Chapter 4
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Sorry about this being so late. There should be another chapter coming tomorrow or the day after.

"My lord." One of the summoned beings disturbs me from my planning for the future.

"Yes what do you want with me?" I respond an annoying buzzing noise is coming from somewhere behind me now but I guess that can wait at least for now.

"Oh I was just wondering whether you wanted anything to eat my lord." The creature moves it's feet around as if it is nervous about something I wonder what that could be?

"No not particularly I haven't really felt any such needs since I got here. But thank you for your interest." I say the creature steps side to side as if it was nervous. What else could it want to ask? "Is there something else that you wish to ask me?"

"Well it's just that milord I don't actually know your name and I feel like I'm supposed to know it?" Oh what exactly do they know about me?

"You can just call me Rosen." The brownie looks surprised as if they hadn't expected me to tell them or something. "Do you have a name that I can use for you?" The brownie shuffles around nervously again.

"Uhmm maybe later when we aren't in their prescence." The buzzing noise must be the pixies and I guess the amount of them has increased from the fact that the buzzing has greatly increased. I turn to face them.

"Eheheee." One of the pixies covers it's mouth whilst I presume the others are making the noise.

"Is there something that you require of me? I thought you'd be out messing around with whatever you could find individually to be quite honest." I say to the pixie's these creatures are well known for playing tricks as are most of the fae. I mean I think the only two I can trust to not pull tricks on me are the Banshee and the Brownie well maybe the boggart as well I don't know much about them.

"Eheheee, may I have your name." I pause for a second in shock are they actually trying this simple trick even I know about this one and I know next to nothing about the fae. "Uhmm why is your jaw dropped like that?"

"Are you seriously suggesting that you didn't overhear the conversation between me and the brownie from before?" The other pixie's float away from the one who asked as if they had nothing to do with all of this.

"Ahhh uhmmm, ahhh, uhmm... Well err."

"Please if you didn't hear what to call me currently just say as much." Her muttering is annoying but it is getting in the way of getting resources for my castle and well if they aren't going to play tricks on the wildlife they can hopefully gather me some wood for the other stuff.

"I didn't hear it, though I'm not sure about my other siblings." She finally says noncomittally I guess she did hear it but wants to have it said to her anyway.

"You all may call me Rosen." I say as the pixie's congregate in the same spot again. I guess they like grouping up around each other. "Now I have another question, may I ask you to collect me a large amount of wood for tomorrow. If you feel you can't then please just search around my domain and tell me what creatures exist in it that are above the ground. I'll ask those in the water about those below it and I guess I'll have to wait for someone else to know about what is in the ground." Bah running a fae kingdom is such a hassle.

"Milord did you perhaps know about the trick where you answer yes to a pixie that asks for your name and then they steal it from you?" The brownie suddenly asks from behind me.

"No I did not already know about it being pixie's I thought it was Faelfs. But I thought I may as well get practice in for if one of them shows up." The pixie's meanwhile have all huddled up as if they are consulting with each other. They also seem to deflate after hearing my comment I guess they thought they were doing something smart but everyone knew about it already.

"We will go and see what other creatures are around these parts Lord Rosen! The pixie's quickly say."

"Ah wait before you go you should get one of you permanently as the leader of your little group of pixie's and give them something noticeable and well permanent so that I can distinguish them from the rest of you."

"There aren't many of us surely you will be able to distinguish us from each other!" One of the pixie's seems outraged at my statement.

"I am terrible with names I lose them all the time and there will likely be many pixie's joining us in the future. So I'd rather get one of you as a leader who reports to me sorted out. I don't care who you chose as the one that reports to me and is your leader but please do it quickly before you get more competition tomorrow."

"Ehh you mean you don't care how we sort it out!" The pixie's all have devilish smiles and start zipping towards each other as if they are in a rush to tear each others throats out.

"Now Brownie whilst they are talking how about we go and discuss the matter we were talking about earlier on in private whilst they are busy."

"As you wish milord." The brownie takes a step and seemingly reappers at the far corner of the room. Quite a nice ability I hope whatever I become has that power as well. I walk quickly over to where he is but not running I mean a gentleman never runs inside.

"Now please tell me what I may refer to you as."

"Uhm I don't have a name. Could you please give me one?" The brownie nervously says.

"I see that's why you did not want the pixie's to know. I shall call you for now as Persine Arferti Alfre." I whisper in his ear and then realise I should check if that is okay after all the name is a little complex. "That is fine with you right?"

"Ahh yes of course! The brownie beams at me."

"Ahh good then I shall call you Persi for short I believe."

"Named by our lord what a wonderful feeling to have I'm such a lucky brownie!" He seemingly beams at me. This may become problematic latter I hope not cause I really don't want to have to name all the brownies or something or even all the pixie's. That would most certainly get tedious.

"Anyway I shall be outside figuring out how to bring down a tree for it's wood. It seems I wonder if there are any axes lying around." I sigh as I head over towards the door. Oh I'm also going to have to get mining equipment for those mermaids to get me nice stone and help me form a nice and deep moat around the castle. Well digging the moat and getting the stone will at least be something done together. I'm quite glad this is all happening near to a lake. Well at least this much shouldn't be too hard to get done.