ace.

Ace's eyes widened to the point of being bloodshot, his face turned deathly pale as he saw Kiwi slowly stroking his face gently, wrapping her legs behind and around his lower back, while pinning her thighs across his waist.

"Ah, you found out about it, confession day is over but let me say this," Kiwi brought her face an inch away from his own, and Ace could see deep black eyes staring straight into his soul. He squirmed his lower body and waist to move away from her, but she used her body to pin him down, messing up the sheets. From the corner of his eye, he could see two disfigured stumps replacing what had been his legs.

"I love you. I was their puppet, having to pretend and smile and suck up to everyone's bullshit all the time, but now you understood me. You released me," she whispered softly, caressing his cheeks with her slender fingers.

"Now I can say, this is truly who I am."

She forced her lips onto his thirstily.

"You guys totally corrupted an otherwise pure scene," June says, "but it is pretty interesting to see a messed up Kiwi."

Melissa adds, "But it does fit well with her whole character. She could be a child with twisted demented thoughts who had no choice but to act like an immature and cheerful girl in order to fit into society until she misunderstood a situation that Ace secretly likes her craziness."

"Hey! I would never go too far to kill my friends, or even do something like... b-b-bondage!" Kiwi says, feeling embarrassed.

"Now that we have yandere kiwi fanservice(?), let's go for a boy's love route to appeal to our female fans as well!" Melissa says, "we have to clear all bases! The author has the useless ability to make every kind of scene perverted."

Season 1: Episode 3: A win? (Special version 2)

"Wait, rival?" Red said in disbelief.

Suddenly, the sky grew overcast, and the light on the ground dimmed down. Since the gig was up, Ace stood up and decided to come clean. The emotions in his heart for so long felt like bursting out of his chest.

Loud, obnoxious laughter burst out of his mouth, firstly in giggles, then all out booming, sinister cackling. Red, who never saw this side of Ace before, was completely stunned.

"How stupid can you be?" Ace said with bloodshot eyes, staring into Red's eyes as he squirmed. "I was never your friend to begin with, I was actually trying to wreck all your relationships at the start. Yes, I'm your rival." Ace smiled wider, taking in Red's struggling form and pale face.

"But our friendship, your support, and how you cared about me... and the other girls, those are all real feelings, aren't they?" Red said in shock.

"Huh," Ace said, and then shrugged, "Not really. I didn't give a single damn. Melissa's problem is too easy for me to solve through parents' company, and throwing money at Kiwi's business is enough for her to beg at my heel, and I simply made use of June's insecurities to my advantage. She's just an emotionally weak girl, all she needs is a little validation and she's in love with me. As for you-"

Ace slowly crawled towards Red, and slides his finger under his shirt and across his chest seductively. In this angle, Ace was hovering over Red who blushed heavily.

"I know exactly how you feel about me," A wide, sinister grin crossed his face, as his eyes bored into Red, "and yes, I wasn't your friend from the start. It's cute how innocent you were. But unfortunately you figured it out this early." Red could feel Ace's breath on his ear.

"What about I wipe the girls out of your mind for good?" Ace laced his warm hand behind Red's neck, and Red tried to squirm out, but was completely at mercy.

"I can't see the original scene the same way ever again, thanks a lot, Geriatric," Red says with a stoic face.

"Wow, Ace wasn't lying when he said he would do anything to break up the relationships in Spring Love," Kiwi says thoughtfully.

"Let's not get too crazy with these stories, or the author would have to put up a warning for 'sexual content'," Melissa says, putting her hands on her waist, "or worse, rape."

"Right, no more crazy love." June yells, "Why don't we just parody Scribble Hub fiction tropes?"

Ace was an unremarkable boy. After a scene that happened in his childhood, he started being a shut-in, refusing to leave his room, and played games all day, gaining a lot of weight. He was known as the disgraceful son in the well-known family, and after years of being an unrelenting otaku, he was thrown out of the house and they refused to acknowledge him as their son.

After wandering the streets, he was hit by a murderous, oncoming green and grey truck.


When he woke up, he saw a beautiful goddess in front of him. That goddess' name was Melissa, who stood before him with flowing hair and kind yet cold eyes.

"You have died so young in your life," she stated, "how pitiful you are, being thrown out of your house after living such a lucky and luxurious life only to rot away at the streets."

Ace looked angry, his face the culmination of all the pain, ridicule and fatigue he suffered throughout the years, being mocked as the rich kid who couldn't even do his job right and falling to become a homeless beggar.

"Well, I don't need your pity, even if you're supposed to be an angel," he lashed out, eyes flashing threateningly.

"Relax, I'm not your enemy, in fact, I have a proposal for you," Melissa said, crossing her thin legs.

