The Journey to A Proper Start
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Well, i got out scott free, and i finally got some money to top it off. But the problem is that I'm still wounded, and i don't know how long I've been out for. Considering that the guild master guy was here, I'm assuming i woke up just in time for the stampede to be over, but we'll see how it goes. Now I'm in some place in the commerce district, or what i think is the commerce district.

From what i remember after walking around this place, this place had a lot of shops, and inns. It's also where i started, considering the adventurer's guild is here... somewhere. I'm certain it's here somewhere, but whatever. I don't need to go there right now. I need about... two or three things.

  • A nice amount of healing potions. I know for sure there's gonna be those around here, otherwise I'm gonna feel scammed coming here.
  • New clothes, or getting the high school uniform repaired. I might not like the uniform, but if the cost of some new fit is somehow expensive, then I'll just stick to wearing this more.
  • A Weapon! Definitely a scythe.

First thing first, Healing potions. Walking around with bandaged wounds is gonna be a pain, so i walked around, and i found a place that had the red cross sign. Figured it was the universal sign of health care, so i went in. And guess what? I was right. The smell of some fragrant herbs, the shelves filled with various colored potions, and a guy brewing potions in the corner of the shop until he noticed me. "Ah, you... You look like you are in dire need of healing. Do not worry, dear friend. I have some." He stops his brewing, takes one of the shelf potions, and places it on the counter. "5 gold, and this'll heal up your every wounds nicely." That's alot. But, i also have alot, so...

I place the 5 gold next to the potion, grab it, pull the cork out, and then just down it. It tasted like proper dogwater, but i feel like the wounds are actually rapidly healing, so there's that. Once i drink the entire thing, i open up a part of the bandages on my left arm, and what do you know? wound gone. In hindsight,  i probably should've asked about the side effects first or if the potion actually works, but i guess the pain really dumbed my brain down.

Whatever. I got what i wanted, and that's the first thing out of the list.

The second and third should be simple enough, in theory. The guild master mentioned that there was a smithy just a few walking distance from here. I Retraced my steps from the prison building, and then i started walking around. walked around a bit more. and a bit more. and more.

I was starting to wonder if  the guild master lying or if he's under-exaggerating the distance. but then i found it when i walked west of the prison. I walked every direction, and i didn't check the west side of prison until i walked every direction. That's what happens when you don't point out the specific directions, damnit.

So, i wasted a bunch of time walking. Whatever. I let out a soft sigh as i walked inside, finding a store with an array of weaponry, armors, and a dwarf just idling on the counter. Atleast... i think it's a dwarf. Could be a really short, stubby guy with a big beard and muscles, but i'm just being pedantic here. The dwarf looks at me with some stink eyes, as if he's already predicting what i was gonna say next. "You adventurers sure break things fast, huh? Gimme your thing, and i'll get it done in a few moment." Why would he-- oh, right. My clothes are kind of ruined, and there was a monster stampede happening... few days ago? I should've asked how long i was out for.

"Just here to buy a new weapon... And new clothes, at least." I clarified to him as i raised my right hand. "Then you're gonna want to visit another store for clothes. As for weapons... well, look around! If it's got your interest, then i'll sell it to you. I've got some armor as well, if you're looking for a different style of fightin'!" Well, i mean... armor's just reinforced clothes, right? I've got two things that i wanted, so a win for me.

"Of course, if you're lookin' for somethin' extra, and you've got a lot of money in your pocket, then i can make somethin' custom just for you with enchantments and all that." I look around to see if there's any scythes he's selling in this shop. Nada. Guess i'll go ahead with the offer, then. "Alright. How much?"

"5 Plats, and i'll make whatever y'want. Be it armor, Weapon, or both. And i'll make sure it's fine tuned for whatever y'wanna do." Pretty confident. But all i've seen from his works is swords, maces, and the other conventional stuff. Is it really gonna be worth it? Besides, 5 plats is exactly how much platinum i have, so...

I check my bag and let out a inquisitive hum while i try to figure out if the benefits outweighs the risk. I might as well ask him about it. "Hey, so. Can you make scythes?" I ask, taking out 5 platinum and weighing it on my hand as i stare at him.

"A Farmin' tool? What, you gonna cut up some extra hard crops or somethin'?" Must be a dwarven joke, or something. "Jokes aside, can't see why you want a weapon like that, lady. Those things are big, heavy, unwieldy... Then again. i've seen that A-Ranked adventurer use a big damn sword like it was a light wooden toy." It's a fantasy world, after all.

"Well, can you do it?" I place the coins on the table. "If it helps, i've used scythes as a weapon plenty of times before. If there's anyone qualified to use scythes, then it'd be me." I give him a little reassuring smile to help off his nerves, and then? He lets out a sigh, and takes the money. "Fine. I'll make your weapon. I'll assume you want some light armor, too." I give him a thumbs up, and he nods. "Come back in a day or two, then. I'll get it done in that time."

That fast? "Hope you make somethin' good, then. See ya in a few days." I wave him off, and walked away.

That's the first and second thing done. Kind of. I still need to repair the clothes, but the bandages serves as a temporary fix for patches, and i'm kinda tired. I'll go ahead and get a room in an inn, and get some sleep.

I've got money to last me a long time, A weapon being created, and tomorrow, I'll [Hopefully] get some new clothes, and then? I'll get to registering as an adventurer.

For now, i just wanna sleep. Hopefully I don't see Him in my dreams.

{Chapter 9 END}

I'm planning to write up some extra stuff for patreon-only users after chapter 10 drops. They won't be too significant to the main plot, but they might be an interesting read nonetheless. After that, i'll write chapter 11 proper.