Chapter 1
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The world around me begins to morph the people rapidly disappearing and replaced with a large lake or at least what I presume is a lake from the surroundings to it as I cannot actually see the other side of the lake nor the edges of the lake however the normal looking trees and such make it appear to be far closer to a lake than to an ocean. A block of blue text appears in front of me.

<Welcome to the Dinutolumitus Continent>

<An unfair game for Supremacy>

<All participants//

A hand waves through the screen. "You don't need that yet." I turn to face the being, the world I was in completely gone. The being is a perhaps the most beautiful creature I have ever laid eyes upon and likely to be the most beautiful creature I will ever lay eyes upon. Something about her physical body simply screams beauty. However that is triggering every single fibre of my body telling me to run away from this place.

"Who are you and how do I get back to Earth from here?"

"Get back? Nah that's not happening sorry to say and well for your other question you may call me the Lady of the Lake." After she finishes talking she stares at me as if she expects something of me. Perhaps it would be best if I bow to her? Maybe she is expecting more questions from me I'm not exactly sure and well the Lady of the Lake really doesn't narrow it down. I mean she could be similar to the Arthurian Lady of the Lake or she could perhaps be the one from Traunsee in Austria which kills mortals whom see her...

I look at her again after having got lost in my own question and she truly seems impatient yeah I'd better bow.

I place my right hand on my left shoulder and bow down to the ground. "Greetings to you Lady of the Lake and to what do I owe the pleasure of meeting you?"

"That asshole the Lord of Fate and Lady Luck decided that you were to be my helper, assistant or something along those lines I can't really remember what he said it was quite fast all things considered. Anyway I'll be showing you around your new responsibilities."

"Responsibilities for?" I say as I straighten up from my bow I think that was long enough to be polite to this being.

"Ahh yes welcome to Dinutolumitus Continent new Lord of the castle, you'll be in charge of bringing glory for the fae courts since we have been forced to enter into this ridiculous situation. You can thank me later that you don't have to do the other annoying stuff those other chumps have to do and have an actual great race in that of the fae to support you rather than something stupid like humans." She begins walking off to my right. Where a rather large castle that sits half over the river and half on the land has appeared.

"I presume there's a reason you are insulting humans to a human, correct?" After stating so I head off after her as I don't really want to get too far away from her.

"Well other than the fact that you humans are not magical by nature and don't really have your own God to rely on no not really. Anyway you won't be human for long. Not a good look after all why would the Fae need something like that to represent them. Sadly I couldn't choose one of the Fae something about it being unfair. But bollocks to that I say." Every word that came out of her mouth seemed to radiate smugness.

"What exactly would I be turning into from a human?"

"Oh probably a Gean-Cánach that would probably be the most helpful but it might not be it depends on your personality."

"I see."

Before I can say more we arrive at the large castle I'm sure we started further away from it. Probably something she did to change how far we walked or had to walk. "Welcome to your basic castle, inside is your new lifeline it's some stone or something your physical form can be killed and you'll respawn at the day break from the stone if it hasn't been smashed in the mean time. Oh and I think there was something about a week long grace period as well where it couldn't be smashed but I can't remember fully."


"Yes indeed." After she speaks a wolf howl echoes from behind us. "Ahh the locals, yes best to get on to the next stage soon." Upon hearing her speak the wolf makes a noise as if it has been hurt and I presume it slunk away.
The lady continues walking off the right of the castle. I don't know why it'd spawn me on the left if what we had to see was to the right but I guess that's the thing with the fae they aren't exactly known for being the most accomodating. Before us stands a grand statue with a ring of water around it which leads into the lake the statue has a pink glow around it. "What in the Hel is that."

"No no, what in the Dinutolumitus is that, Hel's another place entirely that skank Hel lives there."

"Anyway, due to you having a castle on both land and water you'll get two pulls at the first one with all guaranteed water units and the other with all guaranteed land units you can thank me about the castle placement later on. This is where you get to make the pulls from by the way. The pull availability refreshes daily so make sure to use it appropriately." The statue itself looks like a fairy from tv and not something I'd associate with the more fantastical fae I mean the teeth aren't even razor sharp.

"So how do I make these pulls exactly?"

"Oh yeah just place your hand on any part of the statue and then a screen will show up then just pull. Do it now so I know you understand. Then I think we have to talk about two or three more things and then I can get out of here." She quickly begins tapping her foot impatiently."

"As you command oh Gracious One." I say and place my hand upon the rim of the statue. Before me a screen shows up. It has 3 options currently shown. Two which are free pulls and one which is paid pulls I quickly push on the one that summons water units then whilst that is happening I push on the one about land units. I take a few steps back from the statue just in case. Soon after stepping back 10 balls of light appear in the water quickly followed by 10 balls of light on the land in front of the statue. The balls of light begin to develop on the land appears 3 different creatures with wildly differing humanoid appearances. Perhaps there are 4 different types of creatures. Meanwhile there are only 2 different creatures in the pool of water. The ones in the pool are mostly split between vaguely humanoid and what appears to be seals.

"Oh you got lucky you pulled out a sea Trow, 7 nymphs of various kinds and 2 selkies. Anyway you 10 water creatures just head off and protect the castle from underwater threats. Check back in tomorrow in the morning. Shoo Shoo." The woman waves her hand around at them. "As for you land creatures not so lucky. I mean 7 pixies, a boggart, a Banshee and a Brownie. The beings that I'm assuming are pixies look a little offended by this statement what with their gnashing sharp teeth or perhaps that's just their normal state...

"What precisely is unlucky about this?"

"Oh you just didn't draw into any combat units. I'm surprised you could get a Banshee without one of them I mean no offense to these beings but none of them are particularly good at killing. I'm surprised it didn't spit out something like a Dullahan. Anyway onto the next thing, I can bring one item from your world to this to aid in your progression but you have to actually own it. Oh and don't bring something stupid like a phone, no wifi or anything like that around here and even if there was your phone probably wouldn't connect to it properly."

"I see, in that case could I perhaps have my collection of Encyclopaedia Britannica's technically there is 30 books but as the chief editor Warren E. Priece says, the fifteenth edition of the encyclopaedia Britannica is not three encyclopaedias; it is one encyclopaedia specifically designed to be used in three different ways." The lady seems to role her eyes at me.

"I don't particularly care but sure. Hope it helps somehow. The next thing is you should be able to bring up a system interface, don't do it now though do it after I'm gone. It's got chat rooms and a few other things that you can use to interact with the other lords. Oh and then there's the upgrade menu in the castle itself I'm sure you can find it somehow anyway toodle doo." The woman seems to fade into a mist and disappear from me view leaving me with a bunch of fae staring at me.

"Well do whatever you guys want without damaging any of my property or person, oh and make sure you are back here in front of the fountain by the time the sun rises please." At my words the beings zip off to who knows where and do who knows what. I think I'd best check up on this upgrade thing first and then I can come back and look at the other pull which I didn't use after that. Oh and I need to look into this chat wonder if it'll have anything useful.