"Proposal? What, you're going to marry me?" He laughed drily.

Melissa ignored that question, "I will allow you to reincarnate into a new world, this time, with an ability of your choosing."

"Anything? Even invincibility?"

"That might be too far of a stretch, since nothing is truly invincible. Everything comes to live and die, it's a necessary part of the cycle. Many fall in various ways due to the test of time. But you can have any ability to make you extremely powerful, for example, having the ability to amass intelligence in a short period of time, being able to teleport, or even near instantaneous regeneration."

"What would you want?" Melissa asked the young man. He looked deep in thought.

"Well... Anything?" He asked suspiciously, "You won't ask for anything in return? This feels sketchy."

"You have wrongfully died in this time, so we're making up for it," she explained.

"What about you make me able to spread love in this world?" his face darkened over as he said that. Melissa tilted her head up in curiosity.

"That's a new one," she said, letting out a small laugh, "usually young men such as yourself go all out, having an ability to gain power easily, or a power to get a harem of beautiful girls. Just to indulge this goddess, why do you decide to choose this ability? Not to say it isn't noble, but I never expected you to say that."

Wait, I could've chosen to get a harem? Ace cussed under his breath. He explained.

"I-I grew up in a loveless family, in many ways. I don't think I have to go into detail with a stranger, hopefully, since you're a goddess dealing with me, I expect you to know all about me already."

"Humans are such interesting creatures, even if I try to learn within the scope of my abilities, they continue to surprise me," Melissa said, crossing her arms.

"Just s-shut up and resurrect me right now! I don't have to explain everything to you, after all," Ace said, annoyed.

"Fine, fine," Melissa said, getting up, "I'll give you a system tailored to your needs, to become powerful through creating harems for protagonists. But I'm coming with you to this world."

"Huh?" Ace was shocked by this fact.

"Nothing in my job description says that, in fact, I'm not supposed to travel with you," Melissa said.

"Then what the heck?"

"I just want to see what kind of world you can turn this place into," she said cryptically, flicking her fingers, "and in this world, you will want to have a goddess at your side."

"What kind of world is this?" Ace raised an eyebrow, "Can you at least tell me before we go?"

"You'll see when we get there."

A white light illuminated everything in front of Ace, he screamed, letting that light engulf him.



When he woke up, he stood up, teetering to his side with a strong headache.

Gah, where am I? Ace thought, I feel like I'm having a hangover. He stood up, feeling his body rise without much effort, which made him feel unbalanced, strangely enough. He felt all over his body, trying to brush dust off him, when he felt that his body was... strangely curvier than normal. His chest was strangely shaped like a woman's.

He brought his left hand to squeeze, and it filled his hand. He squeezed as hard as he could, and he could feel a sharp pain burst through his chest, making him squeal in a high pitched voice.

It dawned upon him. Did I turn into a girl? Ace saw the body of a fainted woman beside him who resembled the goddess, long hair and all without her other-worldly clothes. She bent down to wake her up, shaking her repeatedly.

"Hey! What's the meaning of this? Why did I turn into a girl?!" She shook the fallen goddess but to no avail.

"Look what we have here," a low, silky voice drew his attention as he felt the blade of a sword pushed against his neck, "two travelers walked right into our turf, how careless."

"Boss June! How do you want us to handle them? They look like they could have money on them!" One of the women cried out. Ace could see that he was surrounded by a group of fearsome women in skin tight clothes that reminded him of what female rogues wore in RPGs.

"Beat them up!" June shouted coldly as the women readied their weapons to battle.

"What a cliffhanger! It almost feel like we're transported to another story, we could publish this type of plot and forget about 'I don't want to be a Love Rival!'" Kiwi gushes, feeling rather excited.

"With special ability, possibility of harems and reincarnating into a girl, this story might really take off," Ace says calculatingly, stroking his chin.

"Instead of Scribble Hub cliches, why don't the author try to write one of those very literary kind of stories?" Kiwi suggests, "We can extend our target readers beyond teenagers and young adults and younger, to older people or people who enjoy very elaborate descriptions."

"The author doesn't have varied vocabulary to do that," Melissa says sadly, shaking her head in disapproval, "their vocabulary stopped expanding after the age of 13. In fact, they are learning Chinese right now, so their English language proficiency can only go downhill from here on."

"Chinese? Ah, I think Chinese webnovels and fiction based around ancient Chinese culture is getting more popular these days," June says contemplatively, "I saw something about concubine stories or stories about cultivation-"

"The author apparently doesn't get the appeal of them, but more that they think reading stories with Chinese influences in English is quite weird, and it also reminds them how much they suck at Chinese. Actually, the author sucks in both languages," Red says, embarrassed that he is a character created by such a writer.

