The Girl from Another Place
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Hi! This is my first time writing both in this website, and also writing an actual novel! Any Constructive criticism would be appreciated, just please don't be overly mean about it. Thanks for reading!

It was a mistake coming here.

Exploring any new dungeon that hasn't been explored yet, Much less the ones that haven't had their danger levels announced is like walking into a room full of spikes and Willingly stabbing yourself in the head with one of them. And yet despite everyone's warnings, We chose to venture it like Desperate Fools.

And what desperate fools we were. The only person left alive in this party is me. The others have died, and soon i'll be joining them, too. But even if my situation's desperate, I Won't lose my life here. Even if my legs are starting to break from the continuous running i've been doing, I still want to live, Damnit.

But I've been running for the past several minutes, and yet i still find no stairs that leads me up. Even when we left markers to indicate where to go back, It seems this dungeon is one that continues to change with every descent and ascent. My situation has become way more dire than i've expected.

But i can still run. I can still breathe, and i can still fight. And when a goblin is about to stab his sword right onto my face, I successfully blast him away with a magic spell before i continue running. My only focus is getting out, and i don't intend to waste my time to gain a few Experience Points. Not when i'm being chased by the thing that killed everyone.

Even if it was Big, He was still faster than i had expected him to be. I could hear and feel his footsteps just after dealing with the goblin. I realized then and there that i wouldn't be able to escape him with how fast, on the account that my legs had been wounded by his axe. but i still kept on going. Even when i knew the inevitable was about to come, I still had hope.

But that hope would soon be extinguished as He comes into my vision.

The Minotaur of my Nightmare, His axe coated with the blood of my comrades.

I desperately run, ignoring the excruciating pain coming from my legs. but he was faster, and seconds later, he would catch up with me, His axe ready to be swung.

I close my eyes and wait for the inevitable. But, something unexpected happened...

Lucky Shot.

If that missed, then she would've been another corpse like the guys from down below. I'm starting to get used with using a Revolver now, but proficiency aside, It looks like the minotaur's focused on me now after i shot his head. Looks like he's not backing down, even with a .44 Magnum stuck in his brain. So this time i took the time to aim, only for the minotaur to quickly close in on my position.

It surprised me at first, but I managed to shoot his left leg in panic, Letting me have the time to at least roll away from his swing, barely taking a hit on my left arm and take a quick shot, which hit his body.

Side note: Don't roll on hard concrete. That was painful.

I Ignore the pain, and take a proper shot at his legs. Three shots, two hits, and a click from the gun.

I quickly pull out the speedloader from my pocket, and Reload the gun, storing the now empty speedloader back into my pocket. It's a special little thing, i wouldn't dare to lose it.

By the time i got the Revolver loaded, The minotaur recovered from the onslaught of bullets i gave him, and he was about to swing his axe again. I quickly took aim, and shot at his head. Four Shots, and he was dead by the final shot. At that time, He managed to graze my left arm a bit, but I managed to take him down. I make sure that he's dead with the fifth and sixth shot, because if it can take alot of shots, who's to say it isn't playing dead?

I let out heavy breaths, and wince from the pain now that the adrenaline gone. Rolling on concrete was a really bad idea, especially when you still have a few wounds on your body.

Still, I managed to save the only person that i've seen that was alive when i came to this world. I slowly walk towards her, and offer her a hand.

"You alright?"

And that's all i could write for today. I'll definitely post a chapter tomorrow though, so stay tuned!