Chapter 76: The Auction Part 2
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Chapter 76: The Auction Part 2

The auction continued and honestly, it was a fairly enjoyable show. I hadn’t really watched auctions before, and to be fair, I’m still not interested in the idea of them for normal entertainment. It is just a bunch of people throwing money at products, hoping to be the biggest bidder.

Although the Nexus Marques brought its own fun spin to the formula. Because of the structure of many people bringing in their own items to sell, there were a bunch of weird and crazy things up for sale, with their prices varying from the crazy end to the low and reasonable. There were probably many auctions like this, but I didn’t know about them because it was not a field I held an interest in.

There was also the fact that the main chase items in the auction were in the back, waiting for their turn. This meant the richest lot weren’t that interested in the lower grade items, which allowed there to be more of a fight between those who didn’t care about Craftalots products and were just after what they found interesting–which led to tighter competition for those items.

How did that make it pass the quality control check?

(" You have said that twenty-six times now ”)

You know what, I probably have.

The current object was a statue with a certain phallic shape. Not one-to-one, but damn, it was close. Honestly, the main reason for my confusion was that I figured a person who would want such an item like this, would’ve brought it personally already, but there was a tight race between at least sixteen parties who wanted to get it.

Due to not being interested in this current race, I decided to ignore the screen for a moment to check the surrounding area. People had come and gone many times; there were a few people who returned to this open area, but many more would've, after a nap, watched the auction in different areas or their own homes.

Nearing the end… It's been a fun time.

It was the afternoon of the third day of the auction, then once the new day began and after a two-hour break, the final leg began with Craftalot items up for sale. It was still nine hours away from when the Craftalot segment started.

There were items of all sorts that had been sold so far. From the weird to the wonderful. Plenty of weapons and equipment were also sold, which made sense given the fact that the people here were looking to buy Craftalot’s items. By equipment, I was referring to anything between battle armour, mechs, and ships; for the latter of those options, they weren’t brought inside.

Anything that caught your eye, Espr?

(" Would you buy it for me if something did? ”)

Course not.

(" Figured, what an unkind friend ”)

Even a friend wouldn’t just buy something just because they were asked to by a friend.

(" An unkind friend indeed ”)

Stop with your bullshit, 

(" Oh, was I that obvious? ”)

I shook my head and looked into the sky. 

No not all; honestly, I had to try really really really hard to see through your skilful multilayer deceit. 

(" Thanks for the wonderful comments, but to give you an answer, no, nothing has caught my senses ”)

Too bad, maybe something will come.

(" I wouldn’t mind that ”)

Unbeknownst to either of us, something that would catch Espr's eye would come around. 

Many more items were sold, and some weren’t sold at all; honestly, it was a very impressive sight to see the absolutely dead soul-crushing silence as not a single person bid.

The announcer revealed the newest item.

[“Now! For our next item, a special one. So far known to be only one of a kind, Paradise Dungeon Orb.”]

(" Oh my… ”)

Espoiramissa for the first time in forever, sounded genuinely surprised.

This of course grabbed my attention.

(" Just… let the announcer explain first. I’m curious with what they are going to say ”)


I nodded and paid close attention to the next segment.

[“This item is a wonderful product that can create a portal to a specific dungeon anywhere in the universe.”]

I could hear the murmurs in the surrounding area. A bit of confusion among the citizens and complete shock in the hunter and associate groups.


[“This is an artefact that was found in a dungeon long ago, and has been found and brought to this auction first!”]

Why would… anyone sell such an item?

Being able to create a portal to a dungeon was an amazing power, even if the dungeon in question was locked. A portable portal dungeon had many great uses, but it also meant you could set up your base of operation anywhere. A company wouldn’t need to set up an outpost on a moon or station, soldiers or hunters could train without spending money on travel. Its usage would depend on how big the dungeon was, but there were plenty of uses. 

[“The bidding will start at 100,000 credits.”]

The description ended and–

(" That’s it? ”)

–the bidding began.

The number went up and there was a moment for silence before–

(" Hahahaha! ”)

–Espoiramissa began to laugh.

(" Hahahaha, a portable portal to a dungeon? Haha, ahhhh, what a good show. Happy lives were lost and extinguished to make that discovery. I doubt no less than ten, human greed can be endless in the wrong hands after all ”)

Espr, what is?

Espoiramissa ignored my question for a moment and continued with their ramble.

(" One after another lost at an attempt to strike it rich, but in the end, this is just a vain attempt to recoup losses. Oh, I wish I found out about this sooner, I would’ve loved to have watched the chaos unfold ”)

Espr, can you explain what this item is?

I was concerned with how Espr was acting, I couldn’t tell if the item was something good or bad. The actions surrounding it certainly were bad if Espr's theory was correct, but the item itself was still a mystery for me.

Espoiramissa counted first with a question,

(" I have a question for you, Ceella; do you think that item works as intended? ”)


I did partly answer that way due to the fact that Espr was even asking it in the first place, and their previous attribute was a giveaway.

(" Any guesses why? ”)

Based on what you said and going off the situation that this item was previously in the hands of people that could use it… I’m assuming it’s not a portal dungeon.

(" The easier option, but still correct ”)

But, of course, it must seem to be a portal dungeon.

I thought about it for a moment.

Communication and spatial tracking equipment can pinpoint someone if they are in a portal dungeon, so it must produce a similar effect.

(" Smart guess ”)

Are you going to inform me what it is?

Espoiramissa paused. 

(" I kind of do? But, I shouldn’t… however, I will if you ever get a hold of that item ”)

Buying it was out of the question, and stealing was going to be impossible, so it was likely Espr would never give me an answer.

Shouldn’t because you can’t, or shouldn't because you don't want to?

(" I don’t want to ”)

Fuck sake, Espoiramissa.

For better or worse, Espr didn’t comment on that item anymore, and it was sold for quite a good amount. Unsurprisingly, there was a tight race for it.

The auction went on and soon we reached the final break before the final act of the auction began. 

Then, while I was sitting and watching the stars waiting for the break to be over.

“Ah, nice to meet you again.”

A recently familiar face appeared. Still wearing the black and orange company uniform with the orange robin as a logo of the Rudzik Fighters. The first group of people I beat up on the second segment.

How the fuck does he know who I am?

(" I gave you a fake status, however, I never changed that fake status at any point ”)

Of course, you didn’t.

To be fair, I never asked Espr to do that, but if I did, there would be a cost I wouldn’t want to pay anyway.

I sighed. “Yo, here to bother me again?”

“It would be a lie to say I wasn’t interested at all, I was asked to look for you after what happened, but I only came by you today as I was coming for food.”

“Then are you going to bother me?”

“No, I said I wouldn't annoy you.”

“Well, you are kind of doing it right now.”

The man sighed and sat down with a glass of beer.

I said, “Aren't you enjoying the show with your crew?”

“Too noisy, plus tension is high. I mean, of course, it is. They want to get at least one of the items.”

“Fair.” I thought for a moment that moving now would be too much of a hassle, so I added, “Well, you can stay here and watch it. Either go down the bottom or stay up here and shut up are your two options.”

“I will gladly take that offer if it means I can be away from the children for a bit.”

So with that, I had a drinking buddy or movie acquaintance to enjoy the last act of the show with.