"This comes to the end of our filler episode," Melissa says in relief, "I hope you can forgive us for resorting to this measure to get more votes for the next season's theme and to stall time for the writer to plan ahead for the next season!"

Actually guys... I haven't started planning my characters yet.

"You WHAT?!" All the five people in the room turn to face GeriatricTools who scratches their neck nervously.

I'm pretty sure we'll be receiving more complaints from here on out. I have to apologize for this! But don't worry! Just like how scandals make celebrities more famous, I'm sure our infamy will make this story much more well-known online! We might even cheat the system and go into trending! ... After I make at least 25 chapters/episodes, of course. This story already ruined the harem genre with Ace's sudden rejection... How the dating sim system actually messed up Ace's life... Just how many genres can we ruin for people? Mwahahaha!

"How evil," Kiwi says, shuddering as if a chill has swept into the room.

"I wouldn't be surprised if the author adds a loli to one of the dating sims, only to reveal that she was lying about being legal age, and that the main character goes to jail for a few years after trying to romance her because of realism," Melissa says, highly disturbed.

"You do know that by saying such things so brazenly, our handful of around 39 readers will drop us," Red sighs.

In that case... I'll start spin-offs capitalizing on one of the off-shoot stories we made just now. Ace being reincarnated as a girl sounds rather lucrative. If I spam obsessive ecchi, fanservice and GL, I can make full use of the ultimate male fantasy, and even draw attention away from my poor writing skills. Hah, I better learn how to narrate the movement of succulent breasts, and make more than 100 euphemisms for them that I can reuse throughout the story shamelessly.

"Our readers are really going to drop this story," Red says, sweat sliding off his forehead.

"Cheer up, Red, it'll be fine. This story is still doing well for a new story, 1.3k views!" Melissa shouts encouragingly, "I don't think GeriatricTools has better ideas than this one! What will they do without us?"

"You're going to be the goddess in that reincarnation story, of course you're not worried," Red says in a deadpan voice.

"Oh, Red, cheer up! At least your character won't be dropped despite how vanilla you are," Ace jabs Red on his side.

I came up with the roles you guys will have in that reincarnation story! Ace will be the main character who turns into an impressively hot girl. Melissa would be the powerful and gentle goddess who is slightly OP and very helpful despite her cold personality. June will be one of the love interests in the first harem who is also the leader of a group of rebels who are fighting against the Fardian Kingdom's royal hierarchy, and are banished to place their territory in the center of the Sarbarian desert. Kiwi would be a battle mage and another love interest who had her famous mage father brutally killed in front of her, and is wandering lost in the desert. Red would be a reincarnated half-frog half-ferret species that usually gets killed by 4 year olds while training. 

"I'm no longer human... And I even reincarnated as a half-frog half-ferret. What on earth does that look like?!" Red protests, grabbing the author by the scruff of their shirt.

"I have a problem with Red's role," Ace says seriously, raising his hand. Red smiles gratefully. Such a kind brother like friend, Red thinks, feeling moved.

"Apparently, frogs are amphibians and they live near ponds, so a half-frog monster can't live in a desert," Ace explains, bringing out a whole chart showing a frog swimming in water, "their young spends most of their lives underwater, and frogs' skin can dry up."

The author nods in agreement.

"That isn't the point!" Red yells, feeling cheated.

Well, then there will be an oasis in the desert. Ace will have to transport more water to keep the half-frog half-ferret creature alive as they travel.

"Huh, how tedious caring for this pet is," Ace complains, wrapping his arms across his chest.

"It's me you're talking about, you know!" Red argues, tackling Ace down, "As a monster, I can level up and kill you damnit!"

"A monster that can be killed by 4 year olds isn't a threat! What about I try to eat you instead?" Ace laughs.

"Ah talking about killing each other in another world, what close friendship they have," Kiwi says dreamily.

Alright, this should be the end of the filler episode. We shouldn't drag this out longer unless we want pitchforks in our faces. Ace, you will have real angry people haunting you at night this time. But it does feel nice writing like this freely, without bothering about the specifics too much like a 'real' story.

"Thank you for supporting us for this long (despite only having 5 chapters)!" All five characters bow in front of the readers once again.

“We appreciate all the hearts and comments we get! It is always fun to read them~” Kiwi chirps, her eyes sparkling. 

“It’ll be hard to forget the cast of the first season, but we’ll be moving on to a whole new chapter... adventure and mystery elements blended into a dating sim. It’ll be pretty interesting,” Ace says secretively, putting a finger to his lips.

Next episode will be the start of season 